Best BBQ Ribs Recipe! perfectly seasoned juicy succulent falling off the bone spareribs. Drenched with delicious bbq sauce and honey. A recipe that will have you licking your fingers with every bite
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is a live online audiovisual broadcast in which a host eats large amounts of foods while interacting with their audience. Usually done through an internet webcast (such streaming platforms include Afreeca, YouTube, Twitch, etc.), mukbang became popular in South Korea in the 2010s. Foods ranging from pizza to noodles are consumed in front of a camera for an internet audience (who pay or not, depending on which platform one is watching). Based on the attractiveness of real-time and interactive aspects, eating shows are expanding their influence in Internet broadcasting platforms and serve as a virtual community and a venue for active communication among active Internet users.
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ASMR, which stands for an autonomous sensory meridian response, is still a relatively new creation. It describes a feeling of euphoric tingling and relaxation that can come over someone when he or she watches certain videos or hears certain sounds.
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Video Transcription
welcome back to cooking with Sammy liveI’m Tammy and today I’m gonna show youhow to make my absolutely deliciousbarbecue spareribs as summer approachesall I could think about is barbecue whodoesn’t like barbecue so without furtherado let’s introduce our ingredients andget started of course we have the starof our show which is our beautifulwashed and cleaned ribs right here guysas you can see up close and in person wealso have some oil as well as saltground black pepper onion powder garlicpowder smoked paprika as well as groundmustard dried parsley brown sugar andapple cider vinegar yes and did I forgetto mention all of these ingredients arebasic ingredients which motion withwhich most of us have so I think it’sabout time to get those ribs out of thefreezer and get to seasoning by the wayhow’s everyone doing I hope everyone isdoing fantastic since we can’t goanywhere I think it’s only fair enoughthat we eat some good food right guysall right first things first we aregonna flip our ribs over in as you cansee this right here we’re gonna removethat because if we keep this one ourseasoning it’s not gonna be able topenetrate through this thick membrane sotake using our butter knife we’re justgonna raise it up enough so we could usea paper towel hopefully I’ll be able toget it off in one shot but if not noworries we will attempt or try as manytimes to get it off all rightynot bad at all just like that it comesoff really easy right and first andforemost we’re gonna add our oil justdrizzle on we’re gonna hit it off withsome kosher salt it’s a good piece ofmeat it’s a pretty big piece of meat sodon’t be afraid to use salt howeverdon’t use too much just like that it’sperfect we’re also going to add ourground black pepperas well as our onion powderour garlic powder mm-hmm and we’re alsogonna use some paprika you can use smokeif you have smoke you don’t have smokeyou can always use regular paprika andwe’re gonna use some ground mustard allof these seasonings are gonna tie inperfectly and it’s gonna give thesespare ribs had son of flavor mm-hmm thisis a new bottle so it’s like it’s stuckin here all rightywe’re also going to add some brown sugarthe brown sugar is gonna give it a hintof sweetness and it’s gonna go perfectlywith the barbecue sauce as well andwe’re gonna add just a tad bit of applecider vinegar which is gonna work wellwith not only the brown sugar but it’salso gonna work perfectly with theground mustard as well and we’re justgonna massage everything into the meatmm-hmm just like this take your time getall the creviceslook at the color that it took onealready from the smoked paprikabeautiful it smells really good and it’sgonna taste even better get it all inthere already it’s time to flip our ribsover and what we did to the back is whatwe why should I say what we did to thefront is what we’re gonna do to the backI’m gonna add some oil of course drizzleit on not too much and wipe my handsonce again we’re gonna add our salt aswell as our pepper mm-hmm onion powderin garlic powder perfect imagine if wekept that membrane on we would have beeneating like literally one sided seasonedribs would it be like literally suck thebone worthy I doubt it it’s reallyimportant to get in thereI swear get in there and season bothsides and allow those seasons topenetrate throughout the meat so thatway not only will you have a suckling asucculent piece of meat but you willhave some of the best tasting meat aswell and we’re going to add that applecider vinegar mm-hmm once again andwe’re gonna repeat the same thing justgonna massage it into the meatsome of my favorite foods to eat duringthe summer are barbecue ribs anythingbarbecue I think straight off the pit isgood for me what else I like to eat Ilike to eat a lot of salads whether itbe green salads macaroni salads