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Super Bowl Party Foods:
BBQ Fatty
pork tenderloin sliders
and BBQ chicken wings!
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everybody thanks for checking us outI’m will pit master for smoke mastersbarbecue we’ve been a competition teamsince 2007 I’ve had a whole lot of winsand a whole lot of fun tonight we’restarting into a new venue we’re openingup a YouTube channel started talking toa few friends of mine a couple weeks agosaid hey if I was to do a YouTubechannel what would you want to see wellwith the big game coming up what’sbetter to start with then Super Bowlparty foods so tonight we’re gonna startin the kitchen not really where weusually do most of our cooking but it iswhere we do most of our prep work we’regonna get it done here move it outsideto the smokers tonight we’re gonna startwith a barbecue you may have heard acall that bacon explosion a barbecuebomb goes by several names it’s groundmeat wrapped in bacon stuffed with creamcheese and jalapenos covered in barbecuesauce doesn’t get a whole lot betterthan that after that we’re gonna do somepork tenderloin sliders nice barbecuepork tenderloin cover with a littlecoleslaw right below the potato bun veryvery nice and to wrap it all up chickenwings course I don’t really cook chickenwings I’m more of a dreamy man so we’redoing chicken drillings tonightbarbecued smoked chicken drum is coveredin our smoked Masters barbecue saucegreatest snack ever chicken on a stickright some let’s get it[Music][Music]so now let’s get started with the BBQfatty basically what we’ve got is apound of ground beef a pound of porksausage ground up we’re gonna mix thosetwo together we’re gonna lay them out ontop of bacon week because we all knowbacon makes everything betterall right so go ahead and feel betterbacon week and the way we do that littlea bake it out and you want enough bacontwo long ways to equal one strengthlanguage right today we’re using Rightsbrand applewood smoked bacon so in orderto make this week we’re going to startto fold back every other piece andalternate the pieces we didn’t fold backthat timenext p.m. and repeat the process all theway to the end[Music]and then we’re going to back up the workfrom the top down this will end upmaking a long shape which I see as soonas we get done I press it flatand then we’re going to hit it to startwith some of my all-purpose rub this isthe smoke masters premium barbecue rubyou sit either store near you and thenon top of that we’re going to use alittle of the Jonesy cube money honeylittle honey pecan republic flavors justenough back in heat to make it seriesnow we’re going to bring in our gravitybasically just going to flatten that outyou didn’t even with the beat with theweave some sides a little bit of hang anumber on the top and the bottom just tohelp us with the roll again samecombinationcan I use my ribs you can use whateverworks for you and thenwith cream cheesethen I’ll open this bar turn off thechunk[Music]when your boots just closed up the endof the worldall right thanks to that we’ve got somediced jalapenos come in all right besidethe cream cheese I’ll set that smoothcream cheese little jalapenos and takethe whole thing over[Music]don’t you get enrolled gonna come backto the end kind of tuck that beef grabthe pork mixture inside tuck that endpiece of bacon around just to seal upsame thing on the other read oh one morelayer whatever rub you’re using againwe’re using the smoke masters premiumbarbecue rub and the jump DQ money honeygreat great combination of flavors tiltit from one side to the other catch onall sides of that bacon[Music]thatit’s basically Brooke work the barbecuepay you get that on the smoker we’regonna run it about 250 for probably anhour hour and a half we’re gonna bringit up to the internal temperature wewant once we once we’re there once weget it to the internal temperature wewant will sauce it leave it on thesmoker for a little bit longer set thatsauce get a nice sticky tacky sauce onthe outside of it pull it off let itrest for a few minutesslice it up so how do we got the fattyready to go on the smoker we’re gonnamove over to the pork tenderloins andstart what is going to become porktenderloin slider so what we’re going todo we’re starting with just a regularpork tenderloin get these I got thesefrom a local grocery store they cometutto pack I like to clean them up alittle bit some of this extraneous fatoff the top I’m not going to do a realdetailed trimming but you know just someof the fats on the silver skin that it’sleft on these things