#CookingCleaning #CleanCook How to make a Quarantine Dinner For The Family
Oven Baked BBQ Chicken | Baked Beans| Cabbage | Mac & Cheese… Inside Grillin
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]you know cabbage saucethis is my kid Buster’s right here I’llbe right backokay now let you guys see our you havemy turkey sausages inside of my sevencore Dutch oven that’s a seven courtDutch oven okay so they’re really goodnow I have my cabbage here and I choppedup some bell peppers sosausages already okay okayeverything has been rinsed off reallygood and these will wilt down this isonce more this was once really smallcabbageI had this cabbage when I was I boughtthis for about a week and a half ago itwas very small so I’m just adding alittle bit of seasoning okay and if youwanted to put a little bit sugar inthere no worries now I don’t have to putanything in here I don’t have to putnothing else in you know no water oranything like that because it’s gonnamove down to its own juice it just kindof steam okay cuz I’m gonna it’s gonnasteam gonna put the top on there nowokay I’m gonna come back and check itperiodically so so the cabbage will cookokay and I’m not gonna show you thechicken okay guys I’m back so now I’mbout to I have my brush here and I havemy hum okay and what I just go ahead andjust barbecue sauce take that I’m gonnadrizzle and I hold me barbecue sauceover my chicken okayokay it all matters just brush it justbrush it in there cuz I still have someof the juices from the is this theeternal dressing so I want to cut allthis to get I want to all bake togethercome on all to bake together and thenwhen I’m just playing one layer of thebarbecue sauce over and then I’m justgonna pour it all after it it’scompletely done okay so I’m gonna giveit another five minutes or something andwhat I want to do is also add some hotdogs with this because my grandbabiesupstairs oh it smells so good Cooper I’moff so it’s your hot little suckerthat’s a hot into this too so I’ll beright back so I’m back I just took mychicken out the ovenJabar picking up the other now I’m boredoff the excess um tastiness goodnesswhich is my arm my rub my robot my thisis seasoning kissing and I’m going tojust really barbecue sauce on yaand I watch I will add to this will besome hot links and hot dogs okay Iwasn’t going back out the house fornothing now so I’m gonna just use what Ihave in here in my ass how come youdidn’t make my any potato salad no wehave to ran the house who’s going outthe house right now is daddy you know towork every day so I’m in the house I’mgonna use exactly what I have here in myhouse you knowand I use my potatoes for another day Imight want to make some other potatoesor you know anything a baked potato togo we got steak in there so we can havesteak and baked materials as well so howdo you really want to you know but I gota lot of cheese in that I know thatmacaroni cheese goes good with thisright here three bags of that that cango before I put this over here with thesteak or somethingand seasoning cabbage is being steamedokay took your sausage juice and bellpeppers those pinch of sugar a pinch ofsugar but I’ve been making for 30 yearsand you guys know that here on mychannel you guys see me make it okay Istill have some chicken left over so Isaid well I’ll let the man have all thebarbecue for the another barbecue eventhough I know how to fix it and I’m thebomb and barbecue I’ve never been abarbecue person but I do love my chickenso I have some chicken left over so Isaid well you know what I’m gonna getsome grease I’m a little pot and make mea cup of pieces of chicken and I’ll havethe macaroni cheese and beanswith that you know I don’t know butanyhow and whatever I have never werechicken a daddy can take it with him youknow fried or barbecued chicken with himto work to my room for his lunch so Ialready made my own seasoned flouralready already made my own flour mademy mustard on my chicken and everythingas well as the hot sauce seasoned reallygood and yeah that’s it so I’m gonna goahead and just fry my chicken and a halfright here and this ball right here it’slike four pieces I have three wings andone time and then like I said I have mybarbecue sauceshe got my barbecue inside the oven andI had the cabbage here I’m gonna I gotthe baked beans on the table I have amixer my friend she asked us Joseph Isaid mom I lost my cheese that’s what Ikind of make that too and then daddyshould be home so what is wait I’m allman I’m just gonna fry this certainlybut I’m wittle old manmust have fried chickenokay some let that fire up I’ll beworking so this is my chicken I just gotfinished fineso here I have my macaroni and cheeseyou guys already know how I make mymacaroni and cheese sour cream as wellas as well as heavy whipping creambutter and some milk and cheese to thisand that’s how I have my macaroni cheeselooks so good Steven salt and blackpepper or salt and pepper I be like thisis my hot links and hot dogs andbarbeque chicken that’s already ready soI’m waiting right now for my house whenI get home I’m gonna show you some morestuff okay so I have another pot righthere this is my cabbage right here somebaked beans right here Bush’s bakedbeans some barbecue sauce as well andagain this is my macaroni cheese and myHollings hot dogs and chicken okay buddyI’m done with supper so I’m just waitingfor my husband to come home from work hecalled and said he’s on his way now sothat makes I have to that means that Ihave to go upstairs and take my showerget myself together for my husbandarrival time look if my husband ain’tcome for my girl so you guys seen thebaked chicken hot links and hot dogsmacaroni cheese some cabbage withsausages but baked beans wish your bakedbeans okay my homemade barbecue sauceand yeah that’s for dinner tonightthat’s what’s for dinner tonightthey’re not also having it back righthere in the foil I have two peachcobbler and some I’m not very caught upwith cobbler that I got from thecommissary so what are you havingtonight yeah and I started supper Istarted making supper about 1:30 it’snow 4:30 everything is done alreadyand I’m just waiting for him to comehome so let me go take my shower andhe’s gonna have his shower he comes I’mlook at all the latesit down and I have to suffer togetherthank you so much for watching my videoas you guys can see it’s broken up inthree parts or might before because thephone kept ringing and it was theblessing because my I put my refill infor my meds and like I said before youalways wanna make sure that you doingthis time right we are we got our stufftogether whatever we need and to getback in the house so my prescriptionshelping feel so I just got to pick up myprescriptions I’m happy about that makesure when you are cooking you’re washingyour hands which have to be water in thebathroom come in a kitchen make yourhouse be bleached want to make sure yourarea is clean floors are swept and mopeverything is walked down there onlymake sure that you wash all handles downknobs down you’ve been in bathroom aswell you know clean clean clean cleancleaning that’s all I could say that’show we’re going to get rid of thisendemic right right so I love you guysand thank you so much for watching meand I’ll come back when he comes home soI can show you their plates