BBQ Chicken Recipes

Cook with me: BBQ chicken fajitas! *Morrisons fajita kit*

As you know I LOVE making chicken fajitas! Today I thought I’d do a ‘Cook With Me’ and show you how I make these BBQ chicken fajitas (from a box haha) I love these videos!

‣ This is my own personal opinion and was NOT paid for this video.

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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
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Video Transcription

even rather higher on doing welcome backto my channel and I’m shopping quiteloud and the windows open so theneighbors probably do this so I hope youdo well as you can see by the title oftoday’s video I’m do be making somebarbeque smoky barbecue and Phasis onthe smokey and no it’s not consider togo on fire smoky barbecue Thank You thisis regular occurrence that I will haveMexican Monday’s it’s recently turned ina Taco Tuesday story is the thirsty nowso literally I worked my way down theweek of mister Wednesday for some reasonno your Friday night have a takeaway soyou know any missed any F in Wednesdaysome time so usually I do MexicanMonday’s like Weatherspoon’s two flex inone days are now canceled and all wehave a salad on the road takes I’mtrying to be healthy and choose theseand only have either chicken guns andchips because I’m a five or I have somesort of pasta you know meal just to getthe cops in you know cops before mobs nomobs any sense my smoky chicken featuresnow don’t be sillyRob you Willie I was gonna say it’s likein her face that you Rex of course Iwouldn’t make its from scratch I have abox here so this is the Morrisons onmake it is smoky barbecue thing like itso literally everything apart from themeat is in this box which is good like Isaid not everyone’s taste but I do lovea Mexican if I’m honest I love anythingspicy blast iguanas is my ultimateultimate goal I love last iguanas kindof cocktails they’re quite Mexican thehunt they’re like a good middle orwhatever and like I said the windowsopen sort and try not to shout but it’sreally hard when you film itmy mom’s usually a smoky barbecue juststicking the house down normally I’vegot the extractor fan and I’ve got thewindow opens so I have a bit coldmy nipples are telling me that I couldcook glass with that manso literally I’m going to do step onewhich is my least favorite bit and it’scutting a chicken oh oh oh I got idea Bdefrost in all morning since 6 o’clockand it’s now 22 so it’s literally softas anything now which is good thechicken although it says its breastsometimes there still is loads of beansand bones and crystally bits I call themand that’ll may put them in our pursethey don’t need a bit of me you know Ineed to chew on it no I’m gonna do thatfirst and then we’re gonna get startedplease like no on the ring light in thebackground just chillin uh-huh I justliterally spent about 10 minutes cuttingup the chicken breast I literally spentages that’s the that’s the longest partthat’s why I didn’t film it because itwould’ve took it took us literally 20minutes I also didn’t film it becausenot many people agree with meat andthings like that and I don’t think atime lapse to me chopping up a bit ofchicken would be very entertaining or tosome people very nice to watch so so yesthat’s why I didn’t but obviously it’sall prepared so I think this is thefirst time I’ve had the Morrison’s ownversion of half of our dope a so smokybarbecue and I’ve had the older pass orfire me jalapeno and tomorrow one whichI love and but this is the first time Ithink I’ve had this one maybe I’ve hadit before but it might be from Aldi soand then I tried the Morrisons one so umI’m gonna stay well slight becauseobviously these are a lot cheaper and inhere you get the tortilla wraps thesalsa and the smoky seasoning which isgood all out into the Vicki dance iswhat you would usually find in Venus Idon’t have any like coriander oh I don’thave anything like tropical tropicalexotic I just basically add the bareminimum the base think soI’ve got some garlic these are also onthe bench and white onions and I’m gonnahave two of these because they’re tinyso I’m gonna cut these onions and thenI’m gonna back the big Stormont becausemy mom’s always like to put it in areally tight clear plastic bag and thenput it in the video site let’s chop theonion usually for the onions I get akitchen rule and then I just kind ofcame the skin off in the kitchen rolland then it kinda keeps it all togetherrather than being all over the bench sothere we go I just it off and like Isaid I just do thispop it in there so it’s in that one bagthe bag it came in the sacks no chancethat smelling and that cause like in atea bag in the bin outsideokay let’s chop the onion help beforeput the knife directly so this isliterally how I chop it I’ve justliterally just put it in half and thenjust do like I don’t do chunks I do moresort of slices longer bits either onenow it’s time to do the garlic and forthis I’m just gonna actually use a fewgarlic cloves so I literally just cuthere and cut the other side and thenusually the skin just comes off reallywell like it hurts I love garlic a franklove garlic and everything I havesometimes I put too much as I was likeare you trying to kill yourselfNo so similar to the onions and my mumadvised this slash tells me that I needto put the garlic bits in as well justbecause garlic as he may be aware verystrong smell with garlic literally all Ido is just cut in slices like fact Iknow you probably think you are do thishave big slices but honestly when youput them in the oil they just kind of goreally soft and they busy to send