Taking a break from the normal exercise video and posting about Grilling and Smoking chicken legs.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
oh hey guys how are you well today orsick and tired I realized one thing overthe last couple of months I’ve beentelling you guys all about my workoutsand going out to the park and all thethings I’ve been doing it well got tothat and that’s going okay but I’veneglected one major thing where eatinghabits my food a lot of people out theretrying to lose weight they’re trying todo all the things they need to so thatthey can’t lose weight and you kind ofneed a little bit of guidance in regardto that I need guidance in regardslaughs so what I’m gonna be doing now isincorporating into these videos not justthe workouts that I’ve done becausethat’s pretty consistent especiallythere of course he the gyms are closedso my workouts are pretty much justgoing walking I am doing some sticktraining and a couple of aerobic littlethings like that but one of the things Ido want to talk to you guys about is howI’m changing up my eating habits and theway that I cook so what I’m gonna bedoing on this video so now I want is I’mgoing to be showing you how I’m gonna beusing my grill since it is summer timeto make some amazingly good food on topof that some really healthy food andshowing you what this how cooking on thegrill to some of the rubs that theydevelop make it for the certain cuts ofmeat and hopefully you guys enjoy thattoo I got a couple of new things coveredout in my life right now also get a newgrill next week I will show you wanna doit on this grill today I’m gonna bemaking some chicken legshey grilling that up but I’ll getstarted with that after I finish myhearty breakfast oatmeal here my littlecup of decaf coffee so I’ll talk to youguys in a few minutes please alrightguys now I finished my breakfast I justgot me a little bit of coffee over hereand left over and I’m sippin on I’mabout to stop my barbeque down here andI’m gonna show you a couple of thingsbefore I get started I wanted to makesure y’all understood when you getserious about doing barbecueyou gotta get you a pair of barbecueshoes let me show you what they looklike see these are my barbecue shoesthey’re comfortable they’re good to goI’m gonna be barbecuing these bad boyand that just means I’m serious aboutwhat I’m doingnow when I got over here something Ijust got a little hold of let me takesteps down here all right all right sowhat I’m what I’m trying to do today isI’m trying to smoke some turkey legs andI never smoked a thing in my lifecigarettes and nuttin but I’m gonna tryto smoke this meat for the first timetoday sand put my coffee down this iswhat I got I went ahead and purchasedthis next real smoker box to see as youcan tell my little my little grill heredoesn’t have much in regard to smokingability you see it’s just a regulargrill whether you can get you one ofthese little next grill smoker boxeshere and what can you see that can yousee that alright next real smoker boxright herecast iron through $12 at Home Depot andthen what you do is you take that andyou get you some wood chips and somewood chips now I got mine soaking forabout an hourthese are hickory wood chips I’ve beensoaking for about an hour and let themget nice and moist and when that’ssupposed to do is its supposed to allowthese wood chips to smoke when I cook mymeat in the grill so that’s what I’mgonna do right now I’m actually goingside I have my meat that’s beenmarinating since last night and that’simportant you want to make sure youmarinate for a good amount of time orwhatever seasoning you got before youtry to get some photograph right on topof the chicken whatever it’s just gonnahave a little bit of flavor on theoutside we don’t have any flavor on theinside the marinate allows it to reallysee bit all rightso y’all go out there marinate somemarinate some yesterday so that you caneat it today while you watch thatsurface today now guys that didn’treally make sense but that’s alrightmaking sense ain’t got nothing to do itmaking grilling marinade today finish upthe video tomorrow come back watch itagain alrightI grab back alright ladies and gentlemenso the way I have my grill set up rightnow I have it set up for indirect heatwhich means I’m gonna be cooking on thisside over here with the heat well I’mgonna have the trunk holes over here andthis side with the heat but all my meatis gonna be over on this side this wayit’s gonna be a nice even heat on on I’mwaiting for my charcoals to get readythose are heating up right now and withthe smoke on top it should fill up allof this in here and it should reallyreally take the time to really infusethat meat with somegood flavor now I got this over heregetting ready you see that chocolate I’mgetting me a chimney next week I’m gonnahave to switch that out but uh this wayI don’t have to have the charcoal fluidanymore I’m gonna the lighter fluid notreally a big fan of lighter fluid cuz Idon’t want meat in the food to tastelike it I’m gonna let this simmer therefor about 15 minutes and let that letthose charcoals really really get niceand piping hot before I get those turnedup but I just wanted to show you guysthat this is how to set ups gonna be Iwill clean my grill real quick and thenI’ll be back on to show you guys themeat that I got you give you a good ideaso while I’m doing all rightagain barbecue shoes all right all rightall right as we can see we got somebeautiful billows of smoke coming out ofthis this uh this room right now mychicken is out here ready to be put