Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey y’all it’s your girl T on it I canonly be me hey hey hey hey hey how y’alldoing welcome welcome back to my channelthis you girls here not gonna be meum if you’re new to my channel y’allwelcome welcome if you are all to mychannel welcome back like I said okay soif you’re on those to my channel pleasedon’t forget to hit that subscribebuttonyeah after you watch this video pleasedon’t forget to hit the thumb and youknow thumb up my video like the video ifyou like you could share my video buttoday we back in this kitchen y’allwe’re in this kitchen we’re gonna makesome um oh well I’m about to make umsome ox tails with potatoes and this isgonna be the curry ox tails ourselveswith potatoes if you want to see how Idid thatthen go over to research and you willsee what she did I don’t know what thename of it is but I was just a guestover on my channel and I was doing my oxI was doing the beginning of the oxtails over there okay y’all so this isthe oxtails in my crock pot right hereand I added some potatoes to it and it’sthe curry ox tails but I sauteed them ontop of the stove first I added some saltand pepper to him in that sea salt andpepper and I added just a little bit offlour you know the cold on ice I’m nottrying to braid them like I do with umchicken not like that in the bowl justbrung you some flour all over himand so um then I browned them i brownedthem so that I have some nice color inmy pot whatever in my crock pot you knowwhile I’m cooking them instead of justputting the him putting them in playingand fresh and they had and all theseasonings I don’t want to do it likethatI took a I took I took a little bit andI took a little extra steps and i seasonof what I did was once I got a milebrown then I took him and not throwingback off in the pan all of them I couldon two onions over a 1 large onion butit was too small instead I had or youcan use do 1 large onion put it over inthemon top of that I edit song curry powderKurt i’ma show y’all the seasoningI added some curry powder I added garlicpowder onion powder garlic and onion Iadded ox tail seasoning by Ocho Rios Iadd just a little bit more black peppertwo bay leaves two small ones what I sawedit um some celery salt and some beefbroth beef broth and I just sprinklethat over it but she mix the beef brothin with your water and then you pour itover in there so now as you can see Ihave them in this crock pot and afterI’m mixed it all together in that pan Ihad a little water tool do not dumpeverything over into the crock potbecause I wanted to get all my flavorand everything out of my pan and intothis crock pot okay so now as you cansee in this crock pot I added justenough water to almost cover the month Idon’t want to have them swimming inwater and then that’s just gonna reducethe flavor that I don’t had a tool whichis all the seasonings and stuff so Iwanted to cut down and all thatdeliciousness and as it cooks the flourthat I attitude when I Brown them it’sgonna be a thickening to thicken up andyou know the gravy it’s gonna make thegravy in here okay and not only is theflour gonna make beer thickening butthese potatoes is gonna be a thickeningbecause of the starch testing it’s gonnathicken up my gravy okay so after I dothat I put my lid on it if you want tocook this overnight put your crock poton low okay put it on low and let itcook until it gets under okay but what Idid was umI have mine on huh because I need minesto be done by dinnertime todayokay so um yeah so that was it for theum except so I have me so cleaneduh uh some cleaned port specs right hereand what I’m gonna be doing is I’m gonnabe making some barbecue pork steaks nowfor those of you that are regular to mychannel y’all know that my husband he’spicking out so this while I’m making asecond meat because he don’t eatanything that he’ll know what it is okayso I’m making this I’m making somebarbecue pork steaks and when my oxtails run out then I got another meat aswell okay so I’m gonna be adding theyjust in a pan but no water just liquidthat may be coming up okay so I got momthis is some onion powder that I’m justsprinkling over it no measuring nonothing okay so I got some onion powderblack purpley’all see them to your taste my typechange okay it’s okayso season two your attention your likingwhatever you like okay and then I’mgonna add some parsley garlic powderokay just a little him a feather of saltjust a little bit okay and then I’mgonna be adding my rib rub seasoning andthe reason why I’m and this is becauseI’m doing the barbecue sauceso if you don’t have the rib rubseasoning let me see what’s in it saltpaprika brown sugar dehydrated garlicchipotle chili pepper cocoa powderspices and rice concentrate okay sothat’s what’s in it if you want to tryto make you song or try to make you somekind of barbecue bro you know Bobby Q upso you mean okay something sprinklingthat on there okay then I have a plan soI’m gonna cut that I end up and put iton this is wet so no Forrester’s and addmore seasoningokay so I’m gonna repeat the sameprocess did not come to show y’all didI’m gonna add a little bit of more insalt seasoning salt okay because I don’twill I try to stay away from you knowsalts