BBQ Pork Recipes

BBQ Pork Belly Banh Mi – Ultimate Vietnamese Sandwich – Live

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and live cook along on the lockdown andtoday when it’s worse national barbecueweek we talked about on Tuesday you willcelebrate in with cooking loads of stuffoutside you know the weather is stunningmakes total sense to be out barbecue litfire bowl it and make something tastyover fire so that’s what we’re gonna dotoday we’re going to make a Vietnamesesandwich called by meI believe I mean I forgive me myhistory’s not the sharpest but basicallythe French had you know some involvementin Vietnam early on and so they’ve gotbaguettes over there and so they makethese insane baguettes in true fashionto Vietnam you know there’s lots oftextures lots of flavors lots of colorsthat go into every single by meeveryone’s differentwell I’ve been over there twice myfriend Joe Ellie if you’re watching overthere good visit him and one of myfavorite things to eat the whole timeI’ve been there was a breakfast bang meit would have every slop almost everymorning and it had the same peoplecarrots I want to show you on it todayso pickled carrots and cucumber a friedegglots of bits of sort of peanuts andchili and whatever and then this is likepork candyfloss which I’ve never everseen anywhere elseincredible texture flavor and it wasabout 20 pence I think that this couldbuy for this baguette absolutely insanebut a lot of the packets over there orthe bangers over there are made withpork belly it’s the most popular cut andwe’re gonna cook it hot and fast we’reused to cooking pork belly normally lowand slow used to it being sort of a fallapart kind of long process and but it’sbrilliant to cook like a steak as wellso I’m gonna cook it up hold it takesprobably like 5 6 minutes to cook get itreally sort of work they’ll get the firereally hot and it renders all the fatout and it needs it juicy succulent sowe’re gonna cook the pork like that I’msure you had a marrowthey would do it make a little plays aswell which reminds me I’ve justforgotten my I always forget somethingforgot my brush so I’m gonna run off intwo seconds and grab my basting brushfor that and then I believe I’ve got allthe ingredients behind me everythingready to get started we are allthirty-one so I’m gonna grab that brushand then we’re going to hit itessential bit of kidneys they’reabsolutely brilliant the basting youjust need to have a brush going on alsoover the weeks I start to have a badback and I realize it’s because I’mdoing all this chopping on a low tabletwice a week for you like so a lot ofthe stuff I preach up so hopefully youcan I could just talk rubbish and youcan like chop stuff as I’m chattingwe’re gonna start off by making the themarinadeso some of you at home I know you feelgood like they probably haven’t got oneof these so you just need to chopeverything much finer it’s just aboutgetting the flavor out but I’m going touse a person of water here so this is TKMaxx about 15 years ago bought thisabsolutely awesome bit of kit with thattena it’s great for making marinades somy head I’m gonna take some ginger chiliand garlic staple starters for anyVietnamese dish that it’s gonna go intothe pestle water I’m just gonna givethat some love so just mashing it upjust trying to keep me and after thatI’m doing in shot all right so justgonna if you’re doing ginger found areally little great little tip recentlyI think it’s quite widely known butsomehow it escaped me and that is if youuse a teaspoon you can peel your freshginger really really easily the teaspoonsounds ridiculous with just grab ateaspoon and try it if you’re peelingginger right now sake peeler off and youcan get amazing results and also don’trelease the 50 years I’ve just been likechopping the skin off and losing loadsof it but you hardly lose any of theflesh but just gets the skin off alrightso that is kind of worked in alrightthat’ll do meso mashed-up garlic chilli ginger allchopped really finelyso don’t worry about it if you haven’tgot the person I’m little guys put thatdown thereinto this we’re gonna add a tablespoonof soy sauce now soy sauce is a bit of astand of thing again that’s going tobring you some salt we’re always lookingfor it for like the five kind of flavorswhich are salt sweet bitter sour andbitter heat yeah and you’ve got allthose two go together taste buds aregonna go boom and you’re gonna hit yourumami which is essentially the six yeahall right so we saw gone into that potnow I know some people are gonna win tothis and it smells and youth club lot Iknow you’re probably not gonna like itbut beef sauce is the one and it mightsmell most of a horrible when you dothis now but you put it into the poolyou cook it you’re