when you pull themout of the package just kind of you knowit’s large a knife in underneath you’regonna take a little bit of the meat thattrying to get as little as possible sowe’ve got the fat and the silver skintrimmed off majority of it trimmed off alittle piece the minister right thereI’ll go ahead and get that and then whatwe’re going to do is we’re going tostart with a little bit of porkinjection now this is what I picked upthe local barbecue supply storeshout out to at this barbecue seblakJimmy Shotwell makes a great product ortrue real well there’s several differentguys out there that make itI found Jimmy’s work for a will sothat’s what I’m using todayno phosphate hi straigt few other thingsin there that will really help that porkjust hold on to moisture and the applejuice is just kind of kind of tie inwith the apple wood we’re going to smokewith just going to really create a goodflavorso what about the injection should I hitevery couple of inches make a littlepocket something that’s going to comeback out at you so don’t be worried Ihave a paper towel handy because it doesget messynow if you wanted to dry smoke them youcould without adding a rub or anythinglike that because it’s pork tenderloinit’s got a lot of inter muscular fatalready use the XTC Jonesy cube which isa salt pepper garlic a little bit ofjalapeno so it’s going to kick up thatflavor just one more notch so get a goodevenly lit layer wet that rub it’s goingto help it stick help it adhere to thatmeat come back over smoke mastered ruband then one more time we’re going tohit it on the outside we’re not going torub it when we are just going to pressit in just to help it stick a little bitwhile we turn it over hit the other sideone more time and that’s basically allthe prep we’re going to do to the tenderwords what we’ll do with these isthey’ll sit on the smoker right next tothe fatty until they reach an internaltemperature of 145 degrees now a lot ofguys are gonna say not your respectivesupposed to cook pork to 160 165 noaccording to the FDA has them about acouple years ago I believe I’m notexactly 100% shown that date with a newtemperature that they have admitted thatpork is now done at is 145 you take itto 150 it’s going to be droppedokay so I’m going to get these on therack look fat we’re going to run it allout to the smoker and get it cooking[Music]fixing to put the barbecue fatty on andthe pork tenderloinstonight we’re cooking on the webersmokey mountain this is 22 and a halfinch smokey mountain you know I’m abarbecue guy I’ve got more smokers thanI’ve got socks you see behind you thebig smoke master drag off in thedistance there there’s got you knowthere’s a roof cooker or soldier cookerand a whole hog cooker on the back ofthat trailer I’ve got my daughter’s overhere in the PKS the Weber was a verysimple piece of equipment but it’s alsovery very efficient works great for me Ican I can load it and fire it off andrun it up to 215 it will sit there forabout eight hours if I treat it rightpick one of these up at Lowe’s for about$400 I’m sure your barbecue supplystores aroundin Tennessee and Mississippi some twovery very versatile we’re gonna be usingApplewood tonight so I’m just gonna openup the access to the firebox and thendrop a couple pieces of Apple in thereLotus you can see we got a fire box inthe bottom a water pan in the middle andthen you’ve got your first rack we’renot going to be cooking on the firstdrive Mike we’re gonna be cooking on thesecond rack and runes on one sidebarbecue Freddieclose them up let them run for just alittle bit so in the meantime we’regonna come inside and get started on ourchicken wings in about ten or fifteenminutes we’ll go back outsidewe’ll put probes in that way we canwatch temperatures tell us exactly whateverything’s doing when it needs to comeoff so with our chicken wings tonightchicken wings is kind of a misnomerwe’re actually cooking chicken drum andwhen I get the drumming I like a big onelike a lot of meat on the end likesomething to sink my teeth into the onlyproblem with wings is a lot of times yougo to eat wings and it’s a lot of workfor not a lot of result so what I’ve gothere in the bag is a brine mixturebasically just salt brown sugar and alittle bit of the rub that we’re goingto be using tonight on the geunji cuemoney honey and they’ve been sitting inthat bag for about 24 hoursthat salt gets in there really opens upthe pores of the chicken that allowsthat brown sugar to get down in thereand really sweeten up that meat and itallows it to retain a little bit more ofthe moisture than it normally