BBQ Chicken Recipes

Corona Chronicles: One World concert + Cooking Jamaican festival and BBQ chicken wings!

Guys I had a blast making my Jamaican festival and chicken wings. Everything turned out perfectly! In addition to this, I watched the One World Coronavirus awareness concert and it was so uplifting. I hope you all enjoy this vlog!

Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes

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Video Transcription

oh hey you guys welcome back to anothervideo I hope you all have been doingwell since my last upload everything isgoing well for you guysyou’re not talking the eventful overhere not much is going on but I’ve beenrelaxing chilling completing more of myorders and just checking things off myto-do list one thing that’s beenbothering me is FedEx lost my packagethree days ago and apparently they’vebeen trying to contact the driver forthe last three days and can’t come intocontact with the driver their employeethat makes no sense to me that it’s beenthree days and they can’t reach thedriver right so um the issue has to beresolved one way or the other but Ireally like need that package um but atthis point three days later I think I’moff to take an L on that binding mymoney back something good did happentodayon another note speaking of likedelivery services umUPS did their job and deliver at theirpackage and didn’t lose it we got thisso this happened that’s right here thishappenedit’s obviously you know you can see thatit’s not rolled out entirely and up herebut I’m gonna need Kwan’s help liftingthe couches when he’s finished and thenthat way we can actually get the entirething spread out as it should be but Iam in love with this rug I am tired ofsitting hereright here with my feet on the coldground and my toe is becoming numb now Ihave a nice carpet to keep me warm andcozy and it’s plush and it’s cute and Ilove it so I’m very happy for that Iknow I told you in my last video that Iwas gonna show you guys when I makeSnoopy’s but I forgot to do that so I’mjust gonna kind of show you guys what’sin the pots missus two peas the beefthat I showed you guys is in here onlast vlog I shouldn’t guys last vlog wehave red peas coconutthere’s a lot of good stuff in here it’sdelicious this is um one of quantitywith meals one of my favorite meals aswell something so incredible is going onright now it’s the one world at homecoronavirus outreach and awarenessconcert is being put on it’s basicallycelebrating healthcare workers that areon the front line worldwide and it’salso basically a fundraiser for thecoronavirus efforts as well and it’s soamazing because it’s bringing awarenessto the struggles that we are all facingat this time we’re all being affected bythe corona virus all in the same boatwhere we can’t see our families you knowwhat I mean we can’t really leave ourhomes and I think it’s really reallyawesome how we have many performers likeJohn Legenduh Cheryl Isha Keys lizzo performing andthen we have Oprah I think Ellen we haveeaters Alba plenty of people that arejust speaking and I like it because itkind of it’s all I feel like it’s allabout resiliency and staying collectedand helping each other get through thehard times that we’re all facing so it’sit’s a good watch and I know this willbe this will be after the fact you knowyou guys are going to see this after butit would be cool if you guys were ableto watch us as well tonight just as I ammoving toward so much for so long andnow have to face down this pandemicwhile also reconciling on the dailybasis injusticeand inequality[Music]this unprecedented time is going toimpact your mental and emotionalwell-beingyou are not alone dr. su Varma apsychiatrist at the NYU Langone MedicalCenter is with us to share her thoughtson ways we can make the whole worldcomes to terms with Kovac 19 and piecesin Africa are on the rise we mustremember that though we keep each otherstate by practicing social distancing wecannot afford to emotionally distance[Applause][Music][Applause]okay so that concert was absolutelyamazing I am really glad that I got totune in tonight I hope you guys are allfeeling loved right now I hope you guysare filled with hope not fear I hope youguys are eating our oranges and drinkingour antioxidant tea and I hope you guysare learning more about yourselves andwhat I’m learning about myself right nowit is that I am hungry my belly isgrumbling it’s been grumbling for thepast few hours and so I need to findsome foodI finished we finished all the leftoversthat we have so I need to find somethingright now we got Wingstop delivered theyhave three they have free delivery so wedefinitely utilized that and I’m waitingon corn right now so I can dive in andeat my food got my drink okay so youused to hurry up and come over here so Ican eat up ready[Applause]yep this is mine I got half parmesan inhalf Korean barbecue I tasted Koreanbarbecue the last time I had Wingstop Itried Korean barbecue and I fell in loveso I will continue to get it and then Igot fries seasoned Parmesan cheese andfries I put extra well done but beingstopped never really does well with theextra well done request but anyways andthen I got my dipping sauce so I’m aboutto dive in dig into this dude what didyou get yeah um he got his buffaloboneless wings and his regular seasonfives are these crispy nope no sorry sowe are about to dive in and enjoy thegood afternoon guys so this morning Iwoke up craving some festival I have nothad festival and forever the last of myfist of all I think was when I was inJamaica for Christmas break and so I amgoing to make it today festival is in afried dough made out of flour andcornmeal and it has like a hint ofsweetness to it and some otheringredients are you going to see todayit’s aforethought we usually eat withlike jerk pork or chicken I don’t eatpork so be like jerk chicken for mefried fish like piston beach fish and itoriginated in healthcare Beach which isjust outside of Kingston Jamaica whichis the capital of Jamaica and so that’swhat I’m gonna make today right nowright here here are the ingredients Ihave my measuring cups here I havebutter here I have some lime juice itwould be nicer if I had actual imes butI thought we did and we don’t luckily Ihave this here’s my sugar here’s acornmeal baking powdernutmeg flower I’m some oil all that goodstuff[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music]I usually use my fingers to make thedough like form it bind it but I don’twant to get too messy right now so I’mgoing to use my hands when this becomeslike more dough so here’s the dough it’snice and tight I am going to let thissit in the cornerI placed like a wet paper towel over itthat’s it and we’re going to put this tothe side[Music]here they are sizzling away this is afirst batch and then I have this leftfor the second batch justice whatevercouldn’t fit in the pot the first timeokay so the festival is finished fryingso that’s sitting over there I am goingto serve the festival with some friedbarbecued chicken okay here’s a chickenafter it’s been fried and dipped into myhomemade barbecue sauce kind of like abarbecue sweet and sour type thing Idon’t remember if I got a clip of thechicken before I coated them like youknow when they were just fried but I’mgonna see and if I do have it then I’llinsert it right there but I’m about toput that chicken into the oven for about10 minutes take them out that’s finishedI have a lot of cleaning to do in thiskitchen I’m gonna do that and then Iwill serve food and let you guys see thefinished product here they are bothcompletely finished everything’s beendone guys I’m ready to finally eat hereis a small pieceit’s good it’s good it’s good it’s goodit’s goodthe hint of sweetness is there like itshould be and then for the chickenwell I mean I got it I’m gonna eat thislet me eat not get back to you guyshey guys okay so that food was bomb Iwish you guys were able to taste it butanyways I am finished filming anothervideo for you guys not too long ago so Ineed to go ahead and edit that and so Iwould like to close out this vlog righthere so don’t forget to like come andsubscribe hit that post education belland I’ll see you guys in the next video[Music]

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