not gonna taste thefish okay it’s gonna bring a brilliantflavor so tablespoon of fish sauce andthen simply about a hundred mils ofwater in there as well just to loosenthings up a little bitbecause this is just a marinade and itdoesn’t need to be too intense becausedo this shortly we’re gonna grind itagain make sure everything’s mixedtogether get it sliced up if you’ve gotlike a food processor or even likenutribullet maybe everyone’s anutribullet yes look at that good jobthere’s no oil in this that’s gonnastain otherwise so work your marinadewith that have a little tastewhoa ha crazy flavor if you taste thatyou’ll understand why I told you putwater in it because without the waterit’s insanely intense right next thingI’m gonna take the pork belly strips soideally you want them you don’t want abig rack of pork bellyyou just want strips like this yeahreally easy to cook so I’m gonna use 2/3mix not all of it do not put it all in2/3 in to save the last bit cuz thatit’s gonna become your glaze later on soleave that to one side that is importantokay then just make sure belly I’m noteven get my hands in thereit’s just where’s their own in that andideally there’s a couple of things I’mgoing to show you now that really needsto be done like an hour before and so aslong as you can leave it in that I meanif you do the night before makes lifeflows easier on the day especially forgoing to do these for lots of people thebow means a real good recipe that youcould use for lots and lots of peopleblows this at once have everything readythrow them together people boom wow thatis a bit different to a burger it’sreally really good okay so pork bellymarinating forget about that okay thenext thing is pickles now everybody haspickles pickled vegetables yeahand so I’ll show you how to make areally simple pickle again these aregoing to benefit from an hour or so ofyou kind of leaving them to soakeverything up I because of that I madesome previously so here’s my bowl ofpickles okay and in here we havecucumber whichtakes it to another level putting it inthis chilishredded carrot and then these littlebad boys you wouldn’t get in Vietnam butmy addition to these is and they’rebanging season if you’ve got any wildgarlic grow near you the head snag youcan see those the heads are bang inseason they’re really really tasty youjust chop them off and back up herelet’s make this pickle out from overhereso these heads like this okay you’ll seethey still got a few flowers on themgive them a little bit of a brushthey’re all ready to come the flowers inthere a peeler take a peeler okay youjust peel all the way down a cucumberyou get super thin delicious littleslices is fit the thinner the better Ihave them something to use my knifegot it a little bit too hot almost itdoesn’t matter if you get your fire topart if you only fill half of your BBQwith cold so those of you who arecooking on the youth club guys are thoseas much as I detest these things aregiving you all your disposable barbecuesyou trying to push the cold to what endjust so you’ve got one side it’s alittle bit cooler now be great make sureyou get an adult to help you don’t burnthose go into the bowl then we’re gonnago we need the carrots so where is thecarrot oh yesuse mine you want to use a peeler it’slike a grater for this oh great a coupleof carrots in there also slices of chiliI forgot to bring my chili but it’salready in the other pickle that I madeso you don’t need to find out me toworry about that new slices of thinlysliced chili in there as well thecarrots will do it okay coolso you got all your veggies in thereincluding your chili now I’m gonna takesome warm water probably a little bittoo much now you want to bag I don’tknow maybe like just over half a pint ofwarm water and it’s not warm enough butwhen you put so you put a tablespoon ofsalt you know two tablespoons and whitesugarno water nice and warm enough that thatwill dissolve as much the back todissolve into the water as you canthat’s pretty well dissolved and then Isaid absolutely transform that’s ourlanguage into something like you justcouldn’t buy it’s incorrect there reallyare good honestlysort of song sweetly sour he all ofthose elements I just talked about arein to those little pickles there rightput that one down all right then so thenext bit if once you meat is marinatedwhat cracked a beer whose cracked a beerI asked Nick alright may are you doingyou need one of these Scion isn’t sweetenjoyed a yes you do may get yourbarbecue out brother right sorry talkingto people anyway so marinated all of thethe meat now as you saw fires ragingprobably almost too hot actually in themiddle so but because I’ve got only youcan see the cold stopped here and it’scooling on this side I