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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
first thing you’re gonna want to do isgo ahead and cut up your bacon I’m usingturkey bacon but you can use either ornext you want to add some Cajunseasoning and some Creole seasoning toochicken tenders but not too much becauseyou don’t want it to overpower the honeybarbecue sauce now you’re ready to goahead and make your turkey bacon you got1 tablespoon of butter to the pan alongwith the turkey bacon bits you justwanna keep moving those around in thepan for about 5 minutes so they don’tstick to the bottom and after those aredone you can just set those off to theside and get ready to make your chickentendersafter adding another tablespoon ofbutter to the pan I’m gonna go ahead andadd my chicken tenders and that doescook for about 4 to 5 minutes beforeflipping them and turning to the otherside what’s chickens almost done cookingI’m gonna take 2 tablespoons of butterand heat it up for 20 seconds oncethat’s nice and melted we’re gonna goahead and add some sweet baby Ray’shoney barbecue sauce and mix that upnice and good[Music]after you’ve mixed in the barbecue saucewith the butter the next thing you wantto do is add some honey and stir that inas well after about 10 minutes yourchicken tenders should be done cookingnext you just gonna want to take thoseoff put them on a cutting board and cutthem up until it looks similar toshredded chicken now that you’re donewith your chicken you can go ahead andadd it to the bowl with the barbecuesauce just mix it up nice and good[Music]after adding the chicken and tuck yourbacon to the barbecue sauce you’re nowready to grab your cheese and hawaiianbugs now I’m just gonna shred up somecheddar cheese before I add the honeybarbecue chicken and turkey bacon mix[Music]after I’ve added the mix on top of theHawaiian buns I’m just gonna take somemore cheese and shred it up on top thelast thing I’m gonna do before put it inthe ovenis you have two tablespoons of butterfor 20 seconds and evenly spread itacross the Hawaiian bones after youpreheated the oven to 350 you can goahead and set those in there for 20minutes take them out and you’re done[Music]