BBQ Pork Recipes

How to Brine & Smoked Thick Pork Chops! Cooked on The Drum Smoker!

#porkchops #Brine #drumsmoker
If you like pork chops keep watching this video for a easy fool proof way to make the best pork chops ever! Easy recipe for smoking or searing pork chops.

As always…Good Food and Good Vibes! Yeah Boy!!

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alright guys today on the rolling grillwe got some good stuff this is actuallya video I want to shoot over theholidays and have ready for Christmasand New Year’s just never got around toit but since the holidays is over I wentinto a new year okay let’s go ahead andknock it out French cut pork one canshow you exactly what I’m talking aboutI got this one right here for Restaurantdepot as you can see let me get this outof the way all right as you can seehere’s our French cut pork loin it’sbasically a bone-in pork loin that’sbeen frenched out the bottles have beenfrenched out and what I was gonna do isjust brine this thing hold and cook itwhole but I’m not gonna do that I’mgonna cut these out into some nice bigpork chops and we’re gonna do some nicesmoked pork chops like you go to Texasand you go to some of those Texasbarbecue joints they have some nicethick smoked pork chops that’s whatwe’re gonna do that’s what we’re gonnado that’s gonna be our first video for2020 so y’all stay tuned we don’t cut upBrown up and cut up some beautiful bigcut pork chops Bryan roll boy[Music]alright let’s go ahead and get let’s goahead and get right into it now you’llsee that there’s a lot of fat on hereI’m not doing anything to this I’m nottaking any of that out to me as you allknow if you cook pork one before porkloin doesn’t have a lot of fat so anyfat cap that you can get leave it onthere don’t listen to the pundits thatsay take it all off and no no new newfat is flavor do not take them that fatcap off of that poor woman I mean if youlook at it and see I’ll show you I meanit’s really not that thick anyway so youwant every little bit and in the factthat you can get and so I’m gonna goahead and cut these up and then we’llget to a brine my rule of thumb is whenyou cut nice pork we’ll try to get asclose to the let me stand it up and Ican tell you try to get as close to theinner bone as you can when you cut inbecause on the backside it’s gotten uhclose because you can’t I remember thisis the loin and basically these bones uphere represent the baby back ribs sobasically you’ve got the pork loin andthen you’ve got the baby back ribs onlything that’s they’ve done is take offFrench stop the bones and taking a lotof meat off the papers but anyway I tryto get as close to the bone as I can andI come right down you need a nice sharpkniferight down and right through that’s myfirst that’s the end piece the end cappiece we worried about that it’s allgoing the same way it doesn’t it alwayslooks a little funny so anyway going toour next one sometimes it’s a littlebone in there you won’t go right aroundthat and there we go so I’m gonna goahead and cut the rest of these out andthen we’ll get on to the prime staytuned alright guys as you can see we gotthem cut up I think I’ve got one twothree four five six seven eight nine Igot ten loins this rack of pork didn’tcost me but what $25.00 so you do themath on that twenty-five dollars and yougot ten pork chops great way to stretcha dollar great item if you want to havea dinner party and you want to do someroasted pork or pork chops thick-cutpork chops little smash we would say themass or something like that this wouldbe perfect for that man cuz you’regetting a good bang for your buck nicethick pork chop as long as you brine ityou’re not gonna dry it out trust mebrining is the key when you talk aboutcut big pork chops like I said if youwanted to you can even cut inside andmaybe stuff them a little bit so that’sit man so we’re gonna go ahead and gotowards the brine and that’s the nextstep up so y’all stay tuned alright timefor the Bryant I already have the brineready to go I did the Brian last nightand allow it to sit so basically I’llshow you what I have my Brian you knowsome people don’t think I’m crazy buttrust me these two flavors go reallygood to goI have something that’s beautifulcrawfish shrimp and crab boil water Iprobably got about I don’t knowsix cups of water in here maybe more Iuse probably about I have maybe maybeabout a cup of this of the crab boil andthen I mixed in