can put the meatsomewhere in the middle and basically ohyeah before before put the meat on we’regoing to make the rest of the glaze somoving back to the bit of your marinadethat you saved in the bowl I’m gonnatake Ronnie hunt runny honey okayhundred meals I’m going to pour thatinto the glaze make it super sticky nowwe the reason we don’t put this on whenwe’re marinating the meat sugar thesugar content in the honey is going toburn if you put it on there so you’regonna end up with completely black onthe outside and undercooked in themiddle when you cook your your porkbelly so you make that glaze so when weknow the pork belly is almost done thenwe glaze it on just let it caramelize alittle bit and then take it off and thenyou won’t have a burnt piece of porkbelly basically yeah sugar and firedon’t mix always add the sugar laterlater later unless it’s a little bit alittle tiny bit of rub or something isacceptable but now I’m at you only thisnice is quite sweet and quite so PunkPope you know and that’s the one rightso mix all that together and becauseyou’ve still got some of the water andthe soy and the fish sauce nothing inthere that’s going to loosen up so it’sgonna be sort of like almost like coughmixture I’ll be backall righty then there’s one more elementI forgot before we cook that pork bellywe’re gonna do and that is the wildgarlic mayonnaise which really isn’trocket science which is this part notthe lead this is just the leavesthat’s the leave okay so I mean really[Applause][Applause][Applause][Applause]nice and Bruce the mayor okay so showyou on my knife nicely chopped whilegarlic that is gonna go like so I’ve gotsome in a jar today because that’s whatyou’re not going to do and then this istrial and error guys for you like you’rejust going to need to see flavor-wiseall that mixed up and once you sort ofsee everything’s incorporated mix itaround again with this if you made it uplike the day before the flavor of thewild garlic is really have much longerto penetrate into the mayor this is allI’m doing all this sort of last minutebecause I’m doing it live with yacht butthis is something you grab all the stuffprep the day before when you make themround we got it which you can do fromnext week lobster makes in your garden Ican’t wait that right well garlic mayodone so easy right okaywe are actually going to make this timeand I’ve said it like six times therehaven’t yet we are so medium grill[Music]griddle so you get some nice charredlines just looks good just to throwthose onand we’re looking for is the fat dancereally probably not another reason forhaving a hot or cold spot yes belly isextremely fatty okay so we alldefinitely get some flare-ups coming andif we did if we filled this whole thingcharcoal then where are we going to moveit to when it starts to flare up whereasbecause half B isn’t even lit they gettoo hot then all of us move them out ormove on to the edge of the fire whereit’s cooler yeah I wanna wash my handsagain so just to us raw pork you need todo the same he just took raw porkbear with me back into second[Music]right there so dance so it’s time justease up underneath those strips andyou’ll see that by leaving it thereabout a nice grill marks Iran thatbeginning okay I’m just gonna keep themmoving once they’ve been seared off oneither either side you can turn them abit more than the initial when you firstdrop them down wet you need to leavethem just to get that cross that canization okay today and turn once this isnow I mean these to be served you knowalmost need yeah medium to well gonetake them up at like 60 62 degrees ifyou’ve got a thermometer slice it openif you haven’t and you know unclear andit’s not kink inside chill then it’sgood to go okay take your timethere’s no it’s like 10 o’clockalmost like the word oblong you knowthey’ve got equal surface area on eachside and you can put you can turn themon to all four corners and this is thepoint where don’t try and do some ofthis stuff I’ve just done while this isgoing on because that’s how you burnstuff this is where you need to be thepit master you need to be on the grillwatching what’s going on paying it theattention it deserves keeping thingsmoving and you’ll get superdelicious crispy belly pork yes I did alive earlier on with a lady who asked meif I’m come on with her on Instagram andcook some so Brett and I was talking andso while I’m talking to you keeping myeye on the ball if I see that piece nowit’s getting almost beyond and there wego again heat so I’ve got this cool azone for new blocks of that they’realmost there almost but that is goodthat’s flavor all right just keep it inthe zone no it’s just cooking mediumpeople you should be using franklynobody else is making charcoal for 90mile