BBQ Chicken Recipes

How To Grill Drumsticks – Ace Hardware

Watch as Ace’s Grilling Expert, Chef Jason, show you how to make delicious chicken drumsticks on a grill.

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Always follow manufacturer’s instructions before using any product.

Products Featured:

Weber Indigo Grill

Chicken Leg Rack

Rub A Dub Rub

Oink Rub

Fire Honey

High Altitude BBQ Sauce

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Video Transcription

hey guys it’s chef Jason welcome totoday’s edition of Asus recipe we have afantastic recipe for you today that’sgonna be an absolute crowd-pleaser it’sgonna make your kids just drool they’regoing to request this daily we’re doinggrilled chicken drumsticks on the Weberwe’ve got such a fun little glaze we’regonna do today to make them just juicyand wonderful a couple cool little gearitems as well but we are gonna have ablast it’s a beautiful day here inColorado we’re excited to be cookingthank you for hanging out with us heytoday’s recipe you can head down belowinto the description section there’s alink there where you can click print andfollow along you can grab this recipeadd it to the collection of Ace recipesthat you have and come along with us aswe walk through a little bit of prepwe’re gonna show you some of the gearget the grill fired up and then it’stime to get cookingokay I’m deck for ingredients todaywe’ve got a couple rubs to start it offso we can use a little bit of link andrubba-dub– we’re gonna mix those guystogether these are our chickendrumsticks that we bought I have thegrocery store we went with just a goodsolid chicken drumstick that didn’t haveany solution or injection in it thebeautiful part is we’re gonna add alittle bit of oil some of our wing canrub it up to this we’re gonna mix theseguys up let them sit in the fridge for3-4 hours so they really can absorb someof that flavor then we’re gonna glazethem today with a combination of highaltitude barbecue sauce fire honey andsome of our sweet soy sauce ah that’sgonna really I think make this all cometogether nicely if you don’t have sweetsoy sauce don’t sweat itregular soy sauce works just fine todaywe’re going on the technology front sowe’re gonna use our Weber connect smartgrilling hub this is going to do areally nice job of allowing us to pluginto those chicken drumsticks tracktheir temperature now giving us theoption to spend a little bit more timehanging out with our kids hanging out inthe house instead of tending to thegrill then this guy right here the grillmark wing rack that is super coolbecause now I’ll be able to get theseguys rub let them soak and then we’regonna hang them on here let them roastand do their thing before we take themoff put them onto the grill grates toget that final glaze so next up let’s uhdo some prep work get these guys in thefridge and then let them soak theeasiest part of this is getting the prepwork done and it’s very simple we addedour chicken legs and there’s about eightof them here wewith two pounds of chicken legs now whatwe’re gonna do is like we always saywe’re gonna add just a light coating ofoil we just want the oil to coat theseguys to help the rub stick so we’ll keepone hand free we’ll give these guys amix here real quick to get that allstirred up and now it’s time to seasonand again as much or as little as youlike I think I started us off here witha couple tablespoons of each so we’regonna go ahead and get that rub it upadded and then as we get that mixed inreal quick we’ll go ahead now and top itoff with our ink all right and the goalwith these guys is just to get it mixedreally really nice and then we’re gonnapop them in the fridge and yeah I alwayssay we’re gonna let them soak we’regonna let them soak for a few hours Ithink probably four is my suggestion toyou just to give them a chance to reallyget coated and that is it okay the legshave had a chance to soak we’re gettingready to cook these guys off first thingI wouldn’t do is I’m gonna go ahead andadd that chicken leg rack to the Weberright I want that to preheat with thegrill so we’ll go ahead and turn theseguys on push ignite let them go and nowwe’re gonna go ahead and let this get upto that 400 degree temperature then itis time to get cooking all right well asyou can see we’ve loaded our legs onthere we’ve got them all set on the racknow I picked one of the bigger guysbecause I left him out what I’m gonna dois put that probe in there right and I’mloading that guy in there not right onthe bone but close to the biggest