Cooking and eating Healthy Food is a JOURNEY to A HEALTHIER YOU. This video is part of the Lifestyle Change Challenge.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music]another great day evil ever join me doyou feel but today I am because I justdid my work out so right now I just wantto us do you want another recipe fromCuritiba a healthy recipe that can beincluded in your healthy lifestyle soeveryone let’s start cooking chickenbreast open grill what are theingredientsokay the our ingredients this is thebasic ingredients of oven grilledchicken breast okay eight pieces of thinthinly sliced chicken breast as you cansee this is thinly slice okaysalt-and-pepper Africa 1 egg red crownssesame seeds in vegetable oil be a smallvery small amount as you can see that’sso simple ingredients and for sure we’regonna cook it very easy now is theprocedure of preparing the schnitzelfirst one egg to crack the egg[Music]and put salt pepper and paprika alltogether then to mix themjust mixed upphysics all blended all right then putthe schnitzel one by one all rightI’ll have to mix it okayall right cover it and leave it for anhour in your refrigerator okay after anhour prepare your pan and you have thechicken breast[Music]vegetable oil breadcrumbs and the sesameseeds all you have to do is mix themtogether okay this is how I do it andthen take one piece oh uh Tinley slicechicken breast okay in the small amount[Music]and tone right okay with the sameprocedure get the rest okaythe vegetable oil so whites healthierthan the usual way of cooking becauseyou’re just consuming using littleamount of vegetable oil and it’shealthier now that you’re done layeringthem up have to put again on top a smallamount of vegetable oil[Music]now set your oven to 200 degrees andcook it for at least 20 to 25 minutesall right so we’re going to wait for 25minutes and it will be[Music]all right is now set so we wait for 25minutes niceremember the vegetable salad in thechicken breasts here it is yes it’s aperfect continuation very perfect Unsermasala dosa enjoy your day and have anice dayTito saying Shalom and see you next time[Music]