BBQ Pork Recipes

How to grill the best pork steaks on Walmart gas grill

How to cook pork steaks on a grill . Only food you can find at Walmart with meat shelves empty. Some places may have chicken left others just pork here’s your pork recipe:)

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what’s up y’all it’s just anotherSaturday time to jump on this grillsomething a little different today it’sa little cheaper something that we foundat the store I know everybody’s beenkind of rationing food and trying tofind all kinds of stuff so let me showyou what we got here we got some porksteaksthese are let’s seem to be kind of thincut but you can see the price manthey’re cheap so we’re going to firethose puppies up or fire the grill upand throw these guys on there so let’sget the grill going we’re gonna turn thegas on we go I’ll know if anybody showy’all how to fire up the gas grillsurely you have this grill we’re gonnaturn over to hi didn’t do nothing therewe go this is not one of those clickersof like with a battery this is the kindthat I guess it works off some sort ofarc go to the second one push in nothinglet’s try it again there we go let’s goto the third one push in the thinganother thinghere we go and I’m before my hairpush in nothing there we goonce we do that we’re going to turnthese down a little bit little bit lowerlow low low and a lot of times you’llget right here some old grease you’llget a little burn going on that’s okayjust let it burn off there all right beback to the second job and we’ll getthese pork steaks on here all right guyslet’s get these pork steaks on herethat’s what I’m talking aboutall right soaping this grill up nowthese are thin cut okay I didn’t realizethat until I bought them don’t throwthose on there I didn’t realize that Igot them home I’m sorry not when Ibought them but when I got them home soanyway we’re gonna throw them guys onhere they gonna be on there long we’regonna do maybe two minutes or somethingI’m gonna do something a littledifferent here want to putwe’re gonna put a littlehe’ll shower sauce on there just alittle bitI don’t marinate pork you can don’tthink that you can’t you can’t marinateit I’ve just this is everything I domy own way leave it there all right thatwas some garlic powder I put on thereI’m gonna put a little kosher salt saltpork always does real goodlittle slap your mama you know we’ll usethat on everythingand then move on Hughes I’m gonna put alittle black pepper on hereand I’ll do this to both sides y’allalright let’s give it a couple minutesand I’ll be back in a second see whatthey look likeall right guys it’s been been aboutthree minutes so now what kind ofcookies like a steak pretty much thesame way we’re gonna twist themI will go rotate them rotate Ohthere we go now we’re gonna give itanother two to three minutes on thisside and then we’ll we’ll rotate them ornow we’ll flip them next time all rightlet’s let them do their thingif you’re looking you ain’t it took allright guys whoolet’s flip her over oh yeahlook those I think that was the tricknow we’re gonna do the same thing onthis side I’m gonna go see how I’ve gotthem all turn this way we’re gonna dotwo minutes get up thererun-through two minutes two minutes thisway and then what we’re gonna do is spinaround and do two minutes that way y’alland these pork steaks are gonna be doneand they’re so cheap and they’re so goodoh man I love pork sights they are sofreakin goodlisten if y’all lose this channel Idon’t care if you like it or not butsubscribe hit the subscribe button Iappreciate y’all all right let’s closeher down we’re wasting time let’s slamit down rather all right I’ll be back ina minuteall right y’all I didn’t tell you butright here’s the sentence it’s almostcompletely on low on each one of theseknobs here on this guy’s grill almost onlow I don’t want to open it up yetbecause we’re getting ready to twist itaround in about 30 seconds but I wantedto show y’all that and also after weflipped it I’m gonna put the I’m notgonna use any more of this that was onthe one side now all I’m going to do isuse this just like your mama seasoningthe garlic powder the kosher salt andthe pepper on this other side but nowwe’ve already flipped it so I’m justgonna rotate off and then we’re gonnaput those ingredients right there onthere for another two to three minutesandand the pork steaks will be done okaylet’s see what time is it okay now thetwist on all right we gots a littleflame out there that ain’t good Bendthis one this way and that one that waythat way up there all right Wayne tweree about that flame it’ll it’ll go out aminute it’ll burn out so these porksteaks are really looking good y’allI mean look really looking good allright let’s give it three more minutesand we’ll be done with the pork steaks afaint yeah look at that man look goodgood then no cheap manner cheap thepayers they are better than porkchopsy’all I mean really pork steaks isbetter than porkchops I think all rightenough talk be back in a minute guysy’all didn’t tell me I was too busyworried about rotating that we forgot toput the stuff on them all right but wedidn’t forget it’s on there we’reputting it on there yes and some blackpepper and that would be it for theseall right let’s shut er down now we’regonna have to count to nine minutes nowsince I opened it up and screwed screwedthat up but anyway we’ve got our saltand pepper and everything on there so webank two minutes all right guys spendanother three minutes see whatthese are really good really good Idon’t think really long the cookies butyou know it’s sorryit’s poor but these guys are done 333 3yo and you’ve got pork steaks they aredeliciousall right don’t forget to lie well Idon’t care if you like subscribe to mychannel every week we do somethingdifferent I’m just gonna put this juiceoff here real quick but every week I’lldo something different I’m eithercooking grilling smoking insta Partonmaybe can’t fire grillers who knows onmy channel what we’re gonna get but uhlike I said please subscribe and we’llcatch y’all next video yo

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