BBQ Pork Recipes

BBQ With Zack – How To Make Great Pulled Pork From Start To Finish

Hi, I’m Zack. I’m currently stuck at home during a global pandemic and have a lot of time on my hands. I also like to make BBQ. So, I decided to livestream how I make pulled pork, BBQ sauce, and rub for my friends on Facebook because, objectively speaking, my pulled pork is the best you’ve never had.

If you want to learn how to make great pulled pork, BBQ sauce, and rub, check out this absurdly long video.

If you want to become a pitmaster, check out That’s not a paid shout out. They just taught me (almost) everything I know and they’ll do the same for you.

Original of the video here

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BBQ Chicken Recipes
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welcome to this installment of I’m amoron and forgot that it was Sunday letalone Palm Sunday and time is a flatcircle for me I have lost all track ofdays and yeah just doing the best I canlike everyone else I I generally did notit did not click with me that it wasSunday even though it says Sunday on thelittle picture that I made and itdefinitely didn’t click that it wasChurch time I just made the time basedon when I wanted to eat dinner which iswhat you’re supposed to do when you needbarbecue is say hey here’s the time thatI want to eat dinner here’s how long ittakes to make whatever dishes that I’mmaking and so here’s what time I’m gonnaget started so here we are anyway todaywe’re gonna be making some pulled porkpulled pork is is super super easy tomake if you’re just starting off makingbarbecue this is the thing you shouldstart with pulled pork is super superforgiving like my pastor I hope who willforgive me for making a BBQ videoinstead of streaming church but Ipromise I’ll tune in as soon as this isover anyway pulled pork is super supereasy I’m gonna hand this over to my wifeso she can fill me I’m gonna turn itaround so that faces hold on I here I’lllet you ready 1 2 turn around so coolpork is super super easy and superforgiving we’re gonna cook it low andslow like we do everything else I’mgonna stay for about 220 or 250 maybeeven 275 you can cook this even lower to25 which is what a lot of people swearby I haven’t noticed a big difference soI’m not gonna do that because I don’twant to spend 12 hours smoking a smallpork but we’re gonna try knock this outin about eight the way we’re gonna dothat again is cooking a little bithigher 250 275 and maybe some folks likebut I like and then we’re going to wrapit because about half way through thisis going to hit what’s called a stallwhich is where the meat I believe theequilibrium between the moisture lossand the heat coming into it reaches aequilibrium and then your meat stallsout I mean it can stall out for severalhours so what we do to push through thatstall is we’re gonna wrap this in analuminum foil my folks were at brisketwell I did too and I would use a whatwould I call it butcher paper to do thatbut butcher paper can be a little trickyto get a hold of because you got toorder it online and the Internet’s alittle complicated but your paper isgreat on brisket because it allows for alittle bit of a permanent impermeablewrap so that you get a little bit ofinteraction with the outside environmentwith aluminum foil you don’t and so it’sgoing to kind of kill our bark a littlebit but that’s okay for what we’re doingbut the aluminum foil is going to keepthat moisture in there and it’s going toshoot it push it right back into themeat and push us through the stall andso we’re also going to cheat at thatpoint which I’ll show you I don’t wantto spoil the big surprise but barbecuepurists will probably have me tarred andfeathered for it but I think it makescomplete sense because aluminum foil isnot a permeable surface and so there’snothing getting in and out at that pointyou’re just turning your grill into anoven so we’re gonna use an actual ovenand not waste charcoal and wood um as wetalked about before making barbecue isabout layering flavors and so we’regonna do that in a handful of ways wewant to start with salt normally I wouldsolve this the night before I decide notto just so that we can show you what itlooks like then we’re gonna add a layerof an injection which I’ve already madewe’re gonna talk about that in just asecond and then we’re gonna put anotherlayer of flavor in the rub that we madeyesterday which we’ll talk about againand then we are going to smoke it whichwill give it an additional layer offlavor and then we’re gonna pull it whenit’s done toss it in the juices thatit’s already accumulated and we willalso spritz it with the East Carolinamauve sauce that we’ll make later onanyway let’s get started so this is abone-in pork buttthe butt does not come from the rear endof the pig it comes from the shoulder sothis could also be called a shoulderroast among many other names you’ll findthis in your grocery store pretty easilyat least during normal times thisparticular one is boomingyou see right there you can see the boneand as you probably know a good signthat your pork butt is done is that thatpork that bone in the middle will slideright outif this was not bone-in it would beobviously more floppy that bone gives itsome rigidity and holds the musclestogether while you’re cooking and so ifit didn’t have that bone what we’ll bedoing is getting butcher twine and Iwould tie it as close together into acuddle and I cone a cylinder a squareball some uniform shape to help it cookmore evenly and also to keep it fromfalling apart on the grill but that boneis gonna do that for us so I’m not gonnabother tying it up some people stillwooden you could if you wanted tobecause this Indust taper off just alittle bit but we’re not gonna botherwith that worry about your meat where doI buy my meat so this meat came fromPublix because it’s a pandemic andthat’s the only place that I can get itbut if I had my choice I my top twochoices in Nashville I would either gowell three choices if I’m making brisketthe best place to get your brisket isCostco they sell prime brisket at anobscenely cheap price I think it’susually like $2.99 a pound or dollar 99pounds even somewhere around there it’sit’s crazy cheap is it someone likePublix which has good meat or commercialcommodity me their choice brisket is 99in pounds so I don’t know how Costco isdoing that but they are so I’ll go tobrisk I’ll go get brisket and porkbellies like a whole slab of a porkbelly if I’m making bit of bacon fromCostco so I like Costco for that if I’mdoing something a little bit morespecial like if I’m grilling a nice stayI like to go to Puerto robe butcher theywork with a lot of local or regional inlocal farms here in Tennessee inKentucky and their meats really good Idid a barbecue demonstration festival inNorth Carolina last year I knew somedon’t cut pork chops they custom cut forme for free and the meat is just superband we said yesterday with barbecue it’sgarbage in garbage out so if you startwith great meat you’ve already got a legup on making great barbecue and then theother place that I like to get me fromis local farms and you’d be surprised byhow many local farms are probably inyour area no matter where youand then you can order direct fromfarmers now that a lot of that isseasonal because they’re obviously notprocessing their hogs year-round ortheir cows or whatever you know chickensare more easy they usually come by but Igot my turkeys last year from a localfarm that’s 30 minutes from my house andthe it’s called Field of Dreams farm andI love the movie so is even more fittingbut the turkeys were amazing and theylived happy lives they had one bad dayon a Saturday and we ate him on aThursday and they were absolutelydeliciousso yeah I you know you you kind of getwhat you can get so the biggest thing islooking at the label on the knee andmaking sure that it’s not already beeninjected with a saline solution which iswater and salt because then you can’treally control your side salt contentbecause you don’t know exactly what isin there even if it’s giving you apercentage of the saline injection soyeah I mean if you can go to like Publixyou know um or Kroger wherever you’regonna get decent meat but if you can’tgo somewhere like you know Whole Foodsor Fresh Market again if you get a localbutcher those are usually even betterthan anything you get a farm or you canorder meat really high-end quality meatfrom websites like Snake River farmscalm and d’artagnan calm and they canget you access to heritage breed porkheritage free pork is what we wrotebutcher sells and what you wouldprobably get a local farm this is calledcommodity pork that we’re working withtoday you see the muscles are a littlebit lighter commodity pork is what’sjust made in huge farms and it’s soldthe grocery store and it’s it’s it’sbred for its size because they wanted tomake as much money as they can off ofeach hog so they’re not quite asflavorful they’re not quite as fattythey’re just not quite as delicious as aheritage breed and so by heritage breedI mean breeds of hogs like a Berkshirehog or durock hog and there’s severalothers that are coming onto the sceneagain as well but this is just acommodity pork so it’s it’s gonna begood but not life-changing but we’reworking with what we have so anywaywe’re gonna let our flavors the firstthing we’re gonna do now normally wewould first salt in me 24 hours ahead oftime but we didn’t do that cuz I’m goingto show you kind of how the salt it butwe’re not going to put a rub on firstbecause we’re gonna do an injectionfirst and the reason we do injectionfirst isbuilding flavors so we’re gonna get thatinjection down into the meat but also ifyou put your rub on and then yourinjection that injections gonna come outand smear or flood all of your rub offso we’re gonna use this ingestion thisinjection is made by Gannon Chris Lilleyhe’s a pitmaster a very famous one at aplace called Big Bob Gibson’s in Alabamaif you’ve ever heard of Alabama whitesauce it was created at Big Bob Gibson’skrisily did not create it Big Bob didbut create a scenario big Bob’sgranddaughter and now he is thepitmaster there and has really broughtthat place to national prominence he’salso on the competitive circuit and sohe competes in a lot of barbecuecontests around the country and I thinkaround the world he’s a spokesman fromKingsford anyway he’s amazing and heshares his recipes because he wins awhole lot so we’ve got an injection ofhis today this is a pork injection thatis made with apple sauce water saltsugar and Worcestershire sauce so we’regoing to give it again looking for thatbalance of flavors you’re getting sweetand savory and there with the wateryou’re adding some moisture and thenthis has salt now if I were to salt mypork the night before I would leave thesalt out of this injection but because Ididn’t how to leave the salt in theinjection so I can get that salt deeperbecause obviously the salt is not gonnaget in there what did I say applesauceI’m in a pandemic and I can’t rememberthings it’s apple juice I’m not sorryyes that would be very weirdit is not applesauce anyway so we’ve gotthis and I’ve got it in a cup for areasonyou dog you know you can mix this in abowl then you’re gonna have to