Walking you through on making the perfect grilled chili lime chicken breast along with my husband and I eating his brilliantly concocted meal. It was oh so yummy and I devoured mine like an animal while he slowly enjoyed his food. The man is becoming a master chef in our household. If you like more, subscribe below and/or leave a comment
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
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Video Transcription
hi everybody we’re back yes we are backtodayoh very much so today we’re gonna begrilling some chicken breasts and we’regonna be marinating them right nowyeah I see how my hubby got a marinadeah all right so we’re gonna go ahead andmarinate the chicken breasts so we gotbeautiful all natural chicken splitbreast with ribs got some bone in it sothat’s okay honey you get a big giantone still kind of frozen yes it’s agamma we want to make sure that thisseason get get deep into the chicken sowe’re just gonna make some small cutsinto it nice small deep cooked yeah seenice and deepstick it in there now same thing goesfor this onethat’s okay so be a whole bunch ofdifferent seasonings herewe’re gonna use some this new stuff herethe chicken poultry rub granny’s got abunch of different things like garlicrosemary sea salt onion utter herbs andflavor a little flavorful spices let’ssee some of the chicken poultry rub onhere just sprinkle it nicely make surethat it gets on all the sides on allsides of the chicken is not too spicyit’s not too salty but but don’t put anymore salt a little bit make sure theseasonings[Music]see for the size of that chicken I’mprobably about to hearyeah squeeze em on make sure get all thejuicehere’s ate that chicken little bit sourI do a little Mexican kickwhat did mm-hmm yes I think that’s forthe direction we’re gonna be heading tothe tour it’s and that’s that and thenso he got some smoked paprika which isgreat for chicken and I got some chilipowderdown there make sure that it coverscovers the chicken halfway to get somechili powderI just lightly sprinkle it the netcovers our chicken right nowhi honey I can I see yep perfect okaybefore I put on the grill I’m uh put alittle bit olive oil on I’ll wait tilllaterto do that so until then we’ll justgotta let this sit and marinate for awhile and then I’ll be right back in acouple hours so it’s been a couple hoursnow and we’re ready to barbecue umbefore we barbecued my wife Lena decidedto put three chili peppers and threeteaspoons of olive oil so if we got gota nice good spice and a good good baseof oils that help cook the chicken moreevenly so we got a nice Brown richcrispy texture when it’s done when it’sall done supposedly so we’re gonna startto grill now oh it’s super hot okayoh yes look at that nice big chunk ofchicken we’re gonna put that slide downI can’t tell which sizesshould I cut it up so it looks like thatand then I put the other piece here downI’ll let that cook for a while there’seither fries this is three thick so twoinches thick so it kinda needs a longercooking time than normal and I normallycook it for[Music]I love barbecue while waiting for myhusband to clear a kitchen I’m gonnarepair some vegetable for us to eattogether with the chicken these are avegetable I can pick from my beautifulgardenI have fish months I have means I have ymeans I have garlic chives I thinkmiddle parts still not done so we justleave it on the low for a quiet quite abit and it should hold off on theburning look how beautiful so you gotsome chili lime chicken with rice andbeans a little mint garnish on top andsome kumquats for dessertand she’s gonna mix bowl of salad mm-hmmso green salad straight from our gardenyes they are now we are ready for dinnertonightOh starving yeah he’s ready to dig in Ohgot some lime on the side you want tospray a little bit on there okaynot too much thank you I guess thank youfor repairing and cooking wonderful foodfor me tonight honey you’re welcomethank you so much[Music]oh my god it’s really good it smellwonderfulyeah I dream that extremely yummy it’snow really good smelling great food Ihad this big chicken breast since Miamimm-hmm we got the best chicken breastsso far is in a Cuban restaurant in Miamiyeah we don’t have to go there anymore Ican make it here at homeyeah look at how beautiful the chickenpiecesbaby I’m even I was really yummy J mmmit was some mmm how you call so solidbut rice train from our Godall that skin is good you know crispyand a little burn still really good keepthe very youngOhokay guys well we’re gonna continueeating our food and if you like if youlike this video and many mores like andmany more like it please subscribe belowand then and or leave a comment I reallyread don’t wanna say goodbye but myhusband – I sometimes eating from acamera look at my food there are veryvery yummy extremely extremely yummyeveryone mm-hmm and I ready to saygoodbye honey like I am let me show thatfor one more time is so yummy hmm okayhoney I’m gonna say goodbye to peopleyeah hey goodbye everybody