Another simple recipe that hardly takes anytime to put together. This Grilled Chicken Recipe is delicious and pairs very very nicely with my chunky salsa. #withme #stayhome
For more details on the recipe, diffrerent types of marinades and which chicken cuts to use, check out the detailed blogpost here –
To make the chunky
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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music]hey everyone welcome back to my youtubechannel today’s recipe is another one ofmy favorites I did a poll recently onInstagram asking if you wanted to see adessert like a sweet recipe or just ano-fuss simple savory recipe and amajority of you voted for no fuss savoryrecipe so this one’s my favoriteit’s my grilled chicken I slap on allsorts of marinades but this one that Iused is slightly spicy if you want toknow different types of my mates that Iuse please check the link in thedescription I have a full blog post withall my combinations and I think you’llenjoy all of them so of course you cancook this chicken and eat it withanything I usually have it with like alight crisp salad but unfortunately inthis lockdown I’m just not able to getmy hands on any lettuce so instead whatI did is I pair this up with my chunkysalsa recipeit’s another recipe I have on youtubeI’ll put the link in the description andI think it goes very very well with itand it’s quite healthy actually so Ihope you enjoyed this if you haven’talready please do subscribe to thischannel I’ve got a lot more in store andI really enjoy all these recipesespecially during lockdown where I havenothing else to do but cook if you likethis video make sure to give it a bigthumbs up it helps the channel subscribeas always a baby leave me your commentsI’d love to know how your chicken turnedout or which marinade you like so I hopeyou liked the recipe enjoy for thisrecipe I like to use boneless chickenbreasts I know it tends to be a littlebit dry but I find it convenient I’vecut them up into pieces I would adviseyou to try and cut it into half like ifyou have a breast piece to just slice itit makes it easier to cook do this I adda generous glug of olive oil beforeadding the rest of the spices I add somecrushed pepper some salt generoushelping of red chili powder you coulduse paprika or any spicy powder cuminpowder some fresh coriander powder Ilike to add a bit of both to this mixedherbs usually I just have a bottle withgeneric mixed herbs thyme oregano stufflike that some lime juice and then Ilike to use mustard I’ve used cautionthe mustard butthole which should begoodthis is an extra ingredient you can skipit it is a smoky Brice spice mix that Ibought from South Africa it gives it alittle kick but if you don’t have itit’s absolutely fine if you could getyour hands on it I highly recommend itit’s so beautifulnow is when you get your hands a littlebit dirty you just mix it up altogethermake sure that each and every part ofthis lovely marinade coats your chickenI don’t use a spoon or spatula I justthink it’s easier to do it by hand youcan let this sit for half an hour andhour I think 20 minutes to half an houris good enough but honestly if I’m beingcompletely honest I just let this sitfor 10 minutes before continuing to cookso entirely up to you so this is what itlooks like once it’s been sitting thiswas just 10 minutes but like I said youcould leave it for longer I would startputting a piece by piece into mynonstick pan I know that that you canalready have oil in it so I just put alittle bit more on the pan so it doesn’tstick my pants a little bit old andafter cooking it for about a minute Icover it I cook this chicken for a totalof 10 minutes flipping it halfwaythrough I sort of cover it and then takeit off and this is what it looks likethis is when its flipped over and youcan see it starts getting charred bitsthese are just smaller pieces that I’vegot up and used of course if they’resmaller they will cook faster you cansee it leaving some nice juices in thepan I highly highly recommend and insistactually that you cover this chickenwhen you cook it because that’s reallythe secret- keeping this chicken moist otherwiseif you’re using boneless breast pieces Ican assure you it dries out very veryfast so if you cover it and cook it andthen you take it off and you sort ofalternate between covering and cookingand then taking it off and searing it itjust keeps it nice and moist and youhave fresh juicy grilled chicken I liketo try and get as much of the marinadeas possible on the chicken and then putit in the pan after a while you willnotice that the pan tries to get tendsto get really really hot you might needto add a little bit more oil just tobaste it a little bit but that’sentirely up to you I didn’t need to atthis point again I would say slice thesepieces in half like just so that they’reflat pieces they cook faster they tastebetter it feels like a restaurant almostbut it takes a total of ten minutes youcan do this in the oven I haven’t reallytried because like I said it dries outcompletely and I just think the pan isfaster instead of preheating an oven soI just flip it half way through and lookat that that beautiful color it’s justexactly how I want it so these are allmy pieces of chicken they’re finallydone I like to zap it in the microwaveonce they’re all cooked for about aminute just in case it hasn’t cooked inthe pan which is unlikely but it’s alsojust sort of makes it hot again if it’sbeen sitting out for too long you canpair this with anything but like I saidI ran out of salad and fresh lettuce soI paired this with some nice friedchunky old-style chips of course youcould roast your potatoes as well and myspecial secret chunky salsa I adore thissalsa it went so well with the chicken Ididn’t even meet the potatoes so that’sreally it I hope you enjoy this and ifyou do don’t forget to subscribe to thechannel as always check out the chunkysalsa recipe in the description box likethis video leave me a comment and I’mgonna see you very very soon in the nextone[Music]