Hello lovely viewers,
Thanks for clicking on this video. I will be showing you how to make barbeque chicken wings with your oven.
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Fresh or frozen chicken wings
Onion – sliced
Ginger – blended
All purpose seasoning
Cayenne pepper for a kick?
Barbeque sauce
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]today I’m gonna be making party barbecuechicken wings okay so today I’m having alittle bit of celebration and I thoughtI should film this video showing you howI make my barbecue chicken wings okayguys so let’s get this startedokay so over here guys I have my chickenwhich I’ve marinated overnight you knowusing all the spice and half that I likeI use ginger I guess garlic I use salt Iuse a little bit of curry a little bitof cayenne pepper and also a little bitof all purpose seasoning okay that’s theseason I used to marinate the chickenand I did that overnight okay guys okayguys this is the chicken marinated okayso I just brought it out from thefreezer so you can see smells so goodguys with the onion in it and everythingI used to marinate it smells so goodokay guys alright so guys and get a panlike this this one I don’t because a lotof chickenand just start placing it in the panokay this pan is not with the nonstickone okay so if you get the regular panyou have the bottom of the pan okayso put all of your chicken we need put alittle space in between each of thechicken do not overcrowd the chicken sothat they don’t stick together okay soyou continue to do this and you put itinto the oven at 350 degrees for atleast 10 to 10 to 12 minutes okay guysput it in there for 10 to 12 minutesyou bring it out and I will show you thenext the next step so guys this is thechicken all spaced out like so so guysI’m gonna put it on in the oven now okaybake and the time 350 degreescooking time 12 minutes okay and youpress Startokay guys so since you started now gonnaopen the oven like so over now so guysafter 12 minutes I am going to bring itout then we can put the barbecue saucewe’re gonna use for needs okayokay guys I left the chicken these areall of the chicken I’m gonna be cookingso I left it in the oven for 40 minutesbecause what I noticed that the chickenwas a little hard okay so initially Ithought I was gonna leave it for like 1215 minutes but the chicken was so hardand no the frozen a lot of ice was stillin it so I left it for 40 minutes so ifyou are using frozen chicken please letit cook for a little bit more time okaybut it is fresh chickenI think 1215 minutes should be rankedfor it okay so it depends on the chickenyou are usingokay so this is all of the chicken youknow so I’m gonna be using barbecuesauce this is the one I’m using this oneis sweet and spicy barbecue sauce okayand it’s by the brand sweet being sweetbaby Ray’s sweet baby Ray’s barbecuesauceokay so I’m just going to use thebarbecue sauce and glaze it all over thebarbecue of the chicken just glaze itand put it back in the oven for maybeanother 30 minutes and with that thechicken will be ready you know to eatokay because the chicken is alreadycooked so you just want the glazing andthe Babbitt kills us to know go into thechicken at this point okay so let’s goahead now and glaze the chicken then putit back into the oven so guys using thebarbecue sauce please make sure youshake very well your barbecue sauce openit like so then pour it inso I’m just gonna put in into all ofthemhey guys then weeksso guys mix it up like so make sure allof the chicken is coated in the barbecuesauce do the same for this one see makesure you have enough barbecue sauce allover your chicken okay guys so after youcook the chicken and the chicken iswell-cooked you drain out all of the allof the juice all of the chicken stockyou can keep it if you if you like touse it later on to cook something elselike jello fries or you know any of yourother kind of meal okay so you mix itvery well then you put it back in theoven for another 13 minutesso guys this is what it looks like ithas gone back into the oven for ananother at least 30 minutes okay so keepwatching it just to make sure all of thebarbecue gets into the chicken okay andit starts to darken up okay then youbring it out of the oven so guys this iswhat you want this is what the barbecuechicken look like okay guys so this onewas a little bit you know burnt at theside because I got so busy and I almostforgotI almost forgot it in the oven okay guysso this is what they look like andthey’re pretty this one is the mainvery very pretty guys okay so it’s quiteeasy to make not so difficult at allvery delicious very very yummy yummyyummy yummy yummy so if you like guysyou can take additional barbecue sauceand additional barbecue sauce okay youcan dose slaughter its own needsokay it’s just to make it more juicy andmore yummy yummy yummy yummy okay guysso guys this is the final product I justmoved it into a fresh pan that I will betaking for the party okay so this iswhat it came out to look like okay guysvery easy and very simple to do okayokay so that is it guys if you got wantfor just about two pcs this is the bondband that’s about two pieces of chickengot bones on this side okay so guysdon’t be afraid to give this a try don’tbe afraid to give it a try okay so I’llsee you all in my next video bye thanksfor watching[Music]