For More Information or to Buy:
Corky’s BBQ 4-lbs Seasoned Roasted Chicken Wings
Seasoned, sauced, and sensational! Corky’s barbecued roasted wings are rubbed with seasoning, slow roasted, and basted in your choice of sauce to make a hearty appetizer or a flavorful finger-licking meal. The wings come fully cooked and are ideal for get-togethers, game day, or a fun Friday night with the family. From Corky’s Ribs & BBQ.
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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
at home like this like what did Albertijust do alright listen we’ve got a greatshow for you with lots of awesome itemsand better tasting food than my jokesbut this is an item that has been crazypopular here at QVC what is itit is the seasoned roasted chicken wingsthese are not covered in barbecue saucethese are roasted to perfectionthey are seasoned and today we have youropportunity to pick up sweet and smokyor bourbon so very similar to what wejust did in the pulled pork you’re gonnaget home four pounds of it for justtwenty one dollars and fifty seven centsyou’re gonna get the flats you’re gonnaget the little legs you get everythinghere and really what you’re gonna alsoget is the flavor that people have beengoing crazy for now first and foremostwhat you’re gonna look at is the factthat do you see these wings they’re bigthese are not small wings right so theseare nice large wings they’re loaded withflavor and you can see they’re roastedso Jimmy are you there let’s see did welose Jim in here oh there he is so JimOh Jimmy left when I started flying overyou went like this and I said I’m outJimmy was like I’m out I’m not part ofthis this show talk to me about this youknow again because your wings they’rebigger than the wings that I’ve evenseen at restaurants absolutely so westart with jumbo meaty wings you can seeit right there this is not somethingthat a tiny little wing that you’redisappointed with we start with jumbomeaty wings and then we tumble seasonthem so whichever seasoning whicheverflavor that you choose we tumble seasonit but the seasoning gets all over thatwing then we slow roast it and thereason we slow roast it is the skin kindof opens up just a little bit thatflavor syncs all the way down in and itkeeps the meat tender and juicy sothat’s what you really want so they’renot deep-fried and most of all they’renot breaded I can’t stand up breadedreheat chicken wingso this is just barbecue rub BBQseasoned and we slow roast it and youcan see that’s the difference look atthe glistening inside and that meatright therethat is spoon the slow roasting processand you get the flavor from the barbecuerub so they’re not hot and spicy they’renot tossed in a buffalo hot saucethey’re not deep-fried these arebarbecue season they are I mean they’refantastic I love I love them and let metell you what else we do we individuallyquick-freeze these and we put them in aresealable bagso again if you’re you know concern yourfreezers crowded or there’s only one ortwo of you at home the great thing is isyou can just put it sideways in yourfreezer and then you can take two orthree out if you want to snack or fouror five if you’re having dinner closethat bag back up that that it comes input it back in your freezer these can goin the air fryer they can go in the oventhey can go on the grill they’re so easyto do and you can’t mess them up that’swhat I love about the wings and ever youknow you’ve had these at home – oh yeahthey’re so easy to do and everyone lovesthem so this is not something you gowell I don’t know if they like this or Idon’t know if they like that well youdon’t know everyone loves them they’rejuicy they’re really juicy look I usedto love I used to love like um you knowkind of buffalo style wings and I go toa restaurant I’d be like wow I need moresauceI need more dip I need more you knowblue cheese dip I need more somethingbecause they’re usually dropped rightthese are drivers that you see therethey think they’re sweet and smokybecause they’re going very very quicklyJimmy and I want to make sure thatpeople can choose their flavor thank youso sweet and smoky yeah which one isthis sweet and smoky that is I’m lookingat the one I think you’re on the sweetand smoky yeah so you’ve got yeah that’sit sorryso we’ve again we’ve stepped up thatsmoky paprika balanced it a little bitwith that brown sugar so it’s a nicesweet and smokyyou know flavor that you can’t go wrongagain not hot and spicy it is it’s aperfect balance and thenbourbon bourbon that’s a little bit of adeeper that’s a little bit of deeperflavor you see the nice granular thedark granules in there of the seasoningsand that is a oke oke barrel at the endit’s smooth but it definitely is fullflavor it’s not hot and spicy but it’sfull flavor so if you like more fullflavor and savory go with the Bourbon ifyou like your wings a little bit on thesweeter side and that smoky flavor thengo with the sweet and smoky by the waythese wings guys look how much meatthey’re like three four five bite wingsthese are not like one and done this isnot like the cartoon like a littleSnoopy cartoon where he like goes like agroup and like out comes the bone thisis like you’re going at it three andfour times and that’s why so many peoplelove them for QVC and that’s why I’mgonna say it because my line producersaid it they’re flying out the doordon’t bow they’re flying out the doorand here’s the thing pair them with apotato salad pair them with your st.Clair sides place them with I lovesummer corn right like boom you’ve got anice blue corn you got your wings maybea couple of veggies and all of a suddenyou have the best meal ever here we didsomething super fancy over couscousright over a little Israeli couscous theone thing I will say is if you put thesewings out you better have a lot ofnapkin room right because you know whatelse Alberti yeah Oh almost every singlepurse almost every person that’s calledin to say they got the ribs or they’reexcited about the today’s special valueevery single one said oh I love the wayI love the wings yeah that sort of thistakes care of it people love those theylove the wing listen when we had this asa today’s special value last year whatdo I eat 17 of them who’s coming who’scoming but you remember but I rememberright because I’d be eating 17 of themright nowif we were eating right now on all rightso listengoki or your bourbon get them on autodelivery get them every 90 days for afull year because they’re really popularand they will not last m59 233 you wantit on delivery because you can get itevery 90 days for a full year you lockin the price and the easy pay and it’svery simple to manage you can actuallyjust manage it at QVC calm you cancancel anytime you can even callcustomer service and they’ll just takecare of you whenever you want alright sothat is very popular and 5/9 177 is youritem number let’s talk about popularright now with these sausages o-m-gsmoked sausages that when we have themon air the last time they sold out inminutes