tunasalad potato salad of course stuff likethat pretty much light stuff but yettasty stuff in what else I also drink alot during the summer when I say drinkI’m not talking about alcoholicbeverages just alcoholic beverages whatmore so just like a lot of iced teas andstuff like that a lot of liquids I tendto eat a little bit less a little bitless when I said drink I know you guysare probably like Drake he’s talkingabout Oh call I was honestly talkingabout juice juice and iced tea with alittle hint of something all rightyeverything looks perfect so far I knowit’s gonna taste beautiful onceeverything is done I just like to go inthere and just massage the meat honestlysometimes for about maybe three minutesdepending on the cut of meat and how bigit is I just like to really get up inthere because I am all about the flavorif you could put it in refrigerator preseason even better and yeah I thinkwe’re done we are gonna cover our ribsover but we’re gonna do somewhat of theballoon method because I don’t want thefoil to touch the meatI want that seasonings to stay on allrighty that’s it what a what we’re gonnado as at this point is we are going toplace it into our 350 degree oven allowit to literally sit on the middle rackat 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about anhour in 30 minutes once we’re done we’regonna check on it see if the meat isdone and we’ll take it from therecontinue watching and I’ll show you whateverything looks like once we are almostdone Kwik sip while the spirits is inthe oven I just wanted to let you guysknow something of course if you’rehandling meats and you are touching yourseasonings of course don’t forget towipe it off that’s what I’m about to gothrough wipe all of my seasonings offbecause as you guys saw I touched itafter I touched the meat so anyway justa quick tip don’t forget practice oursafety kitchen rules anyway I will seeyou in a minute I just removed the spareribs from the oven and look at howgorgeous it has that nice brown coloryou would think that we’ve addedbarbecue sauce to it already even thoughwe didn’t add it it has that nice smokycolor from the smoked paprika that weadded and it looks absolutely gorgeouswhat I’m gonna do is I’m gonna add somebarbecue sauce just like that add asmuch as you like if you like a lot ofbarbecue sauce then definitely add a lotof barbecue sauce I also like to go inand add some honey and that would giveit a nice sweet flavor and over timeperfectly with the barbecue sauce aswelltake our brush and base our spareribshuh I’m gonna place it back into theoven this time uncovered and at thispoint in time you can do one or twothings you can either turn on thebroiler or just place it back in theoven for about 10 minutes and allow oursauce to thicken up and get nice andsticky on the ribs so that way when youeat itall of the sauce literally sticks toyour fingers and you will have no choicebut to literally lick it off yep makesure everything is covered we don’t wantany dry pieces and that my friend isit’s gonna put it back into the ovenlike I said uncovered at 350 degreesFahrenheit allowed that sauce to getnice and sticky and I will definitelyshow you what everything looked likeonce we’re done we’re back and ourbeautiful spirits are out of the ovenWow just like I mentioned the barbecuesauce is nice and sticky and it has thatperfect glaze it looks absolutelybeautiful not to mention the aromathat’s coming from this thing I justwant to like literally take this wholething and bite into it right nowhonestly but anyway guys I am going tocut into it and we’re gonna taste it andwe’re gonna see what we’re working withmm-hmm so far nice and tender let’s seelet’s seebarbecue spareribs let’s see what you’redoing it’s so hotI’m telling you right now it’s hot butthe flavors are everything if you guystry this recipe trust me this will be astaple recipe from now on when it comesto barbecue spareribs it’s everythingall of the flavors tied together theapple cider vinegar the brown sugar thehoney that whoa and to be honest withyou I could taste the flavors that weadded from the beginning the groundblack pepper as well as the smokedpaprika and everything else as you knowwe bake these ribs in the oven in if youdidn’t know any better you would thinkthat we actually placed it on the grillbecause it has that smoky flavor theseribs are honestly everything not tomention is nice and fork tender which isabsolutely perfect and that’s the trickwhen you’re cooking especially when itcomes to meat place it in the oven allowit to do its thing yes I did mentionthat I was gonna bake it for maybeapproximately 1 hour and 30 minutes toan hour and 45 minutes but guess what itwas a fork tender enough for me so I waslike you know something stay in the ovenand continue to do your thing I allowedit to stand of it for about two hours inthis is where we are literally fallingoff the bone juicy tender and absolutelydelicious Wow is everything nothing elsehas nothing else left to say besidesdefinitely give this recipe a trycooking with Tammy dye recipes and untilnext time guys enjoy and I’ll talk toyou laterbye guys