tilt thebowl and hold a bowl and really weirdways and probably spill it to get enoughfluid to be able to put this needle downthis needle is is not super fancy it’snot as nice as the one that I normallyhave it only has holes down here at thebottom instead of up and down but thisneedle was a dollar and it was atWalmart and my good needle is notworking great so we’re gonna try thisonesee if it works so we’re gonna put theneedle down here we’ve got kind of atube for our injection so that hopefullyit just comes right up let’s see magicso again just like we injected ourturkey last week if you joined us we’regonna do this at about one inchintervals we’re gonna do it nice andslow we’re gonna push itas deep as we can push slowly pull outslowly pushing as you go we’re gonna dokind of a grid pattern all the wayaround this it may not look like I’mpushing a lot but I’m pushing it enoughif you push too hard come out too fastyou’re gonna have an Old Faithfulsituation and you’re gonna shoot yourwife in the face with pork injection andshe’ll get a coli and divorce you andlife will not be good then it goes mysugar mama exactly she said that not mewe’re going all the way down you canfill the bone hit when you do this youcan probably see that hard jerk at theend that’s the bone we’re just going allthe word there’s not you know magic tothis the point is just to get the juicein everybody’s hand we’re going to gofrom all sides on this we can go deeperon this side because we’re missing thebone so we get up here there’s bonethere’s the bone and we’re outinjections so we’re gonna get some moreI like wearing gloves because it keepsmy hands nice and clean especially withthe rub it’s gonna get super messy herein a minute and it keeps me from havingthe coronavirus in case this pig waseating no I’m just making up things nowbecause it takes a minute to do this ifyou guys have any questions as alwaysjust asking one way Kim’s our everythingproducer today and she’s really goodabout sharing those questions we’regonna get all sides of this with ourpork injection now if you go in googleKris Lily’s pork injection on theinternet as you should you’re gonna wantto cut his recipe in half he is using a16 pound whole shoulder for his recipeand this is a pork butt so a part of theshoulder and it is only about four orfive pounds one interesting thing aboutcook time to know is that you’re notlooking if you’re trying to figure outthe cook time you’re not so much lookingat we got that top already got the sidelet’s do this one and we should be donewhen you’re trying to calculate cookingtime the thickness of your meat mattersa lotmore than the actual weight tounderstand a little bit more check outamazing ribs com they’ve got all thescience behind that this is the fat capon top we’re going to put this on topsome of this fat’s going to render someof it will not it will give a little bitof moisture to the port but if there wasa thicker coat of fat on top like let’ssay it’s a big fact that that cap likeyou get sometimes you even get skin onthese things we would trim that off I alot of times I would completely trimthis off because that fat is not givingflavor to the inside of meat this isextra mustard fat that is intra must goback intramuscular fat is the marblingthat you always think about especiallymistakes it’s what gives flavor thisdoes not this just keeps our rub and oursalt from penetrating the meat so youwant to get most of this off as you canthis one’s already in pretty goodtrimmed up shape so we’re gonna hit itwith some salt this is kosher salt we’regonna use about a half a teaspoon poundof meat again with the the salt youcannot switch out kosher salt and tablesalt one for one Google how much youneed to scale back that table saltbecause it’s smaller also if you’llnotice we’re using one of these fancyaluminum pans that I picked up theCostco I love these things because againI can make a huge mess in them andthere’s not clean up when I sprinkle mysalt I like to keep it nice and high itlet’s come down like rain and I can dothis nice and evenly – we’re gonna do anup close picture so Windows is just nicereally thin even coat much like youwould just solve the steak this doesn’tneed to be super heavy but if you do itsuper light it’s not gonna do any goodso don’t be afraid and assaultit may look super salty but again thisis kosher salt the flakes of the saltare super thick and I’m not as salty asif you put this much table salt on thereso we got our second layer flavor firstlayer flavor was that injection secondlayer flavor is the salt which is gonnahelp tenderize and give us some moreflavor third is ours our rub we made ourrug yesterdayso if you missed it and want to get thesecrets to my success my success I meanjust my own cooking this is what Rob Iuse it’s a riff off of a rub calledMemphis dust on Amazon and Hamazon onamazing ribs calm but I changed it upadded a few things took a few thingsaway it’s equal parts dark brown sugarwhich has election glasses white sugarthat has no molasses there’s a good hunkof paprika in there we’ve got garlicpowder black pepper onion powdercelery seed chili powder and rosemary sowe’re looking for balance of savory andsweet some a little bit herbaceousnessas a bag note without celery and androsemary flavors and then if you noticethere’s no salt in this I like to keepmy salt and my rub separately so I cancontrol how much salt is in something soif you were gonna do this with acommercial rub you would want to do theinjection but you would not want to saltseparately because your commercial rubthat you get at the grocery store isgonna have salt in it and a lot of saltin it so you don’t want to solve thisand you’re gonna have double salt andit’s gonna be not great again just likewith the I’m gonna turn this over cuzwe’re gonna want this pork the top andthis for a second and I’m gonna pour outsome of that that juice just so that wedon’t smear it we’re gonna take our rubwe’ll hold it nice and high so thatfalls down like rain nice and even nowif you see all these big chunks this isthe brown sugar that’s clumped togetherthat I did not get a chance to yesterdayto the grind we’re gonna do a nice thickcoat all over this as you can see andprobably hear that brown sugar isfalling but it’s not falling on my tableor countertop it’s falling straight intothis bin which is collecting all of itand making for a nice easy cleanup oncewe get a nice thick coat of rub on oneside we’re gonna Pat it down so it staysin place and also so that gets moist nowif you notice we did not do a oil latheron this and the reason for that isbecause all that oil lauda platter isdoing is working as an adhesive to holdon our rough or hold our rub onto themeat but the injection is already doingthat so we don’t really need thatsecond layer I want a nice thick layerit’s gonna help build our crust which iscalled bark that’s that really dark darkouter layer that we like so much inbarbecue now I’ll show you one thingthat I just noticed now this is comingapart down here a little bit you want tobe really careful and this is why youwould tie it up because if you were tojust pour me you’re saying hey lookthere’s some open spot I should so Ishould dump some rub in there it’s gonnaget tucked in here it’s not gonna getcooked and it’s gonna be gross when youwhen you bite into it so normally Iwould tie this up just to keep this alittle flat and this a little flap overhere that’s falling off but you saywe’re just gonna cut this flap over herebecause it’s not gonna cook and I’mgonna do the same with this flap whichis very very painful and I hate doingthat but it’s not gonna cook either it’sgoing to I mean it will cook but it willjust turn into pork turkey so let’s goahead and just cover this in someseasoning there we goyou got any more side over here to doand again you can go you want to go kindof heavy on this you’re going to leavesome of the seasoning to the bottom ofyour pan and to your gloves and thethings like that but you also got tokeep in mind that with pulled pork youryou’re gonna pull this apart as the nameimplies and you’re gonna mix it alltogether so the vast majority of thepork that you’re gonna be eating is thepork inside this so you’re not gonnahave these big bold bites of rub in yourmeat it’s all gonna be mixed together soit’s okay to go ahead and do a nicethick outer coating into this that wayit balances out nice and well with theinside it’s not going to get hit withthis seasoning that looks pretty goodI’m gonna Pat this down again one tokeep the seasoning in place so itdoesn’t fall off but also to get it niceand tacky this is what we said yesterdayhold wet but especially wet meat holdson to smoke and it’s gonna help developthat smoke ring better than dry meatwill because those that water put thosewater particles on top are gonna snagthose smoke particles that are goingover top and hold on to them for to yourlife but if it was dry it would be likea wind tunnelthat smoke would just sail right over itanyway we’ve got all of our differentflavors I cheated and went ahead and gotthe smoker going because I want to getthis on on the smoker as soon aspossible because pulled pork is afinicky thing as easy as it is to cookit could take 8 hours it could go fasterand do seven hours it could take alittle longer and take nine hours whenyou’re doing barbecue you always want toallow yourself extra time because youdon’t wanna invite friends over dinnerall right now at all but when we getback to normal you wouldn’t want friendscoming over and say hey we’re gonna havepulled pork at 6:00 and you say okay mypulled pork takes eight hours so I’mgonna six o’clock work backwards okay Ineed to start it to 10 and then 6 showsup and your pork is still going it’smuscle that you buy at the store becausethat’s what these are it’s gonna act alittle differently the weather outsideis going to affect things theconsistency of your smoker is going toaffect things there’s all kinds ofdifferent factors you want to build sometime in and there’s ways we’ll talkabout that later about how to hold thisin place but but again I love pulledpork because it’s easy because if youallow yourself that that space and timeto have a little bit of wiggle roomyou’re gonna make really great pulledpork anybody can do this that’s the realsecret with barbecue is that when itcomes to back mark backyard barbecuewhen you want in the basics anyone canmake really good backyard Barbie maybenot great brisket all the time but withpulled pork anybody can do this and it’sgonna be better than just about anybarbecue restaurant you’ve had becausethat barbecue that you’re getting in arestaurant even if it’s a great barbecuerestaurant even it’s my favoritebarbecue restaurant the trick with abarbecue restaurant is being able tohold meat for long periods of time andkeep it moist and succulent but a lot oftimes especially with pulled pork assoon as you start pulling it it driesout and so by the time that you get toyour favorite barbecue restaurant andyou get that order pulled pork it’salready kind of dry some of that flavorbut it’s just not as good which meansthat when you serve pulled pork to yourfriends fresh out of the smoker is gonnabe a hero because it’s easy to make andit’s delicious let’s go