Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
imagine yourself in your living room andyou’re watching your favorite team playit’s the bottom of the ninth to on whichyou else and your favorite player is upto bed he’s looking at a full count thepitcher takes a deep breath and thensteps off the mound suddenly you lookout your back door and you realize a bigblack cloud of smoke coming through soyou rush outside to go see what’s onfire when you get outside you realizeit’s your grill so you’ve grabbed awater hose luckily for you is right bythe grill you turn out the flame whenthe smoke clearsyou notice you burnt all the ribs andhave to throw them away that’s whathappened to meso in this speech I want to get you allto know how to make smoked barbecuedribs from the grill I did my research onpit bosses the chunky chef and youUnited States Department of Agriculturewith some trial and error I becamepretty good at making ribs that myfamily and friends could enjoy so I wantto tell you guys about the ingredients Iuse and the steps I take and hopefullyyou never know one day you might want tomake ribs or you have a friend that aremaking ribs and you could help them withthe knowledge you gain from this speechI like to first start you off withingredients you will need 1/4 cup ofbrown sugar 1 tablespoon of chili powder1 tablespoon of paprika 1 teaspoon ofsalt 1 teaspoon of pepper and a teaspoonof garlic powder also some otheringredients are honey mustard cherry dr.pepper and your favorite barbecue saucesome of the tools I use is wood chips awood chip holder foil some tongs abutter knife a forkand a rib Rick I’ll start you all withthe ingredients you want to start withthe dry broke so you place the brownsugar chili powder paprika salt pepperin a bowl and mix them up then you takeyour riddle you want to flip it over towhere its bone side up there’s a thinmembrane that you have to take off withyour butter knife and a paper towel youcan do this very easy after you take itoff place the mustard on and then putyour dry rub on you want to rub the ribso the dry rub sticks then flip it overand do the same to the other side afteryour drainingrub is on you go turn on your grill youwant your grill to be from 225 degreesFahrenheit to 275 degrees Fahrenheitjust don’t let it get above 300 I likemine at 250 degrees Fahrenheit once thegrill is preheated you put the woodchips into wood chip holder and placethe wood chip holder on the side whereyou have the flame then you get yourribs and place them in the rib rack youwant to put the rib rack on the oppositeside where there is no flame then youclose the lid and leave it like that for300 for three hours don’t