BBQ Chicken Recipes

Deck Heads BBQ – Episode 2 Hickory Smoked Chicken Wings on the Weber Kettle

We start this recipe with some chicken wings separated into drums and flats. I prepared a simple brine of water, soy sauce, brown sugar, kosher salt, and some local honey. I heated the brine up until everything dissolved and then added ice to bring the temperature back down. I put the wings in a large bowl and poured the brine over them. I let the wings soak in the brine for about 4 hours in the fridge and then poured out the brine and rinsed them off really well. From there I patted the wings dry with some paper towels and then coated them with olive oil followed by a good coating of Killer Hogs AP seasoning. I then placed the wings on the grill over indirect heat and added a chunk of hickory wood to smoke them. I had both the bottom and top dampers wide open and I let the wings go for 15 minutes and then turned them over to smoke for another 15 minutes.

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Killer Hogs AP Seasoning

Craycort Cast Iron Grill Grate 22” Weber Kettle

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Video Transcription

[Music]hey everyone this is Carl Meyer withdick heads barbecue welcome to my daytoday we’re gonna be smoking somechicken wings on the Weber Kettle usinga little bit of hickory but to startwe’re gonna season these a little bit ofolive oil and then some killer hogs APrub it’s an all-purpose seasoningbasically just salt pepper and garlicbut this is a family favorite around myhouse we me and my wife love these andwe’re also big hot sauce fans so webasically just do all of our chickenwings this way and then add hot saucesdepending on you know what we feel likebut we’ll we’ll get these seasoned upand then we’ll get them on the grill allrightwe’re gonna start by drizzling a littlebit of olive oil over the wings and thenI’ll get them mixed up then we’re gonnacome back and hit them with this APseasoningI’ve already brined these wings I didn’thave time to do a video for the brine soI’ll do one of those moving forwardjust want to get a good coating to thisall-purpose seasoning on these wings andthen they’ll be ready to hit the grillokay the grill is ready so we’re gonnago ahead you’ve got it set up indirectwe load we’ll go ahead flip thesechicken wings on here and thenafterwards I’ll come back we’ll checkthem in about 15 minutesright so if I can’t sneak them in littlelaying on here and throw my chunkyHickory oh you’re on a Weber make surethat your vamp is over the wings becausethat helps the conviction process nowone little tip that I will tell you inmy experience I have to close the ventsanytime I take the lid off and on to letit get this smoking again because littleit’ll just want to the would just wantto burn so I’ll keep I’ll keep the ventclosed until I see smoke coming and thenI crack it open to where I want to beand on these I’m going to be rolling itwide open on the top and the bottom sowe’ll check on these in about 15 minutesand we’ll go from there okay you spend15 minutes oh look at that look at thatcolor oh man that is beautiful so we’rejust gonna flip these over get somesmoke on this backside you can just seehow plump these are these are gonna besome good wingsso we’ll get things getting these turnedover and then about 15 more minutesthey’ll be ready they’ll be ready tocome off so if you see how my chunk ofhickory is now on fire that’s what Iwill say and I’ll come back closer tothem I kind of wait for it to startsmoking around the out around the edgeof the lid and so I started smokinglightly give it just a second all rightwe’ll open it back up there we go checkit back in 15 minutes all right it’sbeen 30 minutes let’s check on them tosee oh yeah these are done those lookdelicious still plump and juicyoh and these cast iron grill gratesthere and there’s no sticking and weknow that it’s evenly cooked on all thewings because it distributes the heatbetter man these are gonna be goodall right let’s let them calm down for aminute and I’m gonna throw this nextbatch of wings on the grill okaythese have sat here long enough they’renot screamin hot so I’m gonna try oneOh ma’am that is juicy perfectly cookedyou can’t beat these wings well Iappreciate y’all watching the videotoday if you liked the video give it athumbs up if you like what I’m doinghit the subscribe button and stay tunedfor more tasty recipes

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