This video show viewers how to make the most delicious Chicken Wings while in Quarantine.
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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
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Video Transcription
[Music]in today’s edition we will be creatinghomestyle barbecue wingsmy first step is cleaning the chicken sowhat we have here is my chicken wingssoaked in water and I’ve added a touchof vinegar along with some lemon juicenext as you can see I start byseparating my chicken wings into twosections two parts so we have thedrumlin and the black part of[Music]the good tips to achieve a nice cutchicken wing is to separate both theflat and the drum and find the middlearea and start cutting away[Music]after cutting all the wings up Iproceeded by rinsing the wings off threetimes[Music]the next step is to dry off all my wingsindividually so I take a paper towel andI make sure my chicken is dry that wayit is preparation for the next stepwhich is to season the chicken up thegood thing about this tip is that allthe seasonings will stick to the chickenif it’s dry[Music]I just give my chicken one more packdown[Music][Music]I add a few shapes of Maggi seasoninginto the bowl add 1 TSP of garlic powderone teaspoon of paprika[Music][Music]one teaspoon of chili powderI add my all-purpose seasoning or meatseasoning for this video I’ve used myre-meet seasoning this is a staple in mykitchen as you can see I’ve done a fewshakes of the meat seasoning it’s up toyou as to how much each you see you wrapthose seasonings as you can see I begantaking a spoon and mixing all theseasonings up until the chicken is fullycoated[Music][Applause][Music]go ahead[Music][Music][Music][Music]keep on combining all those flavorsadd one tablespoon of flour this willadd a nice crunch to our wing once againkeep on[Music]shrink wrap and let it sit for an hourin the crib after taking it out of thefridge I add a half teaspoon of bakingare the wings until they are goldenbrown on each side I have prepped mydish with foil paper and some olive oilso as you can see I’m just brushing itall over the wings will be placed onhere and it will be preheat the oven at325[Music]now it’s time to create my sauce so forthis recipe I’ll be using dianna sauceform a ribbon chicken sweet baby rayhoney as well as v8 sauce honey srirachaI’ve also added 1/2 TSP of chili powderallow the wings to cook in the oven for15 minutes on each side after that Ihave added the sauce that I’ve made oneach side twice[Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music]the amount of seasonings used for thisrecipe is proportional to the amount ofwings used so we had a total of eightwings and when split in half that gaveus 16 and my wings are all doneremember to comment like and subscribeclick the notification bell so you don’tmiss a video