radius you don’t need the milesputting on it just don’t need rainforestbeing cut down you know use goodsustainable British charcoal kara doc isyour local one if you’re anywhere nearme some guys if you sort of down safewhip them flame absolutely killing it aswell but use British charcoal yeah Imean sometimes you can get sustainablestuff from Europe but it still have tobe flown here you know Amazon there’s noneed when we’ve got amazing stuff herein the UK what I might do is just grabthe phone naturally and show you what’sgoing downclose up the curse it’s looking good nowso flip this round well you want to seemy mug flip there we goright so these now if I need to keep itin landscape though these are lookingpretty good actually nice caramelizationhopefully this isn’t too disorientatingfor you I don’t know if that’s actuallyworking any better than me justleaving it up there you’ll see seethat’s the kind of color I’m looking forso this is the point but these are kindof need to come off well not come offbut come away from that heat that’salmost getting too intense and air sowe’re going to move that from there justsort of like here where it’s still gonnafeel the heat but it’s not going to beas intense as over that raging flamesI’m just gonna pull these back slightlyone two three four five six and thenthis is where this glaze comes in so I’mjust going to take the glaze this isanother benefit of having a cold side Ican put something on the grill and useit so I’m just gonna glaze these up nowlike so and this is probably sending youall dizzy so once I’ve glazed this sideI’m going to put you back on the standwhile I do the other side so back in thegame air and okay so you’ve seen whatI’m doing there and it’s still making abig difference I’m gonna go again withthe glaze so from the top I’m probablygoing to do this repeat this processthree times each time building up thatlevel of flavor really pushingeverything into that four we’reexpecting first bite the salt sweet sourbitter umami party babyright turn over again no it’s cool youguys I’m gonna move them slightly overagainI’m just gonna move them in see thebenefits again of having different heatzones oh wise ass we think someone okaywe’re gonna go raw more please take turnblaze again we’re just gonna keep goingand this place is running back though soI know that a lot of that flavor pumpedstraight now sometimes you’ll have likein the bowl where I make marinated porkbellyyou all have load of leftover marinadewhich is tempting to put into here butdon’t because obviously it’s had cooljuices in it so you can’t keep thembasing it on to your background and thenI’m gonna whip one up and just slice itin half I’d normally rest them I’m gonnarest rest the rest but I would like tojust see to be sure these two cooks so Ican show you that even without mythermometer probe I’m still able to makesure that I’m not gonna kill anybodyokayPease there you go for the fattest piece[Music]okay you can see that but it iscompletely white yeahjuices you see those juices I don’t knowif it’s able to focus that well but thatis absolutely perfectly cooked and seenit’s been cooked in my five minutes yeahyou see the color on it yeah that’s theglaze it’s been caramelizing the nextimportant thing we should know this sogives me five minutes right that’s thepoint where we can get everything elsereadyso the baguettes always have never everhad but gets quite like they’re makingin Vietnam and you can’t replicate themthese are the half-baked ones I thinkare slightly overdid it but they’realways really really crispy the ones inin Vietnam so slightly overcooking themisn’t necessarily a bad thing so gonnaget that sliced open probably don’t youdo it in your hands like this especiallyfor blocks a little chopping fingers areokay and we try and just just gentlyease that open to this stageshould probably have enough to make allthese you’re doing the kilo of Bellaquark anyway I’ve got about 500 grams soI like to excuse meif you work on it was one day like goingto the butcher’s in an amateur at hereyou know a good portion of meat it’s 200grams I’d say yeah so look out on a soyou got five people fight for greedypeople you want a kilo yeah right breadtoast on again this is the point where Idon’t want to make this the second timetoday that I’ve burnt the bread so don’tbe distracted don’t do anything elsebecause that isn’t going to take longthat’s all you’ll see you need to bechecking it within 30 seconds probablyalready the edges of that are going I’mjust going to load armies so hopefullyyou can see what’s going on gonna go forsome wild garlic mayonnaise just lob italong on the one side and then use theback and spoon don’t be shy with theMayo who he likes a little bit of