partright there and we’re gonna go ahead andhang that guy now all right now thatwe’ve got that probe loaded in we areset to go so we’re gonna go ahead andclose this lid we are now going back upto that 400 degrees we’re gonna letthese guys cook off now probably about Iwould say about 25 to 30 minutes ourgoal is to get them to 155 degrees thenwe’re actually gonna take them off therack put them on the grates do somecooking while the chicken legs arecooking is a perfect time to go aheadand get our glaze so I’ve got ourbasting pot what we’re gonna do is startoff with 1/2 a cup of our high altitudebarbecue sauce and then we’ll add tothat again a quarter cup of fire honeynice and spicy beautiful sweet firehoney and then we’ll add our quarter cupof sweet soy sauce like I said you canadd regular if you don’t have it nowwe’ll get this all mixed up and thenright towards the end we’re gonna goahead and get these guys glazed up butthat’s it look at that beautiful easysimple delicious glaze okay well we justhit that 1:55 mark now we’re gonna goahead and take these guys off I’m justgonna set them here in the front realquick because we want to take thatchicken leg rack off now what we’redoing is basically getting a little bitof char on the outside right we want tocrisp up that chicken skin and reallyget these guys set to go we’ll get thisguy set to the side as well then we’llgo ahead and move our rack off all rightwe got rid of the chicken rack now Ilined these guys up kind of three bythree by twoI left that probe in there because Iwant that to track the temperature nowit is time to get these guys their firstglaze so what I’m gonna do is take thatand glaze these guys on the top herewhat I’m going to do is glaze them letthem go for five or six minutes with thelid covered so that we can continue toget these things just shiny andbeautiful and gorgeous right and thenwe’ll open it up rotate them sauce andglaze the other side okay time to givethese guys a little rotate and then itis time to do glaze number two and I’llprobably go ahead and glaze them acouple more times just to make sure Iget an absolutely perfect glaze on hereI just yeah Wow look at thatI want a beautiful color on here I’mlooking for gorgeous bronzedchicken legs but then I also really wantto make sure I get that chicken skinnice and crispy and the beauty of theWeber connect is now I can track thattemperature and I don’t really have toworry about look in the multiple times Ican just keep the lid closed and do mygrilling that is beautiful doneness wegot a great glaze on there we crisped upthat chicken skin and that is fantasticit’s time to head back to the cuttingboard where we do what we always do alittle quality control well like I saidthis was easy right we let them sit inthe fridge for a few hours to reallyabsorb that marinade then hot and faston the Weber these guys took 35 minutesto get up to that hundred and seventythree degrees we glazed them at the endput them on the grill great and then youknow if you want add a little more glazefor your kids at the very very end butthis was easy not a lot of ingredientsabsolutely amazing amount of flavordon’t forget today’s recipecan head down to the description sectionyou can click print and follow alongwe’ve got a link for you to downloadtoday’s recipe as well and then don’tforget to subscribe to the YouTubechannel and tell all of your friendsclick on the notifications you’ll benotified when our a sis recipe videosgo live you don’t want to miss out onthis fantastic content that is for sureand then hey like we always say leaveyour comments down below leave yourquestions down below tell us what we cando to be more helpful and let us knowwhat you’d like to learn as well this isall about you so we want to make sureyou have the amazing recipes you need tobe legends in the backyard cookingcircuit then don’t forget at the end ofthis we wouldn’t leave you hanging rightwe’ve got a couple of great videos atthe end we did a grilled New York withsome roasted mushrooms that wasabsolutely fantastic and then dessertyeah we’ve got you covered on dessert wedid roasted strawberries with grilledpound cake that is just you know whatdownload it make it a couple times don’ttell anyone you got it from me andyou’ll be setso I’m chef Jason Morris hardwaregrilling expert thank you for hangingout I’m gloving up because it’s time forquality control and this quality controlis just a little bit messy right butthat’s okay so Cheers oh happy cousin

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