outside and putthis on a smokenot everybody info make sure you crossfingers and let’s see what time oh it’sin the jewelry give us a little time towork so this is our smoker this is myrig I’ll go through this again since Ididn’t go through it yesterday plus weneed time to get our temperature upwe’re looking for like I said about 250and when you’re below that todayyesterday went really fast today it’sjust not going as fast so again you justkind of have to work with what the goodLord gives you this is my rig that I usethat I like a lot and this is whenpeople ask me hey and I get these emailsa lot I’m looking to buy a new smoker orI’m getting one for me for my wife or myhusband what should I get what herecommend this is the rig that Irecommend that if you were if you werefirst started what we have here is justyour basic Weber traditional grill andit’s been put into this table with alittle place for all your junk at thebottom but what I like about this is youget a lot of bang for your buck thistable may seem extraneous but I reallylike it because again when you’retalking and doing videos you can putyour meat down and just stick you latewith your hands so that you can actuallytalk but really it comes in huge hugehuge handy when you’re grilling takingmeat off taking you know grilled veggiesif you do that sort of thingbut it this is this is really a must forme if you’re gonna be taking smoking anykind of seriously but really even with agrill I like this because you get thetable but then with if you get above thebaseline Weber even without the tableyou want to make sure you get this thingat the bottom this is an ashcan and ifyou get just your basic weber it’s justgonna be kind of a plate down here atthe bottom and so the ash is gonna falldown from the bottom holes where thevents are straight into that plate andthey can blow around and you can burnyour house down I love this because thiscan catches all of that it makes for anice easy cleanup but it’s also saferagain this is just a weber this if yougot a regular weber we even with ash canyou’re looking at only about a hundredbucks this is a 200 bucks that comeswith all of these extra accoutrementsbut i think they’re worth it inside ofour smokerwe have a little basket that looks kindof like a big version of this and it’scalled a slow and seer and the slowesthere is essentially a metal basket forcharcoal and it helps turn your grillinto a smoker by helping you indirectheat up indirect cooking indirectcooking is what we do for all barbecueit means that you have your heat sourcein one place and your meat and the otherand so the heat reaches the meatindirectly when you grill who you’redoing direct heating but what’s coolwith the slow and sear is that it allowsyou to do that wonderful indirectheating for our pulled pork or if you’redoing steak doing what’s called areverse sear which is where you roastthe steak to temperature and sear it atthe end which is how you should becooking your steaks but that slow andsear channels all that heat up so youget a really nice awesome sear on yoursteaks or if you’re having a biggerbarbecue you can just take that thingout completely and you have your entiregrill space to work with which I love sothat’s what we have going on here we’vegot our weber kettle we have a slow andsear and then you may notice that thereis this wire coming out of our out ofthe top vent and what that is is athermometer now you may be askingyourself Bozak isn’t there a thermometerright there there is and for what it isit’s accurate enough the problem is ifyou’ll notice the thermometer is on thetop of the smoker or the grill hood butwe don’t cook meat at the top we cookmeat down here now there’s about a 10degree differenceyep we cook meat down here so as Kimsaid there’s a difference so this ismeasuring heat at the top but our foodis not at the top our food is down hereand so we want a temperature reading ofwhat our meat is actually cooking at andso what we have is this little piece Idon’t know if you can see that becauseof all the smoke but there’s a littleprobe in there that goes right on top ofthe grill grate with a clip and it’sgonna tell us the temperature of ourmeat now I can also get another probeand you know what I’m gonna do that realquick let’s go grab you just give themany way you guys stare at the meat for asecond I’ll be right backall rightwe’re back okay so sorry about thatyou’re welcome for the free a BBQ pornI’ve gotten the point with Michael porkthat I’ve done this enough that I justcan rely just on my Ansari thermometerif you don’t have an instant-readthermometer a lot of people flying ifyou don’t have an instant readthermometer get one I highly recommend acompany called thermo works the onlyplace you can buy them as their websitethermo works calm the best thing you cando for your cooking period whether it’sreally me making barbecue or even bakingI used it for a loaf of bread that Imade the other night an instant-readthermometer is gonna make sure you don’tovercook or undercooked your meat everagain make sure you get a good oneThermal Works has a nice inexpensive oneit’s called thermal pop usually runsabout thirty bucksgives you temperature in about four orfive seconds it’s awesome but we’regonna use this extra probe what’s greatabout this setup but this is calledsmoke it is a barbecue thermometer forfrom the company called thermo works andit has two different probes that we canuse this top one is measuring our grillgreat temperature and then we’re gonnaput this one and here at the bottom andit’s going to tell us the temperature ofthe meat so that we know not just whenit’s done but when it’s time to wrap youknow what’s really cool too is you havethese alarms that you can set for highand low temperature so that you don’thave to keep checking it every twoseconds but if it gets below a certaintemperature that you don’t like it’llset off alarm you can come out here andadjust vents speaking of which let’stalk about that real quick we have ventsdown here and we have Vince up here whenyou’re when you’re smoking what you’redoing is ultimately just controlling theflow of oxygen into your your fire thereason that this smokes low and slow isit because we’ve controlled the oxygenand lowered it to such a point that it’snot burning and doing full combustion inthe charcoal or the wood it’s justsmoldering but to do that we have tocontrol the flow so down here we want tothink of as our gas these are yourbigger vents this is what’s really goingto suck in all your air or a lot of theair at the top this is more of a brakethat we’re gonna make fine-tuneadjustments for nine times out of 10 youwant to leave this completely open ifyou completely closed both Vince that’show you put your fire out but it’s alsogoing to create really acrid taste ifyou still have meat in there youobviously can’t see the vents becausethey’re covered up by all this metalbasket andwhatnot so what I’ve done when I firstinstalled it and it’s kind of fading nowbut I marked off where fully closed isobviously but and then I marked offwhere it fully open is and where halfwayopen is and this gives me a sense ofwhere I need to be and so with my smokerand again this is gonna be a little bitdifferent but but pretty similar foreverybody smokerthe reality is you just have to use yourequipment and get to know it yourselfand make marks yourself but this isabout where I want to be right now toget my temperature up as you can seeit’s already up around 214 I willprobably lower it depending on how fastthat temperature is rising but that’sreally where I’m going to do most of mycontrolling very very rarely well I usethat although I actually did have to useit yesterday because my temperature keptgoing up and I had to close it abouthalfway and it really slowed things downanyway we’re gonna go ahead and put thisprobe in since this is a how-to videothere is a little bit of technique withthis you don’t want to just stick itdown the bottom and walk away for acouple of reasons you need to make sureyou know where the tip of this probeactually is because if you were to stickthis probe all the way in the meat theprobe would come out to the other endthe same way if you go this way also youwant to avoid the bone because the boneis going to stay relatively cold or coolrelative to the temperature of the meatand it will throw off your thermometerso we’re gonna go in from the side overhere we’ve got our bone that we can feelit’s soft it bones right there let’s seehere’s our bone so what’s going on thisside barbecue Church a man praise theLord we’re gonna go right in the sidewhat I like to do is hold thethermometer above the top and figure outwhere the middle of the meat is relativeto the thermometer so it’s about rightthere and then I put my thumb on thethermometer then I go into the side pushthe thermometer in till my thumb touchesthe meat and that tells me I’m right inthe dead center again making sure thatyou don’t touch or even really get isgetting near if you can help it thebones because that was their walk yourtemperature and you’ll end up overcooking your meat so we’re just about atemperature and like we said before yougotta cook at this temperature and at225 is what a lot of people like to dowe’re doing 250 we may even crank it upto 275 just to knock this out but in themeantime ourour rub has turned more into a latherwhich is great because that packing thisis going to hold on to all the smoke andgive you that flavor that you’re lookingfor so what we’re gonna do now is havemy beautiful assistant hold up the topof the grill because when you do we’vetalked yesterday about how if you’relooking you ain’t cooking and that’strue to a point but you do need tomonitor your meat but when you do if youtake this top up and just flip it overto the side and put it in its holder allthat heat that’s collected up at the topof the dome is gonna escape and you’regonna start off from square one againalso when you open this you’re floodingthe cooking chamber with oxygen oxygencreates fire it’s gonna cook up or cookup it’s gonna boost up those charcoalsreal fast so you want to make this apretty quick process when you’re workingon a Weber the reason the guys on thosebig huge black offset smokers can openthat and take it up take their time isbecause their firebox is separatethey’re not opening up their firebox sothey’re not really adjusting the thewood itself so first thing we’re do I’mgonna have Kim hold this up with onehand so that she doesn’t burn her handand divorce me we’re using hickory woodagain and if you’ll notice I can’t youdon’t have to you can just use it it’slike an oven mitt that’s right we’reusing hickory and if you’ll notice I’musing the same Hickory that we useyesterday partly because I’m just frugallike that but also it just seems like awaste of wood if you’ll notice that partcharred and some other smolderbut this barely got touched and sothere’s no point and tossing this chunkof wood if you’re just making barbecueat home if you have a big chunk of woodlike this that’s not really been burnedthat much from the barbecue reuse it Iactually will reuse par coals if I’mdoing like something quick on the grilland I’ve got this big bed of charcoalsand I grill and then I smother the fireput it