Remember my seasoned meats?, I’ve been using them often to create meal options for the fam.
With few spices and using the oven and gas grill, I managed to make amazing tasting pork and eventually turn into a saucy meal for a different day.
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hello lovely people and how are youtoday welcome to my channel and todayI’m grilling some pork and I’ll roastsome turnips in the oven I am NOT a fanof turnips but this one just came outreally wellso I think you should also try and thecombo with the pork was so so amazing soeverything was either cooked in the ovenor in the grill and it was really adelicious combothey always many more the spices alsominimal I just used my usual paprikasalt pepper onion and garlic powdersjust a sprinkle on and then added someoil and sprinkled or some oil onto thevegetables before I put them in the ovenand baked at 400 degrees for 40 minutesbut I kept checking if they were good soon or the pot grilling I did it from thegas grill and I wanted the grill markson this one so I coated out the foil andI waited for the grill to be really niceand hot before I put on my book I justleave it on like that yeah it had beenseasoned since the time I bought it andI defrosted so there’s that liquid thatcomes out of the frosting so I used thatmoist and the pot and that that thatkept it going until it cooked and then Istill bit with some new ketchup you knowlike when you cut with a sauce it makesit seals all the flavors inside so aftermoistening and adding some garlic pastea delicate coriander paste I also usesome ketchup on top so just a lot mymethod it’s really really delicious butalso give me some pointers if you have Ihaven’t been grilling for long it’s notalways been a thing for me but I try formost of lunch over the years so I I cookthis for about 35 to 40 minuteson medium-low heat I worried about itsnot cooking through just because thiswas a sick start but it will it wasreally nice and hoped another thing toconsider is that this meat can taste alittle dry can fill out a little dry ifyou dome with them so that is why I kepton adding some liquid and then theketchup at the end because Elia wantsthe meat to be chewy or you know justfeeling dry yeah that is why I kept Ikept moistening and adding on theflavors because I do also want it to bebland yeah so this is a good one to tryI would really recommend especiallybecause pork in some area in some sideof the world is not so expensiveespecially where I am talk and chickenas the most affordablemeat and beef is quite pricey so I willdepend mostly on more on pork andchicken so if you’re a pork lava this isa good method grilling it all day bringlike this or just using the ovenroasting it in the oven it gives you avery delicious non greasy non oily it’skind of leaf so it’s worth a try so ifyou want to follow my method just dothat and tell me what you think allright so after this it’s gonna cook forfurther about ten minutes a little bitwith some ketchup that was the lastprocess and then everybody had tastedand said the sauce wasn’t enough so Ijust sprinkled some just because wedon’t like adding it on already food andit really works so everything worked outwell it’s something I would do oftenbecause I love the taste of smoke on themeat it’s really really amazing soI’ve been enjoying this method ofcookiesmuffled nickim everguys mcfillin economy by yo-yo ma oh nono it’s an American tradition so guyslike and subscribe and also comment andtell me what you think and the kind ofmyths that you love and how you likecooking it I think this is my mostfavorite method followed by cooking inthe oven roasting in the oven and I haveto say this one large pieces of meat sowe divided into four each each slice andthen we used it the next day I mightjust show you how I did it with somespaghetti I made a sauce for spaghettiusing the same it and yeah so this wasenough to serve two meals two differentmeals so yeah it was that the pieceswere really lunch and so they are thevegetable this tasted really really goodso if you have a problem eating turnipsthat is a good method to make them soI’ll show you just how I did thespaghettithis tool was really really delicious soI’m boiling just forget it there as wellas parting my sauce so I have the meatthat I did the previous night it wasgrilled pork and hey if you haven’tsubscribed please consider to do so atthis point I’m giving you two videos inone so this is really really interestingI made a sauce for this pork I rememberit was still so flavorful from thegrilling and I’m using leftover stuffthis is leftover vegetables that had cutup for a different meal and some I’madding some coriander to the onions andpeppers and also similarly in there somy garlic and coriander paste and then Iwill try that for a while and then Iadded 1/2 a cup of crushed tomatoes orabout 1/2 a cup and on the side myspaghetti is cooking I’m using angelhair so I’m not going to cook it forlong it cooks very very fast and theylove that it’s so nice and tender andthat when you cook it al dente it’s soperfect and it doesn’t feel like sostuffy in your mouth it’s just perfect Ilove angel hair and I really go for thebigger size by DT so this sauce I’m notgoing to add a lot of spices so I’musing just poultry seasoning and thenItalian herbs and then I’ll add a bit ofpaprika and cumin just because it goesso well together so I mean keeping thespices at a minimum and then of courseI’ll add salt and pepper just forseasoning and then very little waterjust after I add the meatyouso I’m clearing my space as I get themeat and I’m going to add it right aboutnowthis sauce is nice and thick andcolorful you want it to be full of colorso that it will coat your spaghetti andcollide and so that looks appetizing soI’ve added the meat and a bit of waterjust to keep it going I will not betelling this meat I want the heat tocome through and I wanted to reallyreally get nice and hot and then I willjust point into the spaghetti and I willnot mix I’ll just serve it like thatafter so I’m saving my spaghetti andthen I rinsed it with some water just toget rid of the stretch and then havetransferred my sauce into the spaghettipot and so I’ll let it cook for a whilebefore I start serving and that’shappening now at a great speed so Iserved and I’m just testing to check ifeverything is nicely blended and as youcan see it looks delicious thank you somuch for watching we enjoy making thesemeals when you know that it’s helpingsomeone someone is in jail watchingsomeone is maybe making some of thesemeals and we’d like to hear what youthink we’d like to know how it turnedout for you and if you tried at all soyeah that is why we do it thank you somuch this is how it looks the platelooks delicious and everybody enjoyedthis meal all right bye bye have a goodday god bless you