probably about a cup ofthis Jamaican Jerk dry season that Ireally like I get it from my localfarmers market here it’s really goodbut to me they played then I also addsome olive oil in here as well Ciminoolive oil kind of brings it all togetherbut to me the jerk has the warmseasonings that go really well with porkchops and the crawfish I mean and theseafood boil just has the salt contentand that little bit of heat and spicethat to me really plays well togetherlike you have to you have to make it tryand taste it like then that goes reallygood together and so that’s what that’sthat’s basically my branthat’s the Bryant I’m using for thesepork chops and in there going everybodygetting in the pool let’s see if we canget them all in there usually I would dothis in a ziplock bag don’t happen tohave any today so we are going to gowith our nice trusty aluminum boatstainless steel bowl around and that’sit they are in there I’ll give you aclose-up shot of what it looks like butthat’s it we’re gonna let them sit inthe refrigerator overnight you know forme I’m going overnight maximum moistureretention by doing this you ensure thatyou get maximum moisture retention sothat when you put these in the smokeryou’re gonna get maximum smoke retentionand it’s also gonna be nice and juicyit’s not gonna dry out so that’s ity’all that’s the brown that’s pork chopsstay tuned for the next stepalright it is the next day our porkchops finished brining they’ve been inthe brine extra for a total of 24 hoursI’m gonna put them on this there on arack I’m gonna let them air-dry in therefrigerator for about an hour then I’mgonna hit them with some olive oil hitthem with my cue cue dust and then offto the smoke where we go but man theysmell really good you can tell thatthey’re taking a lot of moisture andthis is gonna be one phenomenal way toenjoy these pork chops right I have likethese pork chops to dry for a number ofhours in the refrigerator now we’re goodto gothey’re a nice clean surface go aheadwith some olive oil you definitely wantto make sure you dry them out as bestyou cana lot of that moisture from that BrianFoley and I’ll hit it with my QQ does dothe same thing on the opposite side andoff to the grill they go all right youall I’ve added to water fans down herejust pretty much to catch the drippingsand put in one of these fans I’m gonnaactually add some coffee no particularreason I just want to see I had someleftover coffee I’m gonna kind of seewhat kind of flavorit imparts into these pork chops and sohere we goI’m gonna give you right here on thewreck six beautiful pork chops so y’allstay tuned don’t see how these come outbefore dissing visit oh yeah well I’mtrying to stay right around 250 275 orrunning a combination of charcoalbriquettes as well as lump charcoal noactual wood pieces but just lumpcharcoal from our smoke so now state twois know me some good eatin right heretry to let him stay on here for about anhour I keep checking them try to takehim to about 1:45 ish maybe one 40s youpull them off and let him rest and theyshould be good to go let’s give them onelook look pretty good pretty good acoffee stay down there smell real goodso then we’re out I know they’re nowherenear done I’m I telling them probablyabout another 30 minutes I’m give him awhole hour to cook what’s up Mike allrightwhat stops our our team all right porkchops are an hour and I just flip themthat’s getting I ready they look reallygoodI’m going to keep on riding up and wecan do this because it’s been about anhour and a half and we’ll head in templeshe was sitting that way right about1:45 perfect so I’m gonna go ahead andtake these off let them rest for a fewminutes they may probably temp out inabout 150 when it’s all said and donewhich is about medium but they look realgood smell real good yeah boy solet’s give it a try let’s cut it[Music]that’s why you brought your pork chopsfolks let’s cut another piece look attheir good and juicy all right boththank you for joining me here at therolling world you know we can’t leavetoday without giving this a try we don’ttry around the bone is always the bestpart he’s brought your pork chops mmmwas always little dibs[Music]hey we could just smoke when we had toput some in the cast-iron skillet thenext day also so don’t forget evenbetter in the cast-iron skillet when yousee them up on both sidesy’all be here as always

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