Mind leaf
Coriender leaf
Green chilly
Ginger garlic
Small onion
Pepper powder
Garam masala
Lemon juice
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
I friends welcome back to my channel apenalty are a component of this shecan’t really cater to Kilohana thevalidate a state are you saying anythingthey are I come and learn a mechanicanother but I didn’t win I eat channelis evident subscribe see other were inEngland also gives you the doctor Philipawaken on the monkey all an option onthe select is a na operating Anitha Yarakannada natha madam I never do you poortoday she can innovate you to cut offbefore Kochi to the toilet I’m gonna putthe truth turn the light on there isUtica and then he shall save our luck nobooty call I know needle a corruptioningredients and the Kanaka garam masalahopeful para maana body in Z John onlyetymology well sturdilyuntil a pitcher Onarga near enough toturn a tidy vinegar all very good in myLilliput in a large cash nosov all I’dsay honey then I was shelled ingredientsin the night on the high res judicata inthe way to a chicken tamale muscle onthe magnitude of ikana masala Lavaca toour attack with that illness are yougonna turn in on 90 day – buddy pickingon you know masala territory monikerAngelo faiien on the grill is eitheragain[Music]you need a little cheddar the cannulaJarrett Econolodge only I don’t knowready actually come they are to pull youa chance a another nearly Maseratisutility can either get in the mall onthe near future to the world and I clickpotato acronym[Music]the uber gonna murder you an initiationwhatever gonna marry suitable carthe word about one kilometer inchallengers I’m gonna merge two did youtalk to Tony and that you’ll know whocreated to come the water part Ellenikuko she cannot be on the way to that Iwonder than a holiday you see on italready acute crime but you can murder aday to day in either part of the liquorno ideayou can develop an all-nighter in thechildren you need is a path en parte degrupos de grupo de guy can a littlecomprehension on a / Ueda a letter tomr. my name is Erica new capital equityI share a yen on the market but thanksfor watching[Music]