would justreally ends up with a really juicyflavorful product when I start preppingthe chicken I’d like to start with thegems EQ XTC again just a salt peppergarlic mix a little bit of heat on thebackend really good flavor profile tostart getting chickenwe’re just gonna come back across thetop like I said with some money honeysame real make sure we use no basicallyeverything tonight when you findsomething that works you stick with itand Joan GQ products a rule well for usin competition we picked him up abouttwo years ago as a sponsor really reallyupped our game competition box not tomention it’s just good stuffcompetition trails one thing when I’mcooking for my friends and family like Iam for a Super Bowl right now I wantsomething that’s going to be good I wantsomething that they’re gonna you knowyou talking about something other thanjust a football you just kind ofpressing that into the outside nevertransfer these to a pan and get it onthe smoked chicken wings just like mypoultry will take the 165 but becausewe’ve got such a smaller piece of meatas opposed to the other two big pieceswe’ve got out there these will cook alot faster all right we’re gonna getthese on the smoke okay so we’re outhere with the chicken back to the SmokyMountain we’re gonna lift the lid herein just sick and kind of fit thesearound the edge around where our fattyin our fork tender winds have beencooking they’ve been on for about halfan hour now now you notice the SmokyMountains dialed in right at about 240it’s gonna sit there as long as we wantit to tenderloin is its trucking rightalong about 120 right now so won’t bemuch longer for it so let’s get a lookand get this chicken onload this thing up tonight such asmaller much smaller piece what we’recooking with the tenderloin and thefatty[Music]all right so now our pork loins havereached the target temp so we’re goingto put a thin layer sauce on we’re gonnado in the meantime just cover these upand let it rest before slicing right now[Music]meantime finish the prep for our sliderbuns and our coleslawthat’s going to go on these porktenderloin sliders first off we’re goingto hit these rolls a little meltedbutter pop this in the oven just give itwhile our bones are toasting we’re goingto come out make our coleslaw get allthat mixed together and get ready toassemble our sliders all right let’scheck on these boys oh yeahjust enough to get crisp on the edgesperfectthe juice coming out I mean just pinkjuicy perfectand a little scrap that comes off theend oh oh good goodI hit on a nice piece of pork tenderloincoming right back across the top with achunk of our nice coleslawand there we have it pork tenderloinbarbecue slidersso I’m gonna go ahead and sauceeverything that’s on the smoker rightnowall right close this thing back uplet it set that sauce we give it aboutanother 10 minutes and that chicken willbe ready to go another 20 minutes we’regonna pull this chicken the first thingwe’re gonna do is check it yeah notquite there yet we may need a few moreminutes let’s seeyep we’re close we’re just not quitetherelooks like we’re gonna be good on theISAyeahso I’m just going to touch up the top ofthese with a little bit more sauceall right temperatureI’m gonna go ahead and pick this thingup we’re gonna get it inside slice it upkind of pick it up real gingerly not tobreak it there and that looks good allright so we’ve allowed the fatty to restfor a few minutes and the moment oftruth is upon us[Music]slice into that take a look I mean so toget the cream cheese and jalapenos andsausage bacon wrapjust an amazing bite[Music]somebody will go after the bacon scrapsthere on the end of the table so therewe have the BBQ fighting[Music][Music]right[Music]oh so good[Music]it’s um that cream cheese to help Enya[Music]Turner wins so juicy nice kick from theswabI don’t have trouble paying attentionthe game nowoh yeah money honey amazing good stuffso there we have it Super Bowl partyfoods at your barbecue fatty brown beefand sausage stuffed with jalapeno creamcheese wrapped in bacon hit with our JunGQ rubs a a little bit of our smokemonster ribs as well topped off with oursmoke master barbecue sauce we’ve gotpork tenderloin sliders with a creamycoleslaw on a potato roll and well wecall wings where a lot of people calledrummies but BBQ chicken so chicken on astick the perfect trio of Super Bowlparty thanks for checking us out todayfor Super Bowl party foods make sure youlike hit that subscribe button you’llget the notifications for our nextvideos we’ll be coming to you with moregood food and some fun contest videossee you soon