BBQ Chicken Recipes

Nashville Hot Chicken Wings | BBQ Vortex Wings on a Weber Grill

#nashvillehot #bbqvortex #chickenwings

We’re grilling up some Nashville Hot Chicken wings on a Weber kettle using a bbq vortex! Here’s how we did it.

We started with some good size wings and left them whole. We put them in a one gallon ziplock bag and poured half a bottle of Allegro Nashville Hot Marinade in. We let it hang out in the refrigerator for 2 hours. We then took them out and placed them on a cooling rack and used a paper towel and just patted them to get off the excess moisture. The seasoning we chose was Killer Hogs hot rub, it has amazing flavors with a kick of heat and gives whatever you put it on a fantastic color. We went with a light to medium coat and let them hang out while we got our Weber grill fired up.

We placed a bbq vortex in the middle of the charcoal grate in our Weber kettle. We filled it with Royal Oak briquettes. We then added 2 royal oak tumbleweed firestarters and lit them. 25 minutes later it was glowing and very hot. We placed all our wings around the outside edge then placed a piece of cherry wood right over the coals. They cooked 40 minutes total and we flipped about every 15 minutes.
We heated up our Smoke This chipotle BBQ sauce and drizzled over the wings and put them back on the grill for 1 minute to set the sauce. Now it’s time to eat!