as much as I can so if I can getaway with just using my seasoning then Iwill okay so I guess y’all gonna seethis part some some mortis just a littlebit you don’t want to use too much of itjust a little bit of that rib road andnot too much flat cut because you don’twant to overpower okay and I’m I knowyou go ahead and season us off okaya little garlic powder and I got enoughon your kind of already okay so now I’madding myself but what I’m gonna do I’mjust sprinkle just a tip little bit inmy hand and that’s all I’m putting onthis meat okay can you step upand I’m not gonna add any water to thisI’m gonna let it create its own juicescover it up before putting them in myliving on 375 degrees and I’m gonna letthis cook until it is fork tenderokay fork tempohe’s portrayed shotcut this awning up over top of itokay so now I got everything done inthem and now I could just you knowinclude it over top of it covered upwith some for you my stove got someseasonings all over for this alrightpreheating my oven to 375 degrees andI’m just gonna let this go y’alland I’m moving right on to the nextthing okay[Music]okay yeah so now I’m about to get thecooking this cabbage so I got hot roomright here is heat it up on my dad meanssome oil to it okay add a look all to mypot let my hair just a tad bit more justa little bit like that okaynot even enough to cover the wholebottom of the pot so look down this is apiece of fat you know when you’re gonnaham you have that piece of fat all theway across it that’s what this isso I cut that off my hand and so I’mgonna add this too and I’ll fry it up alittle bit and then I’m gonna add thisto my cabbages okay so I’m just goingkind of like cut this in half right here[Music][Music][Music]and on the add one ounce it is one smallthey sat in a small tree as long as theservice plateall rightwhen I look okayI want to go to trial and on thisHezekiahit’s okayit won’t workoverand then the particles if I may becausethey’re fearful to do its affair butthese home people want the flavora little bit and of course is gonna makesome grief but I have a big cabbage is abig head of cabbage and I’m just pullingcome on the green leaves off didn’t have[Music][Music]basically small logs out it you see itokay so now I’m gonna get this otherhalf cut up and I’m gonna put over mysink and wash it and some salt okay sohands-on see there’s bacon and triangleswhat aspect rather has fried up nicelyyou know you don’t have to be crispycrunchy anything like that okay so I doright there than we get where to comeback up I’ll just take the salt and Ijust I got some warning up and I justpull salt over it and then I’m gonnawash it just like you watched collardgreens some on come back on over hereyou goand this is the green part of the UM ofthat cabbage and I’m cut this thinnerbecause this part takes longer to cookI mean cool than the cabbage pork thisis the[Music][Music]so now that I got there you don’t seeI’m trying to practice my knife skillshuhall right watch them just break themdown you know separate those piecesfound the light and I’m going straightto the path of you but I’m[Applause][Music]it’s goofy I just might get it on andI’m not gonna add an award to thisbecause you know it’s gonna make his ownwater so I’m gonna see how much waterlet’s make before you can add any but ifyou want to make further cabbages thinkyou don’t add no water to it just livein cooking is on juices so okay I’ve gotthatso when this cook down come back and getthe rest of my carrot juice and put iton me and I’d be right back youI can finally now take the lid on thembecause at first I just had the leadjust sitting on top on like this and asthey went down I was able to delete onthem so now I’m gonna add the rest of mycabbages to this the ones that was leftin the sink that last little bit that’sover them which is really not too muchof nothing and now I’m just gonna letthis Leah sit on here and let them cookdown and then has they cooked down alittle bit then I’m gonna go and add myseasonings I’m not gonna add myseasonings until they cook down just alittle bit so I’ll be right back okayall right child so now over here I canpretty much see not much waterand it’s not part of being water so I’mgonna just add just a little tap yeahcuz it’s about this much water in hereright nowsome and just just a little bit justlike I like for our characters with myhusband he don’t let this cook down alittle bit mode and once I get thesedown in them like we’re looking likethisif you can see where it’s looking likethis you see the difference with thesecabbages here and those when I get tolooking like that then I may have myseasonings they not done but you knowthey just kind of likemy lack of precooked a little you knowonce I get them all right there allright Chum so can you see how my Fantasis looking just like the rest of it didbefore you see that so I got enoughliquid down and we’ll show you how canyou see see you soonwhich I’ll see them deeper down in themwrite it down okay it’s not that muchbut it’s just a lot for me okay so nowI’m going to add some seasoning salt sothis just a little bit and I’m just aball seasoning y’all okay so season thisup just a little bit of black pepper nottoo much because you