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step 1 slice each breast about 2 inch sliver per breast in order to fan out
step 2 season the breast (fiesta brand uncle chris steak seasoning ) add desired amount
step 3 make sauce
add 1/2 cup soy
add 1/4 cup chili sauce
add 1 cup ketchup
step 4 cook chicken breast
step 5 add sauce to one side and let cook for about 15 min
step 6 flip and add sauce to other side and cook for about 15 more minutes (total of 30 minutes) hot coals
step 7 plate and enjoy
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]welcome back to on the plate tonightwe’re gonna make a special recipe it’sreally simple we got three chickenbreasts we’re going to dice these up alittle bit slice and we’re gonnamarinate them now we’re going to takethem to the grill I’m going to show youhow you can cook these things the mosttender is way to make them taste thebest and after that I’m gonna give you arecipe on how to make the special saucebarbecue sauce it comes up like threeminutes it’s so simple in fact if youhave a gas grill charcoal grill any ofyour choice even electric you can makethis happen in 15 minutes I’m gonna showyou how hello come on overcheck this out we’ve got chicken breaststhese are pretty fat birds and look goodwhat I like to do you know they get fatand a lot of people like to pound themout and what I like to do it’s basicallyjust take your knife chef knife and do alittle sliver in there and kind of givethem a little bit flare out that’s allyou got to do if you can do this aboutthree or four depending on the size ofthe chicken breast you can make them fanout a lot of people want to make a poundoh and do this that but that’s gonna dowhen you put them on the grill it’sgoing to give you a little bit of anexpansion the heats gonna get in therethey’re going to cook a little bitquicker in fat so if you cook a chickenbreast this thick it’s gonna take alonger time for the middle to get doneand that’s the reason why he cuts it soafter we do these chicken breasts likethis to this we put in our Bowl come onover ticklernow you can use any kind of seasoning asyou’d like but what I like to use is aFiesta brand uncle Chris’s steaksi think it sounds crazy but it’s got alot of punch and spices to it and what Ilike to do is I like to sprinkle that inthere if you can see that and just givethem a good little back fat off flip itover let that good good it’s called adry rub a little marinade I’m gonna dothe other two chicken breasts and thenafter that we’re gonna go to the pit I’mgoing to show you how we chart room andthen we’ll move to the sauce as we cookhow’s it going okay I want to show youhow to make the sauce what I have hereis Chinese chili sauce I have your soyand I have ketchup I have a cup ketchup1/2 cup soy and a quarter cup of chilisauce trust me this is gonna make thegreatest barbecue sauce you’ve evereaten it’s a little saucy little sweetlittle spicy little it’s really good sowhat we’re gonna do put this in here oursoy now chili and our ketchuponce you come in here you just mix allthat up togetherwe’ve got our chicken going outside mixthis in really good get kind of fanwhere it’s going I’m going to take alook and you just make you some nicebarbecue sauces it has a little pungentsmell to it it’s really good and once weput that on thereafter we’ve marinated that chicken faton caprices and then we put it on thatslow fire we’re gonna let it cook in alittle bit and it doesn’t over spice itit’s not like your normal barbecue oryou know craft shouldn’t say that woodall these other stuff you buy on theshelf is a little too sugary this isalthough sugar the only sugar you haveit in this camp and it will blend nowwe’ve got all our sauce mixed up we’regonna go ahead and take that out thereon a glazed chicken as we cook it it’sgonna be perfectohello okay now we’ve got our sauce thatwe mixed up and I showed you how to dothat earlier come on over and take alook and I’m gonna go ahead and pour alittle dab on each chicken breast nottoo much just enough and then I’m gonnalet that work in and you only want to doit on one side because right now whatyou’re gonna do is you’re gonna let thatheat up a little bit then we’re gonnaflip on and it will do a little crispit’ll crystallize a little bit when thefire gets it on the other side but youwant that marinadenow these chicken breasts are abouthalfway cooked and when they’re totallycooked we flip them all through thefinal and we’ll have a little bit ofrunny sauce on there you want it alittle wet you don’t want it too dryit gives it like you know everybodywants a little bit betrayed then I’mgonna have to ask for that so we’re onour way here okay here we arewe sauce the other side I just flip themnow we’re gonna put a little sauce righthere on top of it other side of it runit in a little bit you don’t need toomuch[Music]you gotta realize you’re cooking chickenbreasts and they have no fat on so yourfire is gonna be high this fire is hotand you think I ain’t doing nothing butit’s doing something it’s doing it’sdoing this thingso just you’ll hear a little simmer justlet them sit there and then once youfeel like warm on which I’m gonna giveabout five more minutes we’ll a longdress they’re gonna be drought and wetsauce on top but you’re not charbroilingthe other side that we put on there ischarbroiled it’s going to crystal eightand give us some nice good brown crustease that we like on our chicken butyou’re gonna have a little wet on theother side and it’s gonna work and thenno one Alaskan for extra sauce cuzthey’re gonna add to itwell here we are again okay the chickenscome off the grill it’s been saucedcrystallized on the other side whichjust makes it crunchy and I got the softside on the top come on in take a lookthis is the final productnow that was a short quick recipe like Isaid if you have an electric grill gasgrill tronco grill just chicken breastor a little bit dry so just don’tovercook them but just keep the sauce onuntil the next video adiosyou