#homemade #ranchporkchops #poppinwithmamasue #soulfood
Me and my family is having BBq Ranch Pork Chops tonight!
Joing me with this amazing flavorful quarantine dinner night. I am certain that you will enjoy!!
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
today and I hope so[Applause][Music]I’m back with a clean porkchop okay youguys so that’s nicewe’re gonna begin assembling our seasonfirst you won’t start off what I Drivesee now in this bowl right here I havesome garlic powder some black peppersome some onion powder chicken is madeby law reason for some reason I love tomix chicken flavored seasoned with porkit tends to elevate the flavor in thepork actually if you had not tried it totry itdonaga t truck then I’m also going toadd in some mesquite mccormick seasoningso we’re gonna give that a nice littlecharjust get your seeds and blend that wayyou can make sure that all of your meatis covered full with the seasoning andyes I do like to season my food thathave full flavor that’s wrong about bothflavors in this poll I am going to addyou can use any barbecue sauce flavorthat you choose but I’m choosing mysweet Vidalia onions barbecue sauce andso you know mama sue don’t mentioneyeballing it so I’m not going by thecup of this barbecue sauce and thatshould be enough to cover all of myneeds for the different as well asadding in about a cup of ranch dressingbecause the star of the show is theranch and the barbecue sauce so let meget another spoon and get that a nicelittle starand I just said you guys all about boldflavors because I like and bold tastedon’t be afraid to season your foodadd just a little bit more minefunctions I see when I see them and whenI mix the songs together I’ll be lookingfor the consistency as well as you wantit to be able to stick to your meat notrunny but the sauce is already thickerthis and add it in that ranch flavorit’s going to make it even thicker now Ialways suggest that you taste your foodas you go now you can taste your sauceright now to see if it’s the level wayyou want it to be or you can wait tillafterwards you take a piece of your meatof your first fries and see if that’sseasoned enough the way you want thenyou can adjust it’s rather too underseasoning then over seasoned it becauseyou can’t go backwardsget one training in ER and this bowl isan egg wash mix which is two days andabout a half a cup of work that I put itin here and stir it on up and that’s myegg wash so what I’m going to do I amgoing to begin my assembly anyway I’mbeginning to ride in sport time so youwant to pre-heat your lunch hour watchyour seat when you meet preheat yourpork chops on very cold needs and getthat you know Pete the one with the oiland so by the time you’re finished withthat then you can put your pork chops inyoursee this is how you can tell when you’dbe society take a pinch of flour and putit in your grease and when it starts tozoom and bubbly like that that’s whenyou do inspector I already put one frontsharp in your four jacks are going toGoose club approximately about Tim’s at50-below not quite 15 minutes but 10between 10 and 15 101 you don’t want tocook overcook your chopper you don’twant it hot and you don’t want it driedout definitely don’t want that so and Ihave a three foot which is a very goodthing to have when you’re frying so thatyour eat on top all over your stove itmakes a huge mess why I make more man itwon’t work you know making simple may beeasyso you want to put your screen protectorover like so now it doesn’t fit all yourpants so this is a very large fan ofmine but mostly your frying pansit will cover it perfectly and it comesto different fibers – so I’m going tohelp this along by holding itso it won’t you know the grease allover my soul I don’t like a big mess youcan make some mess in kitchen so that’sa good cook but so once I’m done with mypork chop of course you see that I havemy size I have my cream right here REEDrummond yes opponent woman yes yesmoney that much harder much betterthat’s not much so 15 minutes and giveit like about three or four minutes onone side andwhat The Rock is cooking hi guys so mymeal is complete the pawn shop is downladies pop bands plate so he can do alittle tape Festa it is green[Music]all right you guys the meal is notcomplete without some corporate don’thave to have that you side but that’sthe size which I decide to show that offand I also want to give a quick shoutout to my nice people Maya hey girl andshe also got me a couple of kitchengadgets for Mother’s Day like aKitchenAid smoothly make them andthere’s a couple of things she got mesome back and body work stuff that girlsfor me anywho this is our meal tonightwhich is the barbecue ranch pork chopswith a side of corn and some greens andsome corn bread so my friends don’t eatgood night yes see it you if you guyslike this video