How to make Hot Honey Mustard Wings. This easy chicken wing recipe has become a repeated dish in my house. Absolutely love the combination of the hot mustard and the honey, results in a finger licking flavor. I have no doubts that you will love this recipe. Enjoy!
#hothoneymustardwings #chickenwingsintheoven #easychickenwingrecipes
1 Cup Buttermilk
1 Tablespoon Tabasco Sauce
1/2 Teaspoon Paprika
1/2 Teaspoon Red Pepper
2 Tablespoon Honey
1/3 Cup Honey
1/3 Cup Mustard
1 Tablespoon Rice Wine Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Sriracha Sauce
2 Tablespoon Butter
1 Teaspoon Chili Flakes
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt
1 teaspoon Black Pepper
Ingredients Used
Sheet Pan w/Rack
Kitchen Tongs
Basting Brush
Air Fryer
Ground Red Pepper
Coarse Black Pepper
Red Pepper Flakes
Smoked Paprika
Siracha Sauce
Tabasco Sauce
Hot Mustard
Spinelli – All Wings Everything
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Video Transcription
[Music][Music]what’s up guys welcome back to all wingseverything you are in the presence ofyour cooks then the self-proclaimedQueen keen and the prince of lemonpepper wings now if it’s your first timehere guys go ahead hit that subscribebutton I have no doubt in my mind yougonna love this channel and this recipeI’m about to give you and guys if you’llreturn it go ahead hit that like buttonI always show up on every video go aheadhit the like button now in today’s videoI’m gonna show you guys how to make hothoney mustard wings a fantastic recipefor those who like a little sweetness alittle bit of heat the perfect recipefoot so I hope you’re in your kitchenI’m already in mine so let’s go[Music]all right so here are the ingredientswe’re going to use for today’s recipe wehave our Publix green wash chicken we’regoing to use some buttermilk red pepperhoney Tabasco sauce sriracha chili saucesmoked paprika butter crushed red pepperflakes some rice wine vinegar some hotmustard black pepper and some sea saltso these are the ingredients we’re goingto use so let’s go ahead and get startedall right so in this step we’re going toprepare our marinade for our chicken sowhat I’ve done already if I’ve alreadycooked and cleaned our chicken and wehave 1 cup of buttermilk 1 tablespoon ofTabasco sauce 1/2 a teaspoon of smokedpaprika 1/2 a teaspoon of red pepper and2 tablespoons of honey so these are theingredients we’re gonna use so let’smove on alright so what we’re gonna donow is we’re gonna make our buttermilkmixture so add your red pepper yoursmoked paprika your Tabasco sauce andlastly add your honey now what you wantto do is you want to give this a goodmix to combine the ingredients alrightthis is what we have all right let’scontinue alright so what we’re gonna donow is we’re going to pour thisbuttermilk mixture into a bag with ourchicken silat make sure you got all theair out of it alright so we’re gonna letthese bad babies marinate overnight andI’ll see you guys in the next stepalright so in this step we’re going tostart preparing our hot honey mustardsauce so what we have here we have 1/3of a cup of honey 1/3 of a cup of hothoney mustard 1 tablespoon of ricevinegar 1 tablespoon or so roxor sauce 2tablespoons of butter and 1 teaspoon ofchili flakes so this is what we’re gonnause for our hot mustard sauce so let’smove on alright guys so in this stepwhat I’m going to do isI’m going to remove our chicken piecesfrom this buttermilk mixture it hasalready marinated overnight and thereason why I want to put it into thisbowl is because I want to add someadditional seasoning before I put it inthe oven to cook all right let’s move onalright guys so what I’m gonna do is I’mgoing to add a teaspoon of salt to thesewings and also a teaspoon of pepper Ijust want that flavor added to thechicken so you want to do is give that agood mix all right and we’ll continuealright so in this step you want to lineyour baking sheet with aluminum foilspray your grates this is for easycleanup and making sure your chickenthen stick to your pan all right I’llsee you guys the next step all right sonow we’re going to add our chickenpieces to our grates skin side down halfan inch to an inch aparttry not to overcrowd your pan guys andonce you do that we’ll move to the nextstep and add them to the oven all rightso we’re gonna add our chicken piecesinto a preheated oven 400 degrees andwe’re gonna allow these bad babies tocook for I’m allowed mounted cooks for55 minutes guys you can leave them inthere as as little time as you wantI like mine’s extra crispy so i’ma leavein there for 55 minutes I’ll see you inthe next step all right so we’re halfwaythrough the cooking process so you guysknow what we do in this step we turn ourchicken pieces over to allow them tofinish cooking on the other side for theremained another timeso go ahead flip your chicken piecesover and I’ll see you guys in the nextstep all right so now what we’re goingto do is we’re going to prepare our highhoney mustard sauce so what you want todo is you want to add your twotablespoons of butter to your pot andallow it to milk rice vinegar in thisnext add your sriracha sauce then yourred pepper flakesnitch your honey your hot mustard andyou want to give that a quick mix andyou want to bring this to a boil andthen you want to let it simmer forabout five to seven minutes all so guyswhat I’m gonna do is I’m gonna take ahalf a cup of this mustard sauce to useto base my chicken while it’s cookingand also I’m going to reserve theremaining of it for us to solve ourwings at the end of the recipe so I’llsee you guys in the next step all rightguys so now we have completed ourcooking process so what we’re gonna dois we’re going to remove our chickenpieces from the oven listed over on thecounter for a second and now what we’regonna do is we’re gonna add thesechicken pieces into the pot with mustardsalts so let’s continue alright so inthis step what I’m gonna do you I’mgoing to add these chicken pieces intothis mustard stalks and then I’m gonnagive them a good mix to coat them verywell and I thought coating very wellwhat I’m gonna do is on my Adam back toour baking dish and imma stick them backin the oven for about three to fiveminutes to get them caramelized alrightI’ll see you guys our next step alrightguys so now I’m removing the chickenpieces I have already added them backinto the oven allowed them to cook foran additional three to five minutes solet’s put them on the countless take alook at them this is exactly what I’mtalking about take a look at this guy’samazing go ahead guys if you hadn’t hitthe like button you got to hit the likebutton just by looking at these wingsright here alright let’s move on alrightso what we’re gonna do is I’m gonna addthese chicken pieces into a empty bowland I’m going to add some additionalsongs to themyou know I reserved about a half a cupof that sauce so I’m going to solvethese wingsI love Ferg you could eat them like thisif you want to but I’m gonna add somemore sauce this honey mustard sauce isdeliciousalright let’s move on alright so righthere what you want to do is you want toI’ll take that honey mustard sauce spoonit over your wings you can use as littleor as much as you like it’s your choicetake a lid and do a little shake andbake bake a-bake it shake it bake a-bakeit bake it remove the lid and oh mygoodnessi’ll see you guys in the next step allright so it’s time to add these badbabies to a clean plate so go ahead addyour chicken pieces to the clean plateand we’re going to finalize this recipein the next step alright and there youhave it guyshot honey mustard wings absolutelybeautiful amazing take a look at thisguys if you want to know what heavenlooks like I don’t know Kati but if youwant to know what it tastes like grabyou one of these wings I’m telling youtake a look at this absolutely beautifulalright guys so I’ve already left themeasurements and the ingredients in thevideo description below also the linksto the ingredient ingredients are alsoin the video description below and guysgo ahead hit that like button if it’syour first time here you haven’tsubscribed subscribe to the channel andI’ll see you guys in my next videoalways everything I am your cookSpinelli and I am out peace[Music]