out a lot of times I’ll have likehalf the charcoals that have not evenbeen used so what I’ll do is I’ll knockall the ash away sift out the my onionschuckles put them back in there if I’mgonna use it for grilling I would not dothat for barbecue when it when it comesto barbecue you want to be at baselineyou want unburned charcoal as you willknow exactly where you’re starting frombut if I’ve if I’m going to be grillingsomething all I’m concentrating on thereit’s heat and so if you still haveunused charcoals from the night beforewe use them they’re not gonna change theflavor and do anything other than saveyou money from using wasted chuckles sowe’re gonna reuse this and Kim if youwould lift that up for me just straightup you probably won’t be able to seethis too much but I’m gonna cut this badboy back in here where we had ityesterdayput that on top of the charcoal to letit smolder as you can hear our alarmsgoing off because our temperaturedropped below what we set it at for ourlow point now Kim’s gonna lift this backup and if she does if you’ll noticewe’ve got our temperature gauge overhere off to the side but on the grate sowe can get the temperature read we’vegot our wood on top of the coldsmouldering you do not need to soak itin water that is a myth they make boatsout of wood because the wood does notsoak the water in all the way as youmight assume that it does it’s gonna goa very very small amount and besidesbecause we are controlling the flow ofoxygen and keeping oxygen levels lowthat wood will not combust anyway it’sphysics or chemistry I guess it’s justgonna smolder and give us this nicesmoke now this smoke that we see comingout today is a little bit wider than Iwould like it’s not bad but we’relooking for even a thinner more bluesmoke but this will work this will beokay it’s still sweet and as we get thatchunk of wood smoldering it should geteven better I also have where as smartertoday and remember to put my water paintin you always want to cook with a waterpan when you’re doing especially whenyou’re doing long cooks like pulled porkor brisket we’ve got a water pan inthere all that is is just whatever painyou have waiting around a little pot youcould use a bowl fill it with water putit underneath the grill great to helpkeep the air moist in create a humidenvironmentall right Kim’s gonna lift this up I’mgonna stop jabbering I’m gonna put thison right here on the grill great we’regonna put it over ten as far away as wecan from the fire over there because wedon’t want this side burning and we alsodon’t want this side touching so Kim’sgonna put that right back there I’mgonna take my gloves off and then we’regoing to let this pack up and what Ineed to do isfeed this through the whole night youcould leave this here but if you noticethat leaves this grill open so what thatis doing is creating leeks and leeks areyour enemy can’t pull that for me thisis so much easier when you have extra tothe handleeks are your enemy when it comes tobarbecue we are going to look at little- thanks we’re gonna put this in alittle bit higher you know what I’mactually gonna redo this because this isnot gonna close all the way so we’regonna find that middle point again I’mgonna use my fingers oh sorry we’regonna go in the side right here myfingers tell me that’s in the middle wecan set that back down now where we setthis down matters we want these holes Iforgot to mention this yesterday we wantthe vents older than me and the reasonfor that is because these vents aresucking the the smoke out sucking allthe air out and that smoke is gonna gothe direction of the vents and with thevents are over the meat it’s gonna takethat smoke and bathe or since it’sSunday baptize your meat and that sweetdelicious smoke and so we want thatthose mints right over that smoke we’regonna plug this in my hands are allsuper gross now cuz I was dumb didn’tthink about all right go in do you wannacome take a look at this camera nowwe’ve got two temperatures going this isthe temperature of our grill great thetemperature the internal temperature ofour grill essentially and it’s obviouslyjumped way down but it’s gonna climbback up really fast because we justclosed the top down here is our meattemperature we are going to be lookingfor a temperature of 203 degrees I knowit sounds pretty specific but that’swhere we’re heading for today whatyou’re doing with pulled pork is you arecooking it past the temperature ofdonenessso the temperature of dentists reportaccording to FDA is 145 degrees so youcould put this to 145 degrees and eat itbut you could not pull it apart to beable to pull the meat depart you’ve gotto break down those protein bonds in theconnective tissue much much furtherwhich is why we take it way past thepoint of donenesslike you would with pot roast up to 203degrees but as we talked about before myhands are gross as we talked aboutbefore when we we are cooking somethinglike pulled pork or brisket it’s gonnahit that stall where the temperaturestops rising sometimes for hours on endnow you could do this without wrappingthe pulled pork it’s just gonna add twothree maybe even four hours to your cooktime I don’t have that kind of time okayright now I have that kind of time weall have that kind of time but I wouldrather be watching reruns of literallyanything than just staying at my grilland wasting char cloth so what we’regonna do is wrap in aluminum foil thereis a little bit of a technique to thatwe’re going to talk about that but wewrapping aluminum foil keeps the heatand the moisture and it really confinedspace and pushes it right back down intothe meat which pushes us through thestall and it’s gonna save us a lot oftime so yeah but that’s not going tocome till about 160 170 degrees there’snot a magic temperature there it’s amatter of watching the smokerI’m sorry watching your thermometer andthat’s why you have to have athermometer to do this now again youcould just use a digital thermometer butyou’re gonna have to be checking thispretty regularly with that the beauty ofhaving this this probe setup is thatI’ve got a remote sensor inside thattells me the temperature and I can keepan eye on it so I can see okay it’s at160 I need to see start keeping an eyeon it and 160 it may climb to 165 prettyconsistently but then start takinginstead of 10 minutes to go up a degreemaybe it takes 20 and then 30 and then40 and that’s when you know you’ve hityour stall at that point it’s time towrap and if you wrap then you’re goingto push through and you’re gonna cook alot faster but again that’s it what didI say 160 and we’re at 43 degrees sowe’re looking realistically at about 3or 4 hours from now before we even getto that temperature so we’re gonna leavethis as it is our temperature isclimbing back up again I want to hitabout 250 maybe 275 because pulled-porkcan take and if we can save time thatmeans we can save resources and andthat’s a good thing so yeah so we’regoing to leave that on there we’ve got apoor pork we just a summary of what wedid we’ve got a bone-infive pound pork butt which again comesfrom the shoulder not the butt or thebackside of the pig its bone-in so wedidn’t tie it although you could if it’sboneless you want to get butcher’s twineand you definitely want to tie it likeyou would a roast so it stays togetheron a smoker we layered flavors in theform of Chris lillies pork injectionwhich again you should google but if youuse make sure you cut it at least inhalf because it’s designed in theEpicurious recipe for 16 pounds andthat’s a whole shoulder this is justpart of the shoulder then we salted theoutside because we didn’t salt at nightbefore but if you if you really want totenderize your meat salt before half ateaspoon per pound but if you do thatyou want to leave the salt out of theinjection and again if you saltseparately like I do you need to find asalt free rub because that was anotherlayer of flavor was my rub if you wantto see the ingredients in my rub checkout the video from yesterday we’remaking ribs I walked through the wholething and tell you how much theproportions of each but I keep the saltin the road separately so I put the rubon top of that we made sure that it wasnice and tacky because wet cold meatholds on to smoke better than dry meatthat will just let the smoke bathe rightoverwe are smoking with hickory wood becausethat’s what we have a lot of inTennessee and that’s what I have on handbut you can use all sorts of hardwoodsyou could use oak Applewood is a greatsmoke a great way to smoke with cherrypeach guava pecan there’s all sorts ofdifferent proof there’s all sorts ofdifferent hardwoods out there to usewe’ve got our water paint in there tomake sure that the environment in therestays human and and ways to keep the thefood moist we’ve got our temperaturegreat at the I’m sorry we’ve got ourtemperature read on the grate and in themeat and now we just sit around for thenext three or four hours which is kindof true you do want to keep your eye onyour smoker especially if you don’t haveone of those cheater electric smokersI call them cheaters no there you canstill okay here’s the truth about pelletsmokers and those sawdust packets andall those other things you can stillmake good barbecue on those things youcannot make great barbecue now you maynot care about the difference but it’s ait’s it’s a matter of science becausethose suck that sawdust and thosepellets which is also made of Samuscombust differently than a solid pieceof wood and what happens in thatcombustion process is different types ofsmoke and to get that beautiful bluesweet smoke that sweetens your meat anddoesn’t just overpower it with smokethat can become accurate you have tocombust wood you have to create actualfire that’s why when you go to Texas orsomewhere that has a really proudbarbecue tradition they’re burning wholelogs of wood in a firebox in an indirectheat source and then bringing the heatand the smoke over that’s the only wayto get that legendary magical barbecuehowever don’t let that deter you that isa lot of work offset grills are reallyhard to control and you need to spendmoney to get a good one if you go out toHome Depot or Lowe’s or Walmart and getone off the rack so to speak they tendto be leaky the metal tins to be thin itdoesn’t insulate very well and you’llend up hating it because you can’tcontrol it but the reality isn’t notreally anybody could control thosethings unless they’re you know beendoing barbecue for 80 years just becausethey’re not good instruments to workwith you want good tools and so ifyou’re starting off the barbecue startoff with something like this Weber issuper simple but if you’ve got anelectric smoker those can still makegood barbecue so don’t hear me sayingthat but don’t don’t try to get into theoffset stuff because you need not just abig space to put that kind of thing youalso need to know how it operates andyou need a wood pile because you’ve gotto feed that thing wood so you needspace for wood then you’ve got to bemonitoring that a whole lot more it’s alot of work I love them that’s the bestbarbecue you can make but it takes a lotof work and that’s the secret to realbarbecue or to really great barbecue isthere’s not any corners that you can cutto make good barbecue if you go to