How to cook pork chops in a cast iron skillet and an easy one pan pork chop recipe paired with sauteed arugula and cannellini beans. Cast iron pork chop recipe:
My favorite cast iron skillet (As seen in video)
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Video Transcription
[Music]one of the great secrets on how to makethe perfect pork shop is Perseus toBrian why the meat is very lean so whenyou Brandon one of the great things thatyou’re too is you put a lot of waterinto it and you put a lot of flavor intoit and that’s it we’re done now I’mgonna place this in the refrigerator andall the rest there for about three hoursminimum overnight even better what willhappen is that the water will remorseyour eyes the pork chops make it niceand juicy and the salt and the sugarwithout being too excessive will flavoreven the deepest inner part of the meatitself so when you take a bite youlittle wonderful flavornow the pork chops are underrated forquite a few hours I have taken him outof the back I dried them real well thelast thing I’m gonna do before we cookeris to actually give him some outsideflavor so here we go my cast ironskillet is getting hot pork chops upperfect and ready to go let me show youhow to cook it[Music]they think that is spectacular about theskilletit’s the smoothness of its surface thereis a technique that I use we’re at theend after the pork chops that finishbrowning on each side I add butter whythe technique is known as Alrosain French and it’s a way in which thebutter mix in with the heat of thecast-iron below immediately melts and asit melts it starts to brown and as thebutter starts to brown you want to glazeyou meet with it give into it a glaze abattery taste an addition both in theform of look and flavor of a glaze thatis spectacular when we add thecannellini beans and when we add thearugula to it one of the greatest uh Iwould say achievements that we have isthat these two flavors play togetherinside the skillet still picking up theflavors that were left behind from theBrowning of the pork chops at this pointwhat we do we take the pork chops and weput them back into the skillet so thatthey can simmer together with thecannellini beans in the arugula why wewant on a lower heat for this to braisesomething to cook all the way throughgently so we don’t toughen the meat porkchops cannellini and arugula a littlepiece of magic that you can enjoy in myfavorite skillet and this is how youmake the pork chops and so it would notlike this right after dinner my friendsasked me Nick this is fantastichow did you do that and I told him itwas me and Bob and they go who’s Bob Isaid Roberta and then they say who’sRoberta and I say my skill and I got aname for it then they started to line Igot two names one we tell anyone inEnglish but the thing is that me and theskillet we become best friends I get upin the morning and ask my wife for shewants for breakfasthere I go I pull out the cast-ironskillet put it on the stove and I makemy eggs comes lunch that I am and I frymyself a piece of chicken or maybe anice and my pork chops and there it isme and Roberto we’re best friends I’mteaching Roberto to speak Italian andRoberto is teaching me to cook with castiron with the perfect couple