BBQ Pork Recipes

How To BBQ Pork Ribs

#bbq #smoke #porkribs

Music by:
Amnesia Beats

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Video Transcription

[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Applause]low and slow dry now we’re gonna usemustard as a binder to hold our rub on[Music]you get the mustard all over it boom BAMnow we’ve got the honey garlic Weberunfortunately we’re out of Reggie’s ribswhat’s gonna make a Reggierub rub rub Sunday video but we’re outof rub buddy put a very generous corpsein the rub on there they’re all overhere and I pet it down so you can keepas much of that in there as possibleall right so we got them on there onindirect heat I went ahead and put somemore rub on there cover up some of thosemustard spots and we’re gonna go aheadand let it cook low and slow[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Applause][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]alright let’s check him out havingflipped them having moved him haven’ttouched them it’s been about an hour ohyeah look at that get a nice littlecrust going in there[Music]I’m gonna want indirect heat there’s nocheese underneath blowing slow alrightlet’s go ahead and hit it with a littlebit of apple cider vinegar just likewe’re smoking a pork buttcan’t be showing you guys all my secretsbut I can show you a couple here andthere had a spray bottle put[Music]bit of an apple cider vinegar oh yeahget it all up in there all right we wentahead and flipped them hand rotate thembut that one was back there so rotatedthem flip them get that colorwinningand put your little starter code andbarbecue sauce love you know you got tolet it cook like that for a while soit’ll glaze on and when you flip it oneon strip off all right in about 20minutes later you can see that barbecuesauce lays down there and way I like itnow we’re gonna go ahead and flip themand put more barbecue sauce on the otherside all right I got flipped over thereactually was a membrane on there butonce it actually crisped up a little bitI pulled it off came off pretty easythey’ve been going for about two hoursand 15 minutes I’m gonna go aboutanother 45 minutes all right went aheadto flip them again put more barbecuesauce and let that glaze down and repeatagain and then they’ll be done andthere’s the finished product folks we’regonna let them rest for a second andthen we’ll give them a shot hereworld-class barbecued pork ribs allright check that out[Music]home of the truth here get that smokering oh wowI’ve falls right off the bone perfectlyjuicy perfect amount of smoke fallsright off the boneWow this myself these aren’t good yeahit holds all the rub on there so thatwould fall offwinning

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