please give it a thumbsup don’t forget to hit your notificationbell when you like share and subscribeand I’ll be back with another video ourtomorrow be soon or stay tuned becausetomorrow I’m going to announce mygiveaway I’ve been talking about it Igot a jump back now so it’s on the wayout I will announce it tomorrow in mynext video so you guys be blessed so youguys look back I had to get a panbecause I needed to be able to bread mymeat infiniteokay so you guys this here is my oneo’clock this is the coldest water bottleever and this water will stick in thisbottle for three days and stay cold soyou guys check it out it comes in manydifferent colors like they got the pinkthe blue the white they got a black andit come in larger sizes then you cancome in kids sizes too it’s a real gooddeal good investment and you’ve workedout people who like it mark on the lineand everything like I’m into my healthnow you know it’s a good thing too heavyfor the bottle Society in the gym athome any gym does everybody at home nowso but yeah it’s a good thing and it’s areasonable price as well so I have thatlink down in my description box and youcan check it out for yourself and sellthem on the 6th century so let’s beginwe’re going to dip this into the eggwash actually not we’re going to seasonit first I’ll give it a go ahead ofmyselfwe’re going to see them at first andmake sure you do a generous evening likeI said don’t be afraid to season yourmeat is that I’m a gay you guys is thatpsalmody everything your brain starts towind down but it’s okay it’s alrightoh right oh right oh right sprinklesprinkle sprinklethen meet childand like I said if you find that youdon’t have enough season alreadypre-mixed and your little brother getscreated just going in and add you somemore it’ll be alrightand I like to press the scenes and downinto my feet[Music]meso it saturate that thingand I had to now sees thatGolic business ideaand all the Liz Wonder and I am doingvery well with my prosthetics I justwent yesterday to get it adjusted as youknow you guys might not know that youhave to get your prosthetic adjusted asyou just getting it because your limbsgo to different changes and so that’snormal to get it adjusted every nightthen you know according to your heightyou know your your limbs getting smalleryou know because the muscles are notbeing used as much so anyway now we’regonna vote in our dredging processmy theme is simple drag it lightlyI need to prepare residue so my barbecuegrantdiffidence in last classand the reason I did it that way isbecause it seals in that saucy flavorthat ran cheaply either all that footand just like marinating your meatbefore you fry so that’s why I did itthat like some may say well why she doit that wayI did that waythat matterand work with one hand and you probablysay oh that’s a big cut of meat wellthis is the I always the cheapest porkchop that can feed your family becauseyou can cut you bad boys in half andmake it multiply it was like Jesus withthe oh yeah guaranteed you gonna make amess the object to the whole thing aslong as you clean up after you make thatmessand everybody pop it alright I’m readyfor my poacher now that what I should doKing BAM[Music]anyway I’m beginning to frightensportrackso you want to pre-heat your lunch outwatch your seat when you meet preheatyour pork chops on very low heat but getthat you know Pete the one with the oiland so a lot of time you’re finishedwith that then you can put your porkchops in your greasy this is how you cantell when you’d be society you take apinch of flour and put one point sharpin your chocolate going to clubapproximately about 10 to 15 minuteslook not quite 15 minutes for 10 between10 and 15 you want a hot water you don’twant to cook overcook it watch out foryou don’t wanna hide and you don’t wantit dried out definitely don’t want thatand I have a screen protector which is avery good thing to have when you’retrying it so that the grease pump popall over your stove it makes a huge messwhy I make more meth it won’t work youknow make it simple make it easy so youwant to put your screen protector overlike so now it doesn’t fit all yourpants so this is a very large fan ofmine but mostly your frying pansit will cover it perfectly and it comesto different fibers to so I’m going tohelp this along by holding it so itwon’t you know pop the grease all overmy soul I don’t like a big mess you canmake some nuts in kitchen so that’s agood cut but so once I’m done with mypork chop of course you see that I havemy size I have my cream you guys so pourright here my very ownyes but the rocket cookin and we’re backyou guys new already start eating andI’m smacking on them I’m so sorryyou’re like a lifehmmwhich thing about it don’t know whatyou’re missingall right I don’t know gotta get itgotta go see you guys soon bye bye