abarbecue restaurant and it’s a bad it’sit’s because they’re cutting cornersmaybe they’re using cheaper meat maybethey’re their steamy and stuff godforbid they’re they’re doing all sortsof things to cut corners maybe they’reusing crappy wood they’re not beingneurotic if you want really goodbarbecue you got to be neurotic about ityou got to pay attention to your meatyou got to pay attention to your woodyou got to pay attention to the color ofthe smoke you’ve got to pay attention tothe temperature fluctuations you got topay attention to all of that stuff yougot to take notes to learn from yourmistakes that’s the really the bestthing you can do to become amaster is to screw up because as youscrew up just like anything else in lifeyou learn from it so I’ve got a journalthat I keep and I write down what cut ofmeat I’m using most of the time whatwhere I got the meat how much the meatweighs and then I start writing downwell did I salt it the night before didI use you know this started the otherrub did I use an injection what was thetemperature like outside what was thewas it sunny was it cloudy you know wasit hot was it cold because all of thosefactors playing in and then I take notesalong the way ok I check the temperatureat this point and it only gotten tosuch-and-such temperature and at the endI make notes about the finished productwell was it dry well how was the barkwhat could I have done differently thatway when I go back to make pulled porkribs again I’m not just starting fromscratch saying ok what should i do whatshould I do with this I have a baselineto work with and say ok I’m not going todo this again maybe I’ll try this butyou want to have a baseline to work fromwith barbecue so you can learn from yoursteaks whether it’s with the meat withthe cooking with the sauce or with therub that’s the only way to get better atbarbecue that’s the only way to getbetter at life and now I need to gowatch church because I’m a heathen andschedule barbecue in question firstyep Thomas asked is butcher paper anybetter than foil doesn’t matter yes yesso it doesn’t make a dramatic differencebut I definitely am of the AaronFranklin persuasion Aaron Franklin as apitmaster and in Texas and he’s the onethat started using butcher paper onbrisket I always use brisket always usebutcher paper on brisket because it hasa permeable it’s a permeable layer ofmeaning that it has some interactionwith the environment and what you’regetting what you’re doing there isn’t somuch allowing smoke to still hit themeat because he’s wrapping that brisketat the point where he doesn’t want anymore smoke hitting the meat because youcan over smoke the meat he wraps it inthat butcher paper to stop the smoke butallow the cooking process to continueand allow some of that moisture to getthrough the butcher paper so that he canhold on to a nice bark because when youwrap brisket really anything in aluminumfoil its non-permeable it’s having nointeraction with the environment andit’s a sealed sealed off environment soit’s keeping all that moisture in whichis great for pulled pork and even can begood for brisket because it holds themoisture and brisket dries out butyou’re going to loseit’s not gonna lose your bark but it’snot gonna be as barky to use ascientific term as it would be if youuse butcher paper I have you to butcherpaper to get softer it does get softerthat’s the word I’m looking forI needed a doctor to give me the big thebig words um it does get softer so it’sgonna soften your bark your bars gonnastay a little bit harder if you usebutcher paper I’ve used butcher paperand aluminum foil with pulled pork Ihaven’t really noticed too much of adifference you know it’s more of adifference maker if you were like in thecompetitionI saw somebody yesterday on TV we werewatching a competition show and theywrap their pulled pork and butcher paperand then set it in aluminum foil tocatch the juices I think that’s a greatidea and that’s kind of what we’re gonnado a little bit but what I usually wrapwith my I can’t talk I usually wrap mypork butts in aluminum foil so that itkeeps all that moisture in and then Iwill wrap brisket and butcher paperbecause I want the bark really much I’mmore concerned with bark on brisket thanI am with pulled pork because withbrisket you’re slicing you know the meatand so you get that bark with every bitewell pulled pork you’re mixing it in andyou can especially if you don’t wrappulled pork and I’ve had this problemsometimes with with even put your paperis if you if you don’t wrap it and tryto just pull through you can create abark that’s that’s inedible it’s reallyreally hard I mean that’s just notpleasant even when you pull apart so Iwrap it a little it softens a little bitbut I still keep my Bart and I keep allthe juices so I can mix those in at theend which makes for much more succulentmeat there’s good question any otherquestions before I go pray forforgiveness for scheduling BBQ cook-offtutorial on some Palm Sunday I know whattoday isit’s one plum day Thompson sung allright it’s Godyeah it’s God teeth tell me I saw anywaywe’ve gone through everything our porkbutt is going our temperature is risingagain you want to keep it as consistentas you can but with pulled pork don’tfreak out you know if it’s going up alittle bitit’s our children I was like is theresquirrel on a roof is our childrenlooking for the windowdon’t forget figure out the temperaturegoes up a little bit or starts goingdown try to adjust it but don’t make bigadjust it makes tiny adjustment let itgo up or recover slowly let it go downslowly it’s pulled pork it can take thebeating yeah so we’ll check back in whatdid I say four ish hours which would belet’s see what time we got like roughly10 so let’s say 2 o’clock and thatshould be about time to wrap if not justcheck my facebook and I’ll update youbecause I’ll anyway it looks like it’stime to wrap if you look at ourthermometer the temperature has gotenough real high up top because I justlet it go here at the end since we areabout to take the meat off anyway butthat temperature at the bottom is ourmeat temperature it’s 169 and you’regonna wrap somewhere between about 155160 to 170 to get rid of the dreadedstallwhat is the stall first of all let’stake these out open it up and check outand see how our meat is looking oh it’sa little one move these probes we got anice pretty piece of pulled pork goingand I pulled pork yet right now it’sjust a pork but this has been on hereit’s 2 o’clock we put it on at 10o’clock a little bit for 10 o’clockthat’s been on there just at 4 hourswe’ve been smoking with Hickory over acharcoal using this slow and sear on myweber and it has gotten up totemperature for the stall the stall isessentially a period of time when yourmeat kind of stops cooking or at leastit stops rate rising in temperature whathappens is the the meat essentiallystarts to sweat and just like withpeople sweating it cools off the meatand it slows down the temperature and wedon’t want that to happen because thestall can last literally for hours so weare gonna do something called wrappingthe meat and it’s as simple as it soundswe’re gonna use aluminum foil my friendTommy asked earlier if you if there’s adifference between Bloomington foil orbutcher paper which is what a lot ofpeople like to use these days forbrisket and the answer is yes especiallyfor brisket butcher paper will let thesmoke continue to interact a little bitit’ll keep the meat from getting sorefor the bark from getting super softbecause thethe butcher put butcher paper ispermeable so it allows some of thatmoisture to escape aluminum foilobviously does not but we’re not superconcerned or that’s not true we areconcerned with the bark the bark is thisdark part right here it looks like it’sburnt but it’s not something called theMaillard reactionmylord reaction is what makes yoursteaks nice and crusty and gives thatextra a beautiful look and flavor tobarbecue it’s the interplay of aminoacids and sugars meeting up with theheat and kind of like caramelizing butit kind of dries it out and gets youthat nice beautiful bark and it givesyou that extra nice flavor that you geton steaks and barbeque we’re not superconcerned with having a real hard barkwith this now if you leave thisunwrapped you will get a really hardbark but it can get as tough as jerkyand almost be inedible and we definitelydon’t want that so we’re gonna wrap topush through the stall because againwe’re and we’re gonna use aluminum foilbecause unlike brisket which we doreally want a nice crunchy kind of barkwe’re just gonna go ahead and toss thisin now there is a little bit oftechnique here and if that technique istoo full one let’s get this out of theway so we just have one probe going inif you remember before we talked aboutour probes we had one probe right overhere to measure the temperature greatand we have one probe in our meat we’regoing to leave this probe in so that weknow exactly when the meat is done so wecan keep an eye on it and don’t have tokeep opening up the meat opening up thealuminum foil wrapper to check on itbecause if we do that we’re gonna letmoisture escape the humidity that’s beencreated in the air is all gonnaevaporate and it’s gonna dry out themeat not completely but you want to holdon to that as much as you can so we’regonna take this I’m gonna see if I can’tno let’s see if we can do this there wegowe’ve got some gloves you probably wantto use them there because this is hotI’m gonna grab my wife real quick cuzthere is a little bit of technique nowif you’ve been watching like a barbecuecooking competition show you’ll seeespecially when they wrap ribs at thispoint they’ll put down brown sugar andbutter and cola and all kinds ofdifferent things you don’t want to dothat here they’re trying to maximizeflavor into one single bite of barbecuethat’s why thereall those extra flavorings in there youcould do that here at home but it’sgoing to be a labor overkill to thepoint where it’s not enjoyable if youhad all that stuff going on here youcould add some apple juice here forextra flavor not extra flavor I’m sorryBaxter moisture it’ll give it a littlebit of flavor apple cider vinegar we dothe same you could put beer in here youcould put some sort of soda you couldput just water to give extra moisturebut I think we’re gonna be okay withoutit for the simple reason that there’s alot of fat on this pork anyway and it’sgoing to give us the moisture we needlet close this up for just a second thisis not wrapping it I’m just gonna gograb my wife who’s doing the dishesbecause she’s being very nice and see ifshe’ll fill me real quick well you guyshave any questions while we’re hangingout here for just a momenthope you heathens went to church onlineI did Jesus is judging you if you didn’tjust film me real quick while I wrapthis okay Brantley she’s got to getshoes on because she doesn’t want herfeet to burn how much do all right herewe go I’m filming turning aroundokay so like I said there’s a little bitof technique here the most importantthing that we’re trying to do is to getthis as close as possible as we saidbefore user loan with a foil will stopin the bark but we should minimize someof that softness by getting thisaluminum foil on here as tightly