Today’s cook is going to be a fun one! Cajun BBQ chicken on the Oklahoma Joe’s Bronco using the Bayou Classic Chicken Leg Rack,
Step 1. Brine: Anytime I cook chicken, and time allows, I try to use a brine. Today we’re going for a Cajun kick with our Geaux Creole seasoning, tiger sauce, and a few cups of water. Make enough to cover the tops of the chicken. Let it sit for a few hours, or preferably overnight.
Step 2. The Pit: Before seasoning the chicken I’m going to fire the pit up. This allows it to come up to temp while I’m working on other things. I’m using a half basket of Kingsford Blue, any coal will work, you’re aiming for a pit temp around 270F. Before placing the heat deflector/grate back in the pit remember to add any wood, we’re using cherry today.
Step 3. Seasoning/Rack: Not really shown in the video. I’m using the Daigle’s BBQ Cajun rub and lightly seasoning all sides of the chicken. Once seasoned I place on the Bayou Classic Chicken Leg Rack. Let the rub sit on the chicken for at least 30 minutes.
Step 4. Drop Em In!: Once the pit has reached your desired temp you can go ahead and drop the chicken on. I add a probe to the pit for the ambient temperature at this point. From here you can close the lid and let the Bronco go to work.
Step 5. Da Sauce: Due to our current situation ingredients were limited. I’m mixing the 4Rivers BBQ Sauce, Daigle’s Cajun BBQ Rub and Orange Juice. This actually turned out very, very good! I have no affiliation with these companies and can be easily fact checked by anyone who has access to these ingredients. This stuff was legit and I highly recommend trying it out. I recommend mixing to taste but i’ll add a breakdown below. Once mixed, throw it on the pit to warm up. Apply sauce 10 degrees before your pull of temp. If you’re shooting for 165 i’d apply the sauce at 155.
4Rivers BBQ Sauce – 1 Cup
Daigle’s Cajun BBQ – 2 TBSP
Orange Juice – ¼ Cup
Step 6. Temp: After 1.5 hours you can start to check for temp. Chicken is safe to eat at 165, however, I prefer mine to be around 180. Once it’s at your desired temp you can remove from the Bronco to let cool. I let my chicken legs sit for around 20 minutes.
Step 7. EAT!!: After the short rest the chicken is ready to eat!
Hope you all enjoyed this cook, I know I did! Thank you all for watching, see you next Wednesday!!!
Here’s a few links to some of the items I used in the video. I have no affiliation with these companies, just trying to make it easy for those interested. If you’re interested in anything else I used and it’s not listed here, just drop me a comment.
Cajun BBQ Rub –
4 Rivers Sauce
Bayou Classic Chicken Hanger
Stainless Steel Barbecue Chicken Leg Grill Rack
Tiger Sauce
Geaux Creole
#bbqchicken #oklahomajoesbronco #drumsmoker
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]what’s up how you cool chicks andchickens this is Shane in anotherepisode of I can barbecue ok no I can’tI can’t eat that that was a little playon Tiger King but uh anyways my name isShane this is I can barbecue today we’regonna be whipping up some some Cajunbarbecue chicken on the Oklahoma Joe’sBronco should be a fun cook also staytuned[Music]all right so to start I’m gonna brinethis overnight and we’re gonna startwith a little bit of this Tiger sauceany Tiger King Tiger sauce got a goodthing going here if you happen to havethis stuff it’s pretty legit reallyspicy so if you’re not a fan of spicedon’t go for it but in this marriage Imean in this bride it should do prettywell and then it’s straight from NewOrleans got the Creole seasoning it’sgonna add a pretty good little kick tothis I added some warm water to it so weshould help this spread around a littlebetter all right now let’s get thechicken in that for today we’re gonna beusing these beautiful legs fresh legsabout the only thing you can find at thegrocery store if you’re lucky but themain reason I’m doing these the legs isbecause I actually got this BayouClassic twelve leg chicken hanger don’tknow if it’ll do anything at all but Ithought it would be a fun way to cook soyou get two got you guys will get to seethat in action as wellnow I cheated and pre-fit this so I knowit’s all gonna fit actually wasn’tcheating I messed up put the chicken inhere before the liquid and I couldn’tmix it and you won’t have enough liquidthat it covers the top of the chickennow this one was a complete guess I justpoured a few glasses of water in here tofill it up just enough to get the mixbut it actually worked out pretty wellall right and from here I’m gonna goahead and get this little get that inthe fridge and I’ll explain what we gotgoing on all rightchickens in the fridge but yeah I gotreally bored was on Amazon saw thislittle thing and decided to pick it upit’ll definitely save some space I don’tknow if it’ll change the flavor profileat all but I figured it’s a neat way todo and kind of just let them hang as youcan see in this picture fits twelvetwelve chicken legs cooking ten tomorrowand also last but not least this is theDaigle’s Cajun grilling blendthat’s the barbecue seasoning this iswhat we’re gonna be using on the chickentomorrow got a Barbie this wheatbarbecue flavor mixed with a little bitof kick with that Cajun flavor it’sreally good stufflooks good while it’s cooking you guyswill get to see that tomorrow gives it areally good color so yeah really excitedstay