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In this video I will be showing you how to make Tasty & Spicy Oven Grilled Chicken. This recipe is easy and can be prepared within a short period of time with few ingredients. You can eat it alone, with salad and any other dish.
Watch, learn & enjoy. Kindly leave your comment, share, like & SUBSCRIBE to my CHANNEL. Watch out for more Videos on African and Intercontinental Cuisines. Videos will be uploaded twice weekly so TURN ON the notification BELL.
Cooking oil
Habanero pepper
Cooking oil
1/4 Tablespoon Curry, Thyme, Ginger, Nutmeg, Black Pepper
Suya spice
Seasoning Powder
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EMAIL: angelfunrecipes@gmail.com
My Channel is about Food, Lifestyle & Travel. Expect to get healthy food recipes, general lifestyle talks & tips. Also world travel, food tasting, brand & product reviews, sight seeing of places of attractions videos would also be uploaded on this channel.
I believe the purpose of our life is to be Happy and make others Happy.
Eat Healthy, Live Healthy & lets explore the World together.
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
hello everyone and welcome back today wewill be preparing spicy grilled chickenif you haven’t subscribed yet please hitthe subscribe button and let’s startcooking so I have here some curriedthyme rosemary ginger black pepper andnutmeg and I have salt pepper to yourspice seasoning powder some onionspeppers ginger and garlic vegetable oilI’ll just make some cuts into thechicken to anyone we put the saucedirectly inside the chickenthen I’ll be blending all theingredients to make the sauce that willbe needed for the chicken if you haven’tsubscribed yet hit the subscribe 1420notification bear on and share thisvideo with your friends your loved onesso they can also enjoy this recipe I’mgoing to pour the sauce into the chickenbut mind you when I’m going to be usingall the sauce so you have to leave somebehind[Music]be sure that the sauce enters into thechicken everywhere then I’ll place thechicken inside an oven tray add moresauce to put part and over and Grill at200 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes flipthe chicken the other way and I’ll justbe putting more sauce on it so the saucecan really go into the chicken and makeit really spicy and sweet[Music]after adding the sauce to the other sideof the chicken I’ll also put it back inthe oven and bake this side also for 20minutes at 200 degrees Celsius so after14 minutes our spicy grilled chicken isready and this is really tasty youshould try it and leave a comment for mein the comment section and see you inthe next video