don’t want it tooverpower you don’t want to take overthe cabbageit sure willnot too much and then I got my chickenbroth seasoning add a little bit ofjuice but not too much because althoughit may get solid okay and in there cookdown in just a little bit of water cuz Idon’t need all the water yeah I don’tjust too much water in it you know holdon okay can you see that you see that isit’s not a lot but it’s just thesethings like because it’s a come on thisside you’ll see it ain’t much nothing insee that look it’s enough okaywhat’s the channel vehicle finishcooking of these and I’m gonna mix thisup put my lid on it then I’ll come backand taste it to see if I have enoughsalt if I need to add any more whateveroh I’m gonna add just a little pinch ofsugarjust a little pinch by the littleteaspoon or so you’re trying to makethem sleep but you know greens issomething you add through that littleshovel too you know just the peopletoday that green taste well fly camefrom but they just uh made its wayIndian some kind of way and I got my potdown on me gonna just let this simmergonna kick tender alright and I’ll beback so now I got the points take upseven y’all biggest under and this housejuice that they made on home like reallynothing that’s it that’s all they madejust just step the big you can see youbut it’s telling y’all so now I’m justgoing to take my barbecue sauce and thisis a Mike you softer that mixed herbswhatever kind of chill light put it onand give oh no no no I’ll just take thisback in the oven and let it sticky andyou add as much barbecue all is lessthat you were like but that is my goodman he loved a lot about she saw someoneshe knows barbecue sauce and I’m fineyou knowwell there’s little or a lot stick thisback in the oven we’re not falling andlet it get stickyon the middle right not the bottom thistimemakes my cornbread up I was gonna makesome homemade cornbread but I need to doit cuz I’m about tired man so dumped meover two boxes of the jiffy on in thisbowl you posed to have me up yeah Amy wegot it for you so let’s go coming notonly there’s one box of Japan I’m gonnamake some cornmeal we the best fonduemeets me some cornmeal with it how longI’m gonna show you know when you do oneboxes if you do one is one egg if I’mnot finna yeah that much okay this muchsugar some add some sugar to it cuz Ilike it sweet it wasn’t that muchokay go get my cornmeal I’m gonna scoopjust a little bit on there now cuz nottoo much just go just a little bit onand on with it just like and that helpsme stretch it instead of using two boxesit’s still gonna taste the same but Iadd a little cornmeal to it and help mestretch out watch it for meokay what’s hard to put onI gotta get a baking dish get my spraybutter okay so I’m gonna get this panspray all in one minute get my pan sprayand now we get this mixed up this mixedup[Music]shake it around stick em in this panbaby it’s done and I will be back wheneverything is pretty much finished butlet me go ahead on check the cabbageswhat y’all so y’all can see what theylook likecuz they looking good y’all anybody doneif they might already okayand they are gone ja see these cabbagesso we get a little taste to see if Ineed any more seasoning so turn my stoveoff and also done okaymy rice is done right down my oxtailstill cooking I’m not gonna open it upcuz you know when you open up a crockpot gonna take time for it to come backto a boil like it is so I will be backy’all when I’m finished with everythingand show y’all what it looks likeplate it up and when I get everythinggot my steps get done get chunder withbread come on when everything iscompletely doneI’ll be back yeah okay okay yeah so thisis the finished look of the dinner Ihave some cabbagesright here hopefully this videos insideways if it is please forgive me thenhere’s the fork state barbeque porksteak looks so delicioushere’s the yellow ricemy op still they still cook them andthey’re not done yetbut y’all can see how they come along sothis is the oxtails okay and here’s thecornbread all finished I want to thankyou guys for watching my video untilnext time this is your girl Tina I couldonly be meI’m sorry that you didn’t get a finishplate but at least I’d be a show you youknow everything how it came together sothe oxtails they only got like a fewmore i was left over when I left on themcuz I’m the reason me and I’m cooking inthe crock-pot and I thought maybe theywas gonna cook faster than what theyhave been cooking but they only beencooking about three and a half I was sofar but they’re not doing yeah so Idon’t want to play them you know make upno plate and ain’t nobody ready to eatyet so yeah that’s the food and I hopey’all enjoyed this video to next timethere’s a girl tonight I can only be mepeace and blessings to each and everyone of you guys and y’all please do notforget to thumb of the video don’tforget to leave a comment down below ifyou liked my video and if you try myrecipe let me know check the descriptionbox for anything that my facebook inthere I have my peel box in there justin case you want to send me anything orwhatever so until next timeI think each and every one of you guysand peace love and blessings to each andevery one of you alright y’all see youlater