agreat nothing it’s not lady to goWednesday in teeth or anything so I’mjust gonna put the garlic on the reasonI put it all on one plate is because Ifind it easier obviously I cook thechicken a bit first so I let the chickencook first because obviously we don’twant on whenever especially with thispandemic at the minute I see yes I makesure the chickens cooked first so it’s areally well done not well doesn’t putlike cooked and all the you know onionsin that because obviously they don’ttake long to cook and if they raw to thematter but I don’t want to do so thelast thing I had obviously these areoptional depend on if you like spice butI love spice and because it’s a smokybarbecue it hasn’t been eat it’s notreally spicy it’s more barbecue but Iwant it more spicy as well as barbecuingI just chop them in half and yeah putthem in with it just you know keep upyour assI was gonna say toilets occasionalobviously comes in handy today becauseobviously it’s got lots of juicing so Idon’t want to pull out all over thebench so there we have it all the thingsthat prepared so we’ve got the peppersthe garlic and onion of kind of mixedinto each other there’s some garlic bayand C and the jalapenos of course I’mgonna do now is I’m just gonna cook themeat like I said because it’s importantto do that properly so to the poundobviously stop the chicken stick in yourknot right I’m gonna put just someFriday that I used to use the oil butthen it goes really like oily obviouslyit’s on the highest flameare you ready everyone three two one whyis it coming off doesn’t that so therewe go that’s in there and then I justused this wooden spoon that I’ve had forabout twenty yearsso to the chickenso while waiting for the chicken to cookin the pan I thought I’d just show youwhat is inside this box if so I’m gonnaopen this box now one hand I don’t knowhow well this is gonna go oh my gosh ohwe’re in that’s a really weird way toopen a box like I said you get thetortilla rough cuz always have itthey’re quite big actually and then youget the this is like that tomorrow salsasauce so you got that as well these arereally good these kids and that is thefajita barbecue smoke eat citizen so Ithink it’s like literally real good forwhat you have I mean I think it’s onlyabout one 180 or something like that forjust under two pound I’m sure and thisperson’s own name so I mean it still beeven cheaper than all the hassle so yeahyou just probably two folk here which isamazing so as you can see the chicken iswell and truly couch now so what I’mgonna do is I’m gonna have everything inright now there’s not thisall this playback music I’m so hot inhere on it’s the windows open doesn’t itso so I thought I would prepare thissunset so literally all I do is just popit in this little plastic dish just soI’ve been spoon it onto the thing iswhen I’m eating them so yes let theflippity just fear that it’s basicallyyou just put the top up like so and justliterally boy in here like so just tojust deserve it properly and all just soit looks a bit nicer than putting it inthe plus leaving in the plastic you knowI mean but economy is not the oh oh it’sgot kick to it I remember when I waslike 5 or something in private waveshave groovesnot sin as you can see everything iscooked now the peppers are nice and softput it on a lower heat as well I haven’tput it on the big hop still so it’s onalthough I heat because I see it’scooked so I don’t want it to burn I’mjust gonna add this so this is just thepowder I’m just gonna put the top andthen you just literally sprinkle it yeahof coursejust pour it all on so I’ve stirred theparty right now and as you can see it’srotten good so I’m going to leave thisto simmer for about literally about fiveminutes I think it says on the back ofthe box that’s all you have to do mycheeks are getting even right thereright so there is my last supper andobviously it’s only half – when I’mdoing this one I’m sort of making itfully that’s like I said in my whateating the date I usually need to pass 6o’clock but I like it but yeah I’mfilming this I told me be filming at 6o’clock at night when other members havefamily have to be in to have their teamthis can early to be playing it all upand then sure you basically what I dobut obviously then I’m gonna eat itproperly tonight but I’m just gonna sortof have a taste test so I’m going toturn the console so don’t burn the housedown and literally fall out toojust pop it in the bowl like sothat was the restaurant you’d be likewow what I’m gonna do now is I’m justgonna pop these on the plate and heatthem up in the microwave I’m just gonnaheat one up for now because I’m justdoing a taste test for you guys so don’twaste the rest until I have them laid at6:00 cut up obviously got I’m just gonnado a little test for you now so I justspoon a little bit on like so I’m gonnaget the salsa mouth-watering like mmmfinished these are the smoky barbecueones from Marcin and honestly after thetaste test I’d highly recommend themthese other ones you can get sorry thebox is Rick as you can see I ripped itto be like this video please don’tforget to give it a huge thumbs up alsodon’t forget to comment everythingnecessary and don’t forget to commentdown below and subscribe to me channelit does mean the world obviously if youwant to subscribe to it because you knowit’s very much I will be back on Sundayfor another tipsy talks episode episodenumber 2 so do you follow me on myInstagram which I’ll pop here and I’llsee and then follow I’m gonna be talkingabout the topic and you guys can getinvolved and I will see you soon bye[Music]

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