tuned guys[Music]today I’m gonna be using a couple chunksof cherry wasn’t really sure what wouldto go with but I think the cherry thelip does a little hint of sweet thatit’ll give it will mix well with thatCajun flavor we’ll see all right youwant to do this as fast as possible gotthe two cherry trunks right here I’mgonna get those on do not forget thisstep I can’t tell you how many times Iput everything on forgot the wood goahead and get that in there it’s allright in the middle for this Cupdrop the heat deflector room place thison the second row you got two optionsthis top one at the bottom one I don’tknow how to all this thing is so I’mgonna give it some room here here’s myprobe mount right here at the front Ihave it lined up with the actual attemptcage on the grill I did this so I cankind of track the temp of both see howaccurate and the star of the show thisbeautiful chicken alright gonna be usingthe thermo Pro today I just need theambient temperature not use an actualmeat probe this chickens too small forthat close the pit and let this bad boyworksmoke still a little dirty it’s comingback up to temp it’ll mellow out in asecond the only way you should get whitesmoke on this cook is if you got thechicken fat and it drops through theheat deflector somehow and hits thecoals other than that you should berunning the clean smoke so I got itholding steady at 270 right now I thinkI said 250 earlier but I’m gonna goahead writing out I’m gonna show youguys where the vents are set to here’s afinger for reference scale that’s thesmoke you want to see no smoke there’scertain angles you can kind of see it ifthat blue smoke that’s what you reallywant this grill is perfect at it thisone set it to as well it’s been holdingat 274 he’ll be about 20 minutes now I’mgonna ride it out at that for about anhour and then crank it up for howeverlong it takes the ticket to 165 internalalright the chicken is cooking I’m gonnamake up some barbecue sauce as you guysall know it’s really hard to get thingsat the store so I don’t have anythingreally Cajun based but I’m gonna usesome of this for rivers the localbarbecue place around here really good[Music]and a half gonna strike it this is theseasoning that I use for the chicken thedangles[Music]go a large juice honestly if you everwant to make some dough barbecue saucebuy a home store-bought one and then addorange juice comes how good every timeno idea what this is gonna taste likebut if it comes I’m good you guys saw ithere first okay it’s pretty good to tryit do so alright still holding strong at270oh well – 73 74 words making me a liarbut yes difficult and strong that’s you70 same settings as I showed you beforeI haven’t touched it I’m gonna drop thatbarbecue sauce on it’s been about 45minutes I’m gonna drop the barbecuesauce on now so it has a chance to warmup but here’s the first sneak peek atthe chicken I haven’t saw it yet so thisis the first time for both of usdelicious look though we had a casualtyyum-yum-yumall right don’t want this thing to beopen too long it’s gonna get uglyall right guys it’s been an hour at 270my godjust a light dip like this put it backlike dip I said I was gonna crack it upI don’t think I amI might risk getting that rubbery skinbut it’ll still be delicious we’ll seeI’ve let it render quite a bit lonerI guess that bone is a little too smallfor this I tried to pick the biggestones out of the packagenow oh well we tried sorry I’m doingsome ribs tomorrow I’m gonna use thissame sauce it came out really goodI cannot even kidding if you guys have achance to try this and you have youaccess to the ingredients I woulddefinitely recommend italright I’m gonna keep her there see howit goes still same settings as I show itto get as earlier to 45 right now cuz Iopened her up but should be back up to270 alright guyschickens taking his sweet time and I’llsee where she’s at179 I’ll take italright we’re gonna get this off hereget it plate it up let it cool for 30minutes and then give it a taste teststay tuned[Music]hi guys so that’s the cook let’s givethis chicken a taste test let you knowwhat I think it’s so good it was reallygooda little a little bit of the barbecuesauce on Lucy[Music][Music]does that barbecue sauce I actually made[Music]so that one juices killer I’ll link allthe ingredients below if you haven’t menew area highly recommended mom yeahoverall really easy cook that OklahomaJoe’s Bronco he’ll attempt the wholetime burned clean the whole time which Ireally enjoyed it’s a fun cooker to cookon this little rack don’t over that anyflavor but it definitely definitely savespace so if you’re throwing some ribs onthere along with the chicken you candefinitely get that done it’s easy insafe space however we did notice youneed the larger knuckles it doesn’t fitall the buckles of the chicken this onedidn’t fit and just kept falling downbut as far as flavor profile came outexcellent the sauce off the chain wereally highly recommend um yeah that’sit for this video hope you guys areenjoying it you have any recommend ifyou have any recommendations at all justgo ahead and drop it in the comments andI’ll try and get a video on it whetherit’s a cooker you want to see in actionmeal you want to see me cook spicesanything you want to see me do let meknow I’ll try to make it happen for youthank you guys for watching I’ll see younext video peace[Music]