mayonobody more loads a man yeah so we’regonna go down that one Mayoyes who stuff it’s Friday you knowyou’re allowed to have something naughtyI said so okay may I want next thinggonna put this down while I sort theseout so you’ve got your picklesonce your pickles are kind of likenearly done and strain up a load of theliquid just to make it easier for themto grab yeah and then load up sarnieswith a bit of that if you do it all onthe one that you started the mayo onit’s going to make life easier so youwant to get make sure you get a bit ofeverything you’re just going to loadthose up now with the pickles like soand then the same again this side that’slooking alright it’s quite hard to dothis holding it up to you got but Iwanted to see what’s going on so forgiveme if I’m wobbling all over the shopokay pickles on next Vietnamese Oh banginto their fresh herbs and the herbsthey get you get over there are prettymuch impossible to get here a lot ofthem but coriander and mint will giveyou a good experience of a similar sortof flavor that’s what you’re gonna getfrom the herbs that they use and thebest thing to do I’m gonna do this downhere because I don’t want to keeppicking it up and I need to use my handsbut just literally just tear bits off[Music]and then mint believe the pork mint workso well togetherI know one of the mums of one of thekids I was working with it’s probablywatching actually hi Nadine telling mehow like to have mint sauce on a porkdinner so she went – I’m sure this mintis actually from our youth club gardenwhich is edible it’s absolutely flyingat the moment which is great to see justseparate these two sandwiches okay soroom there with that mints one side noready but we’re going to just take thepork belly and you want to just slice itinto kind of like sandwich sized piecesso I’m just going to show you this sothat can’t slice it diagonally so youend up with one just just check thisisn’t poison oh my god I’m terrible youknow it’s restedlet’s get a few bits done probably gotmore than enough for the salmon as I’vegot here to be fair all the by me sorryfollow me as they said that’s quite aninterest in accent quite difficult topronounces into the British tongueokay so plenty of pork belly there don’tbe shy with the pork belly just the starof the show and the fresh mint andcoriander really set this off okay sobut if you were here at the start Italked a little bit about a little bitabout the pork candyfloss stuff thatthey put xamot over there which blew mymind can’t replicate that but they lovetheir pork crackling as long it’s alwaysvery light it’s almost like pop popcrunch so go to the pub oh you can’t goto the pub today but go to Tesco’s andget yourself some pork crunch which isthe fluffy stuff get pork scratchingsthat’s like hardcore I just bought thebottom in them okay there thissuperlight stuff literally just crumblethat sandwich it’s gonna bring youamazing texture and they love[Music]all right so squeeze it like that andthere we are so we bring these back upto youMatt well we’ve got that one upside downso I’m just going to show you the lidthat lid on that onethat is your Vietnamese pork belly bagme and it’s bang tidy I’ve got a bit ofmayo on there but you know this is lifeit’s not Instagram and it’s time to tidyup and frankly I don’t care come onstick it straight down my neck in aminute hopefully you’ve enjoyed that andit’s fairly accessible get one down yetbeats a burger I’m a dampener option addthis has been the tenth or eleventh weekof doing this and I’m still loving itI’m really pleased to see that you guysare still coming back I love to see whatyou’ve made you know you’ve got theperfect weekend coming up get one ofthese done get photo sent to me don’tforget to enter my competition which iscurrently running so Saturday youhaven’t seen it already on my socialmedia you need to go to the picture ofme sort of holding some sausages abovemy neck and basically you’ll see thecompetition there and it is all you haveto do is like myself like carat charcoalmugs hunter butchers and the fireballsit could I fireball page and you can wina mini kadai fireball you win a hamperfrom Morgan’s you win a package ofcharcoal whoops the lids just fallen offnever mindand put this down nowyou win a package of charcoal and alsoI’m going to do a private one-to-oneinteractive virtual barbecue masterclass with the winner – so great frieswe have to do is tag two friends andfollow up ages and you’re in so don’tforget to hit like subscribe all thatjazz and I shall see you back on Tuesdaywhen I decide and I’ll let you knowlater in a week what I decided we’regonna cook them until then have a greatweekendmuch love peace happy queueing

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