Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys so we’ve had these pork chopsgoing for a little while now and we’regonna open them up and see how they lookoh yeahlook at that look at that alright let’sflip my count over super what we gothere oh yeahthat’s perfect Sal Rosemary’s got like alittle bit crisp in there the applesauceI put on has completely absorbed intothe chop if you look closely you cankind of see where it’s liquidy so what Ido is they start it off like this youput the applesauce on then you sprinklethe rosemary which keeps the rosemarysuspended into the chop so you don’tlose a whole lot of it on the gratereally so anyways and then you just flipit over and just almost like a fish youjust kind of cook on a scale you justlet that applesauce keep heating up andheating up as it heats up it will getabsorbed into the chop or the meat sothese are all done just got that nicecrisp edge right there beautifulbeautiful so the rosemary is kind ofburn a little bit that’s how you want ityou don’t want that too raw of arosemary taste so there you go that’sthat’s really good that one’s probably alittle bit not quite as done as theothers but by all means these are gonnabe well cookedso when kind of cooking your meat youknow well I’m doing I’m gonna scrapethis you knowif it’s a real thick piece of meat ofcourse you want to use a thermometer butit did something kind of thin you canprobably get away with well you can’tget away with usually just like yourfinger test and seeing that they’regonna they’re gonna um we go shut thisand we’re gonna just leave it open soall these coals hopefully burned downbut yeah you can you want to get apretty good rebound right there if it’sreal thick you can get a falseindication um because it’s kind of theoutside will be cooked but the insideisn’t but when you’re thin like thisgeneral with um you have to put them onher in there you really I mean you can’tI mean it’s I guess you could but thisisn’t that thick so anyways that’s theend of this video hope you guys enjoyedthatthat’s the grill kind of like the wholelittle porch area but anyways yeah hopeyou guys enjoyed it and we’ll do somemore next time later