Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
so Monica Lars I’m on their way to workbut I brought me my vacuum so I canclean before I start working and then Ibrought him the office because I don’treally like my boss vacuum it doesn’tseem to pick up so I always use myvacuum thing here so yeah I’m gonna putit over here in the trunkhey it’s kind of wet today I got so muchstuff in here so I got scars I got twocars it in my trunkwell not colors that I keep all the timein because my grandkids with me andsometimes without knowing without noticeI just want to pick up pick them up justto spend time with them so I can’t likejust keep it in my car because so that Ialways have extra car seats for themespecially when I pick up the twins andI have to have two of this or the littleone the two years old one yeah I have ahabit about just cool without noticenoticing my daughter that and just callher and say I wanna pick up the twins soso I guess that’s why I always keep thatcar sit in there and it’s full againit’s kinda wet today monopolize becauseI don’t know it’s been raining it’s beenraining all week this week here inGeorgia it’s rainy day and Judahneighbor is watching me thinking whatsome other colors as you notice I amsitting here looking up and talking toyou guys I’m resting for a little bitbecause I just came out from work I wascleaning at the office vacuuming alittle bit because it really needs it soafter that I start working my businessmonkey businessbut anyway monopolize now I’m home so Iam just resting for a little bit and I’mgoing to start cooking and I’m going tocook some baby back ribs pork baby backribs so I think I’m finished with myresting now I can’t start cooking let’sgo Lola first of all my lad I wanna saythank you so much thank you guys for youguys support for subscribing my videoand watching and of course the thumbsare in viewing monofin Allah today weare going to cook I’m going to cook I’mgoing to cook some pork barbecue yes I’musing baby back ribs so as you see Ialready clean itokay and I dried it to what I alreadyhave oh so I’m gonna quit and pick thisout that one and I need my towel so Ineed a towel to wipe my hands Carlos soI’m good I’m just gonna put a verysimple sitting magnet allows this is toobig so I’m going to go eat in cut thissee ya I’m gonna sit on it one time babylet’s see do not get it now this is toofatty here so I’m gonna take it removeit okay but sometimes is good so I’mjust going to pour a coarse black peppergarlic salt of course why do I have toblock whispers sorry guysand of course pork with a port powderseasoning support it’s like pork brothlike that so I’m going to do that onegonna go sprinkle that penis and theybake here too much in waste aluminumfoil you know just enough so that wayyou don’t waste oil so yes and I’m justgonna sit it there for one hour then Iwill barbecuejust kind of like my seasoning because Itouch it in it’s toasty and I’m gonnamake the fire while it’s marinating thatway the seasoning work bites into themeat and then you speak you’re supposedto make your the mosquitoes awayMaharaja some kind of I’m gonna fillthis upjust gonna push the other onethe marquales nope you just put it rightthere make sure up there putting thelighter fluid you put closer there yougo so you just go like this I’m notgonna stick it too deep because it’sgoing to rain later and I’m gonna haveI’m going to pull it back out after youare using it it’s too hard for me to doand because I have to get something tohelp menot too deep because I’m gonna pull itback outso I guess Malala as you guys noticedthat I don’t have any visitor todaymy foot days there is not end today soher mom kept her today so you you sayI’m quiet today while I’m filming and myhouse is a little bit neither because nograndkids ear is making a mess yeah okayLaura I’m just gonna make some there’smy rice I’m just gonna make some singingup today just you know this is just riceokay hey hello no yes oh my godmore butterso sinigang LT Manion Monica Lola isjust the garlic and cold paper in blackpepper that’s all in of course fatherand the garlic you have to brown alittle bit moreI like overcooked but I’m not gonna dothat to my because I don’t like thetaste of the garlic so draw a face to meit’s like you know it’s kind of likebetterthe rice is still steaming as younoticed that garlic is getting brown Ithink what it is is just basically whenthey win the finish products done you’llsee all that brown garlic all over therice it’s more like nice-looking so Idon’t want it too too dark Mahakala sothat’s ready for me I’m using papertowel art paper to make my Allahsee this is what you want the garlicbrown because as you see it looks prettyyou can see the brown it together withthe white base I will sprinkle it withlettuce old oranges and then I’llsprinkle with this garlic salt it makesmore tasty another startedturn McCallum I see none of this finishnow we’re gonna go to the barbecue Icook this in the I bake this for like 40minutes now I’m ready to cook this andcharcoal Monica la la I like my charcoallike almost all the way white and youcan’t really smell the fluid anymorebecause I noticed that when I if I putthat meat too soonyou can you stop smell the fluid ittouch up in the meat so you don’t wantit down you don’t want it like that sonow I can i I can’t smell the fluidanymore so when I cook my meat it oneyou won’t smell the fluid into my needsI know my my kids when they cook them myboys when they cook they don’t waituntil its turn the charcoal white sowhen I can start paste that fluid intothe meat I don’t like that so they’re myapollo’s it’s still not dark I’m hopingthat gets dark soon so I can light up mylight like it gets darker this air iscover you cover it like this I think Iput it too longand then I light it when it gets darkI’ll let you guys see it somehow now asyou notice I go ahead in light upbecause it’s a posterior of themosquitoes away the bug this supposed tolet you chew the bug awayso I even though it’s the light I wentto go ahead and turn it on pretty highit’s probably pretty if it’s dark sobecause you can really see it so let’ssee can you can really seeit’s almost so the reason Monica loves Icooked it in the oven for for like 30 to40 minutes it helps to cook all the wayinside also so and it’s also somethingit helps soften it – so Simon hockallows nothing it’s cooked I can I cutit in pieces I can turn it side to sideand brown it it’s cooked over the insideit’s Yamaha loud that’s my finishedproduct this is garlic fried rice it’sin my country it’s called us in a Hondaso that’s just garlic fried rice and yousee that little brown that’s afterof course I branded garlic and yummy mybarbecue so there you guys anywaymonopolized the barbecue sauce that Iuse is this it’s really good I love itso if you want to try this kind ofproduct it’s really good but that’s whatI’m this is my finished products so ohmy gosh I love I hope you like mybarbecue average and the singing on thisthis is our dinner so please give methumbs up and subscribe in my video byela la my Mahakala I’m ready – I’m readyto feed my kids put on a night rightthen I’m gonna start feeding them then Istart calling them daddyNicole them[Music]