inover here i marinated overnight lastnightone traditional barbecue one texas-stylebarbecue so one thing I do what the costredone is two things one whatever youuse in chicken you want to have one pairof tongs for warming and one pair hugsfor cook me you don’t want to use thesame term that you used to pick up rawmeat so you pick up cook meat just lookunless you go outside and wash them buthonestly when you’re working on you wantto make sure that you’re using twoseparate pairs of tongs so these aregonna be my cook hotly tongs here andthese are gonna be my romney talks toget the matter here okaymake sure you carefulhere you see the smoke box be workingperfectly tons of smoke coming out thatbad boy and I’m gonna go ahead and getfinished chicken on indirect heat soit’s not gonna be over to heat the heatin the chocolate over here now that Igot all the chicken all nicely I got thebarbecue grill smoking I’m gonna closeit back up to make sure that it stays alittle hot stays hot and starts cookingnow this is how you control the heat inthe in the grill right here I don’t knowif a lot of people knows that this isthe old cheap $20 $30 grill on $20 grillI think I got from Walmart a coupleyears ago I’ve had this girl for twoyears and it has lasted me perfectly I’mgonna say I have no problems with ita little bit of rustling outside with usthrough the Saburo zone you know it’sgonna do that this is how you’re gonnacontrol the heat so you got the damperup here at the top and you got one downhere at the bottom and I like to keepthis one down here open so this whereall the air can just get sucked up intothere really good and then use this onehere to really control kind of the airflow leave it wide open if you want itto be it hotterthis way more oxygen gets inside I’mgonna turn it down just a little bitmaybe about half way because I’m gonnacook this slow so I’m gonna cook thisfor about 20-25 minutes checking itoccasionally just to make sure it’sstill good and then I’ll come back to itokay one of the things one of the stepsI forgot to do which you know Idefinitely think you guys should do issearing the meat first so typically yousear the outside of the chicken firstand then you throw it on the slow cookside this way you get that nice colorand everything like that on the outsideof the chicken I didn’t do that butthat’s alright we’ll just figure it outas we goI made sear it at the end who knows allright all right so it’s been 25 minutesthe grill is still going good I’m aboutto flip these chicken over this chickenhere over let’s see what the other sidelooks like oh yeah look at that itcooked up real nice alright so I’m justgoing to get these allall these bad book only got boys shippedover here alright so I got these rippedover I’m gonna go ahead and close thisback up keep that speak inside crackthat the event and let this cook foranother I’d say 25 minutes half an hourand I’ll be back in a minuteso one of the mistakes I made was Ididn’t put enough coals on the grill inorder to keep it hot for long so I hadto actually go back in remove some stuffand add some more coals to itunderneath the bottom I took off the thechicken that was doneyou still got some chicken over herethat looks really really good over hereI was letting that get really hot realquick and then while I do that I havesome hamburgers just cooking over hereon the sides letting those cook upI got some hotdogs little taller in aminute but then this is the chicken Icame off this chicken looks good I’mletting it rest for a little whilebefore I go ahead and open that up Iopen up one of those and eat them nowwhat I did with the smoker I don’t knowif you saw I did put pieces of pineappleinside the smoker with the whole thingthat’ll give me a little bit of that ofthat citrusy kind of tropical flavor andhopefully I don’t know I’ve never donethis before like I said it’s my firsttime smoking but I am looking for itbeing a really really good cookonce the hamburgers and hotdogs are doneI think we’ll go ahead inside and andtake a bite into one of those all rightso this chicken has been sitting forabout 25 minutes here I’m gonna go aheadand try to give it a little taste testand see what we got going on so hold onwe’ve got a real good flavor bill goodflavor all right deliciousvery good very flavorful chicken thankyou guys for joining the Harrah’s insidemaking some awesome maybe I’ll see whatshe’s making inside for the side dishesbut really your chicken is definitely abetter alternative than frying it I’mout here happy we pull this stufftogether right now for the day and tofinish this chicken late all this piecebefore I go that smoker that littlesmoker attachment that I boughtabsolutely perfect here it is right hereI threw some pineapple in there earlierI’m getting a little bit of that flavorI’m getting a lot of smoke flavor inthis chickenit is delicious I mean a lot of goodsmoke flavor in here too yes lots ofgood smoke flavor this chicken I stillgot some more stuff here on the grillthe good thing about the smoked chickenis that you don’t have to add a lot ofsalt and pepper stuff like that when theseason ended up because you’re gonna getthat slow flavors gonna add a lot ofgood flavor to your food this way youcan cut back on little extra caloriescut back on the extra salt world in yoursystem oh all right I can’t keep talkingy’all can I gotta go make this chickendisappear later y’all pleaselast a little bit after you have abeautiful meal like that come on outsideand sit by the fire just relaxthat’s what’s up all right y’all sign itoff until next time keep