HowToBBQRight-Barbecue Recipes
Instagram – brianrobinson501bbq

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[Music]hey welcome back to another episode with501-b BQ thanks for joining us thisevening tonight we’re gonna cook up someof my favorite wings Nashville hotchicken wings y’all stick around so dueto some time constraints tonight you’regoing to really take my word for it andit is 6:30 right now and so two hoursago I took this Allegro Nashville hotchicken marinade I’ll guess is chickenNashville hot marinade but we’re usingit on chicken and I put some chickenwings in a one gallon ziplock bag and Ipoured half the bottle in this at 4:30so they have been marinating for twohours and so due to some times weweren’t able to do that on video but Ithink y’all believe me that we pouredthat into here and it’s been 2 hours solet’s start getting these out and sowe’re just gonna set these we’ve got ourfull cooling rack here that’s just gonnaallow some of that marinade to drip offand then we just got a piece of fallunder it to catch everything we’re gonnaget all of these out yeah look at thelast one right hereso now that we got this on the rack allwe’re gonna do is I’m not gonna rinsethe marinade or anything like thatI’m just gonna take a paper towel andjust kind of Pat it dry and the onlyreason is a dry skin will be a bettercrisp skin on these wings after they’recooked wet skin it wants to stay alittle soggy we’re just gonna flip allthese real quick and we’re just gonnacome back in just kind of dab around andI don’t want to rinse because this hassome seasoning in it and that’s somereally good flavors we pull this gloveoff here so we do have them as dry as Iwant to get them so now we’re gonna comein with our seasoning and so we aregonna be using the killer hogs hot rubwe’re gonna stick with this hot themefor these Nashville hot chicken wings sowe’re just gonna come in and give a kindof a lot to medium coat on both sidesthis shrub right here has an awesomecolor awesome flavor has a little heatto itgive these all a quick flip and you cantell that marinade has worked down intothe meat that meat is a little darker soyou can tell it’s had time to work inthere so we’re gonna hit the top side ofthese make sure to get everything theseare some pretty good-sized wings andthey’re still jointed you can take themand cut them all apart if you want toall you would have to do is take a knifeand come right through here separate thedrummy from the flat and then you cancut that wing tip off but there’s alittle joint right there knife goesright through it so we’re gonna cookthem whole tonight I’m hungry you mightsee some other ones on the grill withsome salt pepper garlic rub that’s howKelsey likes hers then we’ll heat mineup tonight let’s get this weber grillfired up while these wings are soakingup this seasoning we’re gonna get thisweber going we are cooking on our 22 anda half inch weber kettle grill we have apretty new to us and we really like itwe have used it BBQ vortex top it’s acone shape this is a form of indirectcooking your coals go right here in themiddleyou lot and then so you have your ventsall the way open and so once all thosecoals light its just blasting heatstraight up so even though it’s going tobe showing five six hundred degrees onthe doll it’s still a form of indirectcooking so you’re not going to burnanything because nothing is getting thatdirect heat so with the vortex and thekettle you see it’s right in the middleso that heat is gonna come up straightthrough the bottom it’s gonna hit thetop of this lid and then roll down thesides and that’s just gonna get a goodcrisp on those wings so let’s get somecharcoal in here today we’ve got us justsome Royal Oak briquettes the one goodthing about this is it does not takemuch charcoal and so we’re gonna take ustwo of the Royal Oak tumbleweedsand we’re gonna kind of put them in hereyou’re gonna take our torchhit them with that it’s gonna be about20 minutes those coals are gonna be goodto go and we’ll show you what we’regonna do next we’ve let these coals goright at 25 minutes and as you can seethey are glowing they are smoking hot Ican feel them right here so our wingshave just been sitting here thismarinade still been working that killerhogs hot rub is good and soaked in sowe’re gonna go ahead and get these on sowe are just gonna line the edge aroundget them on real quickwatch out putting your arm over thisthat heat is coming up in a hurry Ohlooks good and I just so happened tohave a piece of cherry wood in my pocketso we are gonna set that right overthere and so it’s not gonna be in thecoals but it’s gonna get enough heatit’s gonna give us a good smoke flavorand that cherry is not gonna be toostrong for this chicken and it’s notgonna last too long I can already smellit let’s get this lid closed and onceagain Vince wide open this thing it’sfixing to get hot and we’re gonna checkthese things in about 15 minutes we’llcome back to you all right it’s been 15minutes we’re gonna take a look at thesethings looking good we got Kelsey’s overhere she just put a little Mississippigrit on hers we’re gonna go ahead andtake a look get some good color on theseso we’re gonna go ahead and give them aflip it’s been 15 minutes so we’re gonnagive these all a flip and we’re probablygonna come back in another 10 minutesand we’ll see y’all thenall right we’ve been 30 minutes totallooking good so we’re just gonna comeback in and give them all a flip I don’tknow if you can see this but we got somefat pockets starting to bubble up that’sone easy way to tell that these aregetting close to being done I’m notreally worried about internaltemperature as much they do need to be165 to be considered done but if you doovercook them some to get that skin theway you want they’re still gonna bejuicy that’s a good thing about chickenwings so we’ll come back to y’all we’renever we’re ready to pull these thingsoff we’ve been right at 40 minutes and Ithink these things are done as you cansee our wood has burned down I’ll take alittle tampon these definitely doneso these are reading about 185 that istotally fine for a wingthey say 165 that’s just done so theystill got plenty of moisture in them sowe’re gonna get these off and we aregonna let these rest for about fiveminutes and during that we are gonna getour sauce and we’ll come back to y’allwhenever it’s time for thatthese have been resting for about fiveminutes and that gave us the perfecttime to heat up our barbecue sauce andso what we’re using today is the smokedthis barbecue smoky Chipotle we’re justgonna add another little level of heatto this and that has a good smoky tasteso we’re just gonna transfer all thesewings into this bowl they’re lookingreally good I’ve got this heated up backhere and so I’m just gonna pour that inlooks good right there and we’re justgonna kind of toss them around in here Ididn’t do a whole lot maybe one cup ofsauce I just like a thin thin layer onit whoopall right it looks like they’re good andcoated so they would be good right nowyou can start eating but I like to throwthem back on the grill for about oneminute to let that sauce kind of tack upa little bit so we’ll see you back atthe grill all right this grill is stillrolling at 400 degrees and so we’re justgonna line these back around the edgejust like we cooked them they arelooking good that marinade thatseasoning and this sauce gives them anawesome color so we’re gonna put thislid back on for about one minute andthen we’ll be ready to eat all rightwe’ve been right out a minute so we aregonna get these offthey are looking fantasticwe’re gonna grab all these off here andif you wanted to you can give it a goodlittle sear right over that I don’tthink it needs it I’m hungry I’m readyso we will see y’all back at the cuttingboard all right these things are alldone I can’t wait to try one of thesethey are looking awesome and so just tokind of go over what we did is westarted off with some good-sized chickenwings they were still fully jointed alltogetherand so we took our Allegro Nashville hotmarinade and we marinated these chickenwings for two hours and then we tookthem out of the marinade we put them ona cooling rack took a paper towel justkind of dried off the outside so thatskin wouldn’t be wet where we could geta more crispy skin and we came in withthe killer hogsbarbecue rub and then we lit ourbarbecue vortex in our weber chimneyit took about 20 minutes to get going itwas right in the middle so we line theoutside of the grill with all of thesewings we flipped them after 15 minuteschecked them again at 15 minutes andthen after 40 minutes we called themgood and then we heated up or smoke thissmoky Chipotle barbecue sauce we gotthese things off the grill we tossedthem in this sauce we used aboutprobably 1 cup and then we put them backon the grill for a minute just to kindof set that sauce it gave them anawesome look so I’m going to take one ofthese right here we’re gonna pull thatapart well those things definitely havesome heat to them but what do you expectwith what we use that’s what I wasaiming for and that’s what we got thesethings did take the full cook time rightat 50 minutes so if you like what we’redoing here at 501 BB Q make sure tosubscribe to the channel hit thatnotification bell where it notifies youevery time we upload a video check outour Facebook page our Instagram pagesend us a message a comment if you gotany questions let us know we’ll seey’all in the next video

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