aspossible that way we’re keeping the heatin but we are not creating a little airpocket for it to create a lot ofhumidity this is gonna be warm so ifyou’ve got gloves you want to use likesome thick insulated ones this is not abad idea for that I’m using a heavy-dutyaluminum foil because that thin stuffbill will tear on you I’m gonna foldthis right here I’m dumb and didn’t dothis the right direction so let’s turnthis side there we gothe reason I’m doing that because I’mgonna make a little tear right here verycarefully so that I can crimp you justshown you how to troubleshoot yeahexactly I’m showing you how totroubleshoot so I can crimp around thisoh got some bone sticking out over thereI’m gonna hold this just like you wouldsomethinglike a roll-up fern looks like a burritowhat I’m trying to do here again is toget this as tight as I possibly canthat we can avoid moisture you’re alsowanting to avoid down there you want toavoid anything escaping because thepoint of this is to keep like we saidwith that stall your meat is evinced isessentially sweating and that sweat thatevaporation is cooling off to me we wantto push that heat and that moistureright back in right back into this porkbut to do that we need this as tight aspossible and a seal as possible now likeTim said we’re gonna troubleshoot to seeI still have a little bit of spot overhere and I actually only punctured itover here but there’s no problem cuz wegot more aluminum foil so I’m going toget another layer of aluminum foil whatyou probably want to do at home anyway Inoticed this is obviously sitting in analuminum pan and that’s not by accidenteven with this wrapped up in loon foilyou’re probably still gonna get somejuices that are gonna drip down that’swhy I like to double wrap this that willhelp minimize that but you can stillhave juices that’ll still fall out inyour oven which is where we’re gonna goto cheat and so I like to have this fortwo reasons one to keep those juicesfrom falling the bottom of your oven andcausing just a stink and smoke andnastiness but also we want to keep thosejuices if we can because we’re gonnapour them back onto the meat especiallythe ones we capture in here like I saidwe’re gonna cheat and the reason forthat is once you cover this thing inaluminum foilnone of anything that’s going on overhere is going to be interacting with themeat except the heat you’re not gettingany more smoke flavor you’re not gettingany more grill flavor you’ve essentiallyby wrapping this in aluminum foil justlike if you wrapped in anything elsealuminum foil you could put it on agrill you could have you know pillows ofsmoke coming out but it’s not gonna getto the meat because this is metal andit’s keeping the smoke out soessentially you’ve turned your grillinto an oven and at this point you knowthere’s some debate if you want to be apurist you keep going you keep addingyou keep adding wood but the reality isadding charcoal in wood obviously wastescharcoal and wood because you’re notgetting any flavor out of that but it’salso a little bit tricky to add charcoalin the middle of a cook if you need todo that you want to add too little coalso get that shimmy back out like themsomewhere separately and add them that’sgonna minimize your smoke but I I Ithink that using metal and lighters andall this other stuff and temperatureprobes is cheating I mean if you want tobe a caveman like a admit like Mediatesays you know you can go dig a hole inyour backyard and burn some wood downinto in the charcoal and be a caveman ifyou want but I mean we’re alreadycheating with metal and air conditioningand electricity and all this other stuffso why not lean into it by using youroven and so what I like to do too isthat with that is that once it’s in theoven then I can leave the house if Ineed to so it’s like I forgot someingredient or I want to get an extraside and it’s not a pandemic then youcan put this in your ovenyou’ve got the temperature monitored andwe still have another four hours beforethis it’s gonna be done so you’ve gotsome free time on your handsI’m gonna close this that’s getting hotwe’re gonna close these vents and thatwill smother out the fire you don’t haveto pour water or anything like that theoxygen will be gone from the chamber andit’ll kill it anyway we’re gonna putthis in the oven and hook it back up tothe thermostat you gotta need to closethat bottom bit to do you want to goahead and Kim’s gonna our video cameraextraordinaire person we’re gonna takethis inside and our thermometer becausewe’re going to still use thislike I said rapping doesn’t really good[Music]just to make sure that this doesn’t haveany more holes in it just to make surethat we’ve got this nice you’re rightI’m gonna go the opposite way[Music]this layer we want to make sure it’snice and tight so giving they’re all thecrevices all the bins of the meat andmake sure see if you can notice I’vealready got juice coming out of thatinterior one because there’s a littlebit of a poke through with the bonethat’s a mr. freeze and then obviouslywe’ve got that hole where thethermometer is keep the heat in keep themoisture in it really really reallyreally tight so we can try to preserveas much of that bark as possible andthen we are gonna crimp around this isjust rings wrap heavy-duty aluminum foilthere’s like a barbecue version thatthey sell or I think it’s just marketingit may be a slightly thicker but this isjust your generic Reynolds Wrap aluminumfoil and then Kevin Sandlin says hecheats by putting it in a crock potafter smoking it I think you definitelyyour bark would be my guess with thatyou’ve got it because you wouldn’t havethe tight environment that you’ve gotwith this wrap anyway so we wrap it andput it in there you could yeah you canwrap it that’s good idea I never thoughtabout that Kevin thank you for the newidea um anyway leave you can see we’vegot even these little indentions here wejust want to go through this is gonna bea little warm so you may want thickergloves these are more about keeping myhands clean and our temperature gounderneath it right here where the probeis coming out we want to crimp that astight as we can make sure that we don’thaveor minimize what’s coming at all once wefeel like we’ve got everything as tightas it will possibly go on here we’regonna come cos it in to our luminal flowwhich again already dripping juices butno problem cuz we can come those I’vebeen preheated to southern to 275degrees like we said before I like tocook 75 she’s 75 what kind of guaranteethat we do that I’ve got that in thereI’m gonna put the probe back into thismonitor it’s gonna heat back up you canput this in either one I just put itback in the top we’re sitting at 171degrees our target temperature is 203degrees and worst case in the area thisshould be done in about four hours butagain like we said earlier all meat isdifferent it’s all finicky it all has amind of its ownyou know some of its tougher you knowthan others and so it may cook fasterand they cook slower I’m gonna check ina couple hours I’ll give you guys aheads upwhen it looks like it’s getting close tothat 203 degree mark and then we’ll pullit out I’m gonna make a sauce before wedo not another full barbecue sauce but aEast Carolina mop sauce which theseCarolinas or the Carolinas in generalare famous for a whole hog which meansthat’s when they take the whole hog cutout to the sides put it on the bigchamber and then smoke the whole thingat once and then mix up all thedifferent cuts they use up Mott sauceand it’s basically just a spicy vinegarsauce there’s no like ketchup formolasses or sugar in it Nursery I’msorry there’s not like brown sugar in itand they will literally use a big bucketand mop and that’s how they keep thepork moist but they also will toss itwith the pulled pork to the end which Ilike to do because you really want tomake sure this pork is nice and juicyjust like like Turkey it can be dry soshould be overcook it it can really dryout really quickly and with all barbecuewhether it’s this or ribs or brisketespecially brisket as soon as you cut itas soon as you slice it as soon as soonas you start pulling it it dries outsuper fast so we want to addas we can preferably the juices thatwe’re gonna catch in the aluminum foilbut also this mop sauce that up a littlebit too and it’s super easy it’sbasically just vinegar of hot saucesugar I think there’s some salt andpepper and that’s it and it’s great addsa little flavor a little bit of a tangthat should be in about three or fourhours just keep an eye on Facebook and Iwill let you guys know but yeah this ischeating but I don’t care so it’s usingair conditioning and electricity and weuse all those things why we do barbecuewhy not make your life easier so youdon’t have to burn through charcoals youdon’t have to turn the grill this isgonna be set and steady and I can leavethe house if you need to when thepandemic is over you can do chores dowhatever you need to do because youdon’t have to worry about tending tofire anymore so yeah there’s no morequestionsI will Kevin said he didn’t lose hisbark oh we didn’t let’s go down did youdid you wrap it when you put it into thecrock-pot or just put it straight intothe carpet crock-pot I think is a littlebit of a delay you’re probably this isBilly I’m gonna guess you didn’t wrap itso I guess the follow-up question wouldbe did you add any liquid to thecrock-pot or was it just you took thepork butt out and put it into thecrock-pot no wrapping no wrapping we’vegot any other question that’s a reallycurious technique is basically doingsame thingcan you save your heaven in sciencethat’s right that’s a really good ideathe more I think about it I like thatidea Kevin because the problem you dohave here is that now we’re using ouroven and so if you want it to live basedyour liquid no liquid nice I’ll try thatsometimeKevin I think that sincerely but whatyou can do is if you need to use youroven and this finishes earlier you cantime it to finish earlier or you’re justdoing this for the first time and itfinishes way earlier we used techniquecalled a folk ham brocambro is essentially just an insulatedbox that caterers use to transfer theirfood from where they cook it to wherethey’re serving it and you can make oneof these at home if you’ve got one ofthose big igloo thermos it doesn’t needto be a Yeti or anythingsuper fancy but as long as as well asbig you know coolers reality is theyinsulate temperature it doesn’t matterif it’s hot or cold and it can’t tellthe difference so what we do is we pourabout three gallons of hot water intoone of those things about 30 minutesbeforehand close the top let it steam upin there get nice and hot and human andpour the water out put the towel in ifin case you need to catch any juices andthen you can put especially with pulledpork you can put that into that bigcooler close the lid and it’ll hold fortwo three four hours so if you need togo to Grandma’s house for Thanksgivingthis is a great way to smoke or cookwhatever it is you’re doing at home thisworks with any food that you may need totake somewhere I use it all the timewe’ve been meaning several friends havestarted cooking barbecue for Rooney anda homeless ministry at our church and Ismoked brisket here and I smoked