Mom’s Corner is back in business! Our San Francisco Program Manager, Briana, is joined by her son for some family cooking time. Follow along to make your own BBQ chicken quesadillas! This is an easy recipe that can be modified with whatever you have in your pantry!
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
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BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi everybody welcome back to mom’scorner with 18 reasons I’m Briana I’mJeremiah and 18 reasons we are food andeducation nonprofit right here in SanFrancisco and if you’re just joining ustoday we’d like to welcome you to ourcommunity and if you are already a partof our community we like to say hey andwelcome back 18 reasons is a food andeducation nonprofit and we believe inthe transformative power of food weempower our community with theconfidence creativity to buy cook andeat good food every day so today that’swhat we’re gonna do we’re gonna make asimple easy recipe that doesn’t takelong and my co-host here is gonna walkus through how you do that so Jeremiahtell me what we’re gonna be making todaytoday we’re gonna make barbeque chickenquesadillas[Music]so now we’re gonna start our barbecuechicken quesadilla recipe so firstJeremiah go ahead and add in our canolaoil so we’re adding in about maybe fouror five tablespoons of canola oil giveor take a little bit more a little bitless and we want to get that hot and getthe pan heated and then Jeremiah walk usthrough our next steps now we’re gonnaput all of our ingredients in the panfirst we have red onions next we’regoing to add our garlic good job nowwe’re going to stir[Music]looking goodwhat was the first thing you learned howto cook on your own eggs eggs yeah it’sa pretty good start[Music]has your journey progressed since thenyes what are you making nowbacon bacon yeah pancakes so that’s likea complete mealmama here you go sure knock knock who’stherethese four up to now be into room allright so it looks like our onions andour garlic are cooking really nicelylet’s give it another maybe two minutesall right now we’re gonna add in ourblack beans so we’re gonna add our corngood job[Music]and after that we’ll add our chickennext our receive mewe have cumin salt and pepper[Music][Applause]chili powder great I mean go ahead andgive that a stirlooks great smells really really goodcan really smell the cumin and the chilipowder the onions and garlic’s smellamazingso now Jeremiah tell me we’re gonna donext next we’re gonna add our barbecuesauce and this is any kind of barbecuesauce that you have on hands whateveryou have in your fridge and after thatwe’re gonna add a couple squeezes oflime great[Music][Music]and now we’re going to stir some more[Music]put your favorite subject in school myfavorite subject in school probablybiology Mooney biology that’s a goodsubject alright so we’re back and wehave cooked our mixture down for aboutsix minutes and we’ve transferred it toa bowl and now we’re gonna assemble sowe’ve got our pepper jack cheese we’vegot our green onions and then we’ve gotour mixture and we got our tortillastake about maybe a tablespoon of themixture and we’re gonna spread it onhalf of our quesadilla don’t overfillcuz when you fold it in fry it it mightspill over and we’re gonna add in ourpepper jack cheese and I’m gonna add ina few scallions on mineand then we’re gonna fold it over giveit a little press and then put it on up[Music][Applause][Music]all right we’re back and so now we aregoing to fire quesadillas so in our panwe’ve got some canola cooking spray andwe’re going to add in about twoquesadillas in the pan and then Jeremiahflip them[Music]good job alright our quesadillas lookready to flip so Jeremiah’s gonna flipthem for us good job great jobalright so we’re gonna let these brownon the other side for about maybe oneminute and we’ll come back and go[Music][Applause][Music]all right we are back and ourquesadillas are out of the pan and thisrecipe will make about 10 quesadillasand so now Jeremiah’s going to cut themin half for us[Music]and here you have it our fun easy simpleand inexpensive barbeque chickenquesadilla recipe and we have Jojo backfrom our last episode coming in to tasteour barbecue chicken quesadillas allright should we give it a tasteyep all right let’s do it[Music]mmm really goodmm-hmm yeah mmm nice and flavorful niceand smoky delicious good job then ofcourse you come in to eat[Music]