pulledpork here I don’t do it at church sowhat I do is get this folk cambro I putit in there sometimes even an hourbefore I leave and I take you over thechurch and it’ll be two maybe even threehours between the time that the pulledpork is done cooking and I actually takeit out to pull apart and it’s just likeit came off the smoker it’s reallyawesome trick super easy to do and ifyou’ve already at a cooler it won’t costyou any money so anyway there’s no morequestions we’ll come back like I saidprobably it’s six o’clock and make thatsauce and show you how to pull the porkhow to use meat claws which all whichare just a gimmick they actually makeyour life a whole lot easier to pullpulling the pork or give you some ideason what to do with leftover pulled porkit’s gonna be really good so thank youguys for tuning in thank you Kevin forthat great idea of crock pot any Senatefor 20 years and it never fails that’sawesome I never thought about thatbecause every time I hear a crock potMurray’s not supposed to the first isit’s people just taking a crock pot andgetting their pork butt put in there anddumping barbecue sauce on it which isabsolutely not barbecue but the wayyou’re doing it is basically what I’mdoing and I think that’s a reallycreative solution I like that and if Iever buy crossfire okay welcome backsince we last saw you guys I don’t meanto brag but we got a swimming poolinstalled well not so much you swimmingas our four-year-old daughter filled upa giant plastic tub full of water anddumped it on the carpet upstairs and sonow there’s standing water but we’re inthe middle of a pandemic so we’re gonnacall it assume people would make thebest on this situationalso discover that she were her sisterwrote I hate you Ellie on Ellie’s wallso great times in the hunt halls howHunt household we’ve been working onpulled pork today we started off thismorning we we we did stuff with the porkbut we injected it with Chris Lily’spork injection which you can google andfind a recipe to Epicurious has foundtheir website it’s a great injectiongive some flavor and some savoriness theinside of the pork that may not reach itotherwise we salted our pork because wedidn’t do it the night before we put arub that we made yesterday so you cancheck out that video if you want to getthe recipe for my rub and then we smokedit for four hours today over somehickory and charcoal on my weber until Igot to about 165 and then we wrapped itin aluminum foil two layers ofheavy-duty aluminum foil put aluminumpan and we cheated and we stuck in theoven at 275 and miracle all miraclesthat cheating paid off and our reportwas done at four o’clock so it’s beensitting in a folk rambro for two and ahalf hours you may be thinking yourselfoh my gosh it’s been two and a halfhours to support just done it’s gonna beterrible it is not and I’m gonna showyou how we held it and kept it warm andnice and succulent and everything youwant out of pulled pork you don’t likethe word succulent juicy how did you seethere’s not really good word to describethe moisture that you want and yourpulled pork but it’s gonna be nice andfresh and warm and hot and I’m gonnashow you how I did that but before westart pulling the pork we’re gonna makean East Carolina mop sauce this issomething that pit masters like to useto keep their whole hog nice and moistin East Carolina and we’re not doing awhole hog but this is really goodvinegar-based sauce that you can put onpulled pork either when you’re cookingit or like a whole hog or when you pullit like we are gonna do and toss withsome sauce or just put on your sandwichwhat’s great about a vinegar sauce andpulled pork isif you use the sauce that we madeyesterday we’ve got the recipe andcooking instructions in the last videobut that sauce is as traditional thickbarbecue sauce it’s gonna sit on top ofthe meat the great thing about thesevinegar sauce is that they penetratedown into the meat and so you get thatflavor all through instead of just ontop I’ll even use combination sometimesand I’ll pour some vinegar sauce on andthen top it off with some barbecue sauceas well but I really like this sauce mywife really likes it this vinegar sauceis not my own creation this comes fromamazing ribs calm which is the bestsource for all things barbecue on theinternet if you want to learn aboutbarbecue if you want to get recipes ifyou need recommendations for smokersgirls accessories anything in betweenthis video it’s not sponsored by thembut it is is my favorite site and Ihighly highly recommend it anyway thisis meatheads vinegar sauce we’re gonnacut the recipe in half because we don’tneed that much we’re gonna start offwith turn this around so I can extra see3/4 of just standard white vinegarnothing special about this vinegarexcept that there’s not enough in thatbottle but with some movie magic we cameprepared this is just your standardwhite vinegar like I said I like Heinzbut I don’t think you notice a hugedifference in quality white vinegar tothe white vinegar we are gonna add somemore vinegar in the form of hot sauceI like Franks maybe you like TexasPete’sso you are free to use whatever was goodmore lead you to use this is having alittle bit vinegar because that’s mostlywhat hot sauce is but it’s gonna give usa little kick and a little bit of flavoras well we’re gonna add half a teaspoonto our concoction then we’re gonna addsome sugar you can use any kind of sugaryou want you’re gonna use white sugarbecause that’s what I got and we aregonna do oh sorry we’re gonna use atablespoon of white sugar this is a halftablespoon which is why it looks like Iam doing two tablespoons that’s just onewe’re gonna use kosher salt we’re gonnause 1/2 a teaspoon high spoon I have anaccent half a tablespoon rather koshersalt yep that’s correct then we’re goingto use 1 teaspoon finehi comes outside fun how’s the weathertonight it’s good great starting mydaughter’s also clean we’re gonna use 1teaspoon of crushed red peppers and 1teaspoon of black pepperthis again is our medium grind pepper 16match if you’re getting fairly fancy mixthat in there stir all of this togethernice and the whisk if you eye I woulddouble-check the substitution ratiosbecause it may be a little bit differentbecause I’m how big you’re like ifyou’re brining that salt yourself orit’s already ground into big kernels butyeah any kind of salt works you can usetable salt just again check the ratiosbecause the size of the salt does matteryou don’t want it to be too salty like Isaid you can use any kind of sugar forthis you can use kind of any kind of hotsauce for this you can technically useapple cider vinegar but it woulddefinitely taste different anyways gonnathe kids eat this because they the kidsthe kids love the pool port but they youI usually leave this sauce off well alittle bit I’ll do a little bit of itcuz it does get a little bit of flavor Imean it doesn’t really bring a whole lotof heat if you want to feel the heatwith it you would want to put itdirectly on your sandwich when you tossthe meat in it it’s very much of abackground though but guess whatwe’re done super super easy sauce youdon’t need to cook it you don’t need toreduce it ideally you would want to letit sit and kind of made her an 8 for alittle whileyou having trouble over there darlingyour boot won’t come off do you thinkanyway you don’t let this sit a littlebit that way those dried out red pepperflakes and even the black pepper willhave some time to release the oils andflavor that vinegar a little bit andjust let them all marry together andhave a good dance and get you a littlemore flavor than just thebut that’s okay cuz we’re doing videoand we’re gonna make this immediatelyalso my kids are hungry and my wife ishungry and I’m hungry so we’re gonna eatso as I said ours pulled pork was doneat four o’clock which was two and a halfhours ago two hours earlier than Iexpected to be made but that’s okaybecause we have something called thefull cam bro this is another petinvention that comes from amazing ribscalm all this is is they cheap Igloocooler I have a big fancy one it’s alsothe glue I don’t own a Yeti becausethat’s crazy money for a cooler and Idon’t have much but it’s all cooler doesis insulate to mature coolers are dumbthey don’t know whether or not they’reinsulating hot they don’t know whetherthey’re insulated hot or cold wenormally use these things to insulatecold things we put a lot of ice in thereto keep our drinks and food cold andwe’re going on picnics but it works theother direction as well which is reallygreat for when you’re making barbecue orwhen you’re make catering making foodtaking it to Grandma’s house doingwhatever and you get done early and wantto take it over there this thing isgreat for thatsuper easy all I did just get this thingout cleaned it out make sure didn’t haveany dead bugs or rats and then I pouredabout three gallons of hot water in hereactually guesstimate it on that to yousome technical language just turn mysink on as hot as it would go pour thewater in – look that like about threegallons closed top let it sit for thirtyminutes that’s gonna bring some heatTeter your cooler and it’s also get somenice humidity so it keeps things alittle moist then if you’re still wetyou can put or if you’ve got meat that’snot in and aluminum foil pan you want toput a towel down there just so it soaksup any juices and then all we did wastoss this in there and that’s it it’sit’s not magic but it’s some pretty coolscience that we can take advantage of tohelp ourselves out when it’s so if youremember we cheatedafter we wrap the whole pork in Englandwe decided to move it into the ovenbecause there was nothing to be gainedother than fried leaving this I don’thave a lot of pride so I like to cheatmake my life easier and so we put thisin the oven 275 to finish it off wellwhen we wrapped it we did doublealuminum foil and we did this as tightas possible purpose of this is to pushthrough the stall the stall is when themeat starts to sweat the water starts toevaporate and it essentially cools offme just like if you were nice wet whenwe exercise as if I ever exercise if Idid exercise it would cool me off beforeI would get a heart attack more likelybut it would cool me off and meatsgetting cooled off so what we do withthe wrap is we push that heat push thatmoisture back into the meat and itpushes through the stall but we have todo that super super tight so that we cantry to maintain our bar because it’sgoing to get a little softwe left our probe in here we crimped itat the end so we can try to keepeverything together but if you lookjuices still seeped out even though thisis wrapped in double layers of aluminumfoil it where there’s will there’s a wayto make a mess and so again I love thesealuminum pans for prep and I love themfor this purpose specifically becausethey help keeping the juices let’s takeout our temperature probe and let’sunwrap and see what we’ve gothopefully it’s gonna be Purdy and ifit’s not then it won’t make theInstagram so we’re gonna be real carefulbecause you want to hold onto all thesepieces that you see in here we don’twant to just toss those those juices areflavored when we work for far to thoseflavors so you want to keep thoseflavors which is why you’re keeping allof this in this pan we use them outshake him out a little bit that isreally really good flavor that’s mostlyrendered fat fat is flavor now let’s seethe finished product hey there we go asyou can tell the aluminum foil has madethat bark a little softer than it wouldbe if you just left this out but if youjust let this out it would take foreverto cook and I don’t have to well I guessright now we all have some Revisin that time so we wrapped it we pushedthrough the stall and we finished thispork nut which originally the coalweight uncooked raw weight of it wasabout a four and a half five pounds sosix hours that’s not too badhere’s the main test of this thing andhopefully I won’t embarrass myself thisis the always the fun part we’ve gotthis bone the shoulder bone that’s inhere this is part of the shoulder eventhough it’s called a butt part the frontshoulder and if you’ve done this rightthis should pull out nice and neat andclean let’s see this is hot oh yeahthat’s going on Instagram look at thatall the protein bonds and collagen isrendered and fats rendered and thisthing came out nice and smooth now youhave a couple of options here you cantake your sweet time and you can pullthis apart with your fingers and theywere probably burned you can also taketwo forks and you could pull this apartwith two forks which would go fasterwill be less burning but you could alsobuild a Target or Amazon and get thesethings they’re called bear claws theylook super fun and they look reallygimmicky but they’re not they’re reallyawesome for just completely shreddingthis pull cord if you did this by handyou would probably take you a good 20-30minutes with this or gonna do it inabout five all you do is dig in thereand act like you’re an animal and you goat it now you want to pay attention asyou do this because you’re gonna getsome funky things in there that youprobably just we’re gonna toss or atleast I want to toss it’s coming apartnice and neat but there’s gonna be somefat pockets some gelatin gelatinousthings in there that nobody’s gonna wantto eat I’m not gonna want to eat you’renot gonna want to eat and so if you comeacross those don’t be afraid to justtoss that cuz they’re yucky and grossI’m not seeing any so far cuz againevery single shoulder you get eventhough they’re supposed to be the sameare all gonna be a little bit differentand look at that some of this is evenI’ll be honest has overcooked right herethis is a little dry but again you’regonna save your save yourself if you runin this problem like we have right herewith some of the meat it didn’t cookquite evenly that’s a little dry we’regonna reconstitute the muscle the flavorof the moisture that we’re looking forbecause we were smart and we saved allof these juices so we’ve got part ofthis thecooked really really well and it’s niceand still and juicy and tenderbut because we’re gonna mix this up noone is going to be the wiser no one isever gonna know about that little pocketof dry meat all they’re gonna have issweet juicy pulled pork because we’regonna shred this together we’re gonnatoss it in the juices its own juices andthen we are going to toss a little bitof that mock sauce that we had in thereas well because again barbecue is allabout like really any cooking is seehere this is just a kind of a fattyweird gelatinous gooey thing we’re justgonna toss that and see you want toshred it you want to get all of thisdark and white meat mixed up you wantsome bark in there that way everybodygets to taste a little bit differentmeats at the same time almost done theysaid you can pick up these claws fromTarget now do you get them off Amazon Ibet you can probably get my Walmart lookso here’s some more fatty yuckiness thatjust didn’t render you can get I’m surecaddy sports I’m pretty sure Lowe’s HomeDepot sell them as well they’re supereasy to find out but if you’re if youmake pulled pork even if you’re justmaking pulled pork in your crock potthis is gonna be a lot easier to shredand if you just use your fork or yourfingers they’re just about done anyquestions you’ll see I’ve got my latexgloves on again they serve a couplepurposes they give me a little bit ofmomentary protection from the superhotmeat not a lot but I wear them mostbecause I think they make me look coolbecause other pitmasters use them butreally I use them to keep my hands cleanso the cleanup it began is easierespecially when you’re cleaning thegrill and you get all of the greasyfunkiness that you’re trying to clean upout of there if you don’t use gloves itjust makes it that much harder to washyour hands even if you’re an expert handwashing these days anyway this is prettymuch good to go if you can look in awhole couple of these thingsthere we go you want to just make sureall you’re really doing here is tryingto tear this into nice edible bite-sizedpieces you just don’t want big hugebites cuz even though this is supersupersoft you know you want to make iteasier on your guests to eat and make itbite-sized alright so that’s pretty goodyou know what we use two things firstthing is we’re gonna do is toss this andits own sauces and as I do that I’mstill going to kind of feel around ifthere’s any gelatinous stuff in therewe’re gonna pull that out anything funkyor even if you’ve got some bark if youdidn’t wrap this or just got a betterbark than I did on this this particularone and you find some super hardgnarly bark it’s like tougher than jerkygo ahead and pull that out look seehere’s a funky gross nasty dryness thingnobody wants to eat thatthrow it live you if you do have somegnarly hard Bart get rid of that – notthe crunchy nice stuff that you can bitethrough but if you feel something that’slike man how did I get rocks in my poolport you want to get rid of that sowe’ve tossed this and this is good to gowe can eat this right now but again Ireally like building flavors layer uponlayer of flavor so we’re gonna toss justa little bit of this Carolina mop saucethat we made because we made it might aswell use it it’s gonna give us a littlebit more flavor and a little bit moremoisture we’re gonna pour it right overthe top and if you make it in a nicemeasuring cup like this makes it easy topour you can also put this in a squirtbottle for serving where you can just godown like that pepper flakes thatclogged up the square bottle last timeoh good point my wife reminds us thatthe pepper flakes did clog up the squirtbottle so maybe don’t do that come onbut this is gonna give an extra littletang this is gonna give a verydistinctive kind of North Carolina tasteso if you hate part Hills then maybe youwant to avoid this but but I like itquite a bit I think they do feel hogquite well so that’s it this is ourpulled pork it’s nice and stringy you’vegot some good bark there’s some pinkfrom the smoke ring in there it’s niceand shiny and glistening because it’snot dried out we tossed it in its ownjuices and we tossed it just now in thatsauce so this should be good to go nowwhat do you do with this other than theobvious and eat itsorry we do a couple different things inthe hunt household we can makesandwiches you can just get some Martinrolls and get somewhatever you want make your goodold-fashioned barbecue sandwich on thatyou taste this because you drive wellyou know what okay it’s gonna be waybetter that particular bite was you knowI should probably just take another biteto make sure good boy we want to eat ohyeah okay very goodoh yeah it’s not my best one but it’sgood anything is you don’t need to be apitmaster do this and by this I meanscrew up no but you don’t need to be apitmaster to make good pulled pork isyour easiest thing out there if you’regetting into barbecue you should starthere fresh pulled pork is gonna be waybetter than most of stuff to get storesanyway after you made me back barb welike to do pulled pork sandwiches hereI’ll put on sandwich I might sprinklesome more of the vinegar sauce on nightwith some of my other barbecue saucethat he made yesterday on totally up toyou and you can either just ask somepeople do it close along I think that’sblasphemy and that God will judge you inthe end times if you put coleslaw onyour barbecue because we want to tastethe meat not the slaw just like thesauce too if your main is good you don’treally need sauce that’s the beauty ofbarbecue it has its own unique distinctflavor you can split it on a plate andeat it as is done but I’m saying but alot which makes sense because we madesome black my wife’s told me it’s timeto wrap up so a couple leftover ideasbecause this is way more food than fourwhistles gonna you could share withfriends and family or what we’re gonnado tomorrow those pulled pork tacos Iput this in a ziploc bag if I’m justgonna use it overnight and you can warmit up put it in a aluminum a pouch ofaluminum foil in the oven it what did wesay 375 for about 10-15 minutes with acouple tablespoons of water or vinegaror more that vinegar sauce or some ofyour barbecue sauce or a warm applecider vinegar whatever you’re justtrying to get some moisture in there andand you’re just trying to bring it backup to temperature and so we’re gonna putit on pulled pork tacos with some salsaverde some charred pineapple cilantroand some onionsit makes fantastic pulled pork tacos youcould put it on the pizza and dobarbecue pulled pork pizza the sky’s thelimit with the stuff nachos are reallygreat or you can put if you get one ofthose food savers like I do put it in afood savepouts settle it up ladle it up seal itup and throw in your freezer it’ll keepfor months and then if you sad you guyswon’t have both pulled-pork one nightfor dinner but you don’t have time tomake one in that day fall it out thenight before again put it in aluminumfoil toss it with some barbecue saucewhether that be a thicker one or avinegar one or just toss it with somewater to get some moisture 375 in theoven for about 10 15 maybe 20 minutesjust open it up when it’s steaming it’sdone but whatever you do do notmicrowave it for whatever reason and Idon’t know the science behind it themicrowave just destroys barbecueparticularly pulled pork ends up tastingfunky and weird anyway that’s my showthank you guys for coming and hangingout today and yesterday maybe we’ll dosome more of these in the future ifthere is a future thank you thank youdarling especially to my wire rollersbeen doing it with his sous vide – weeat it yeah mmm that’s good idea – notall of us are not fancy roller supercool that’s a whole other level barbecuethat I have not tried yet but a lot ofpeople getting really into it somepretty cool stuff get more questionhere’s me hitting it that way yetreheating that way is also 2 hoursthinking reheating some people actuallycook their barbecue in sous-vide andsmoke it it’s it’s crazy science stuffthat I’m not ready for but thank youguys for watching I hope this washelpful if you missed this watch thereplay ask me questions I will try toget those there I promise I’m notsweating because I have the coronavirusit’s just because I’m old with fat andout of shape yeah thank you guys I’mgonna enjoy this pulled pork andhopefully we’ll see you again soon washyour hands keep safe distancing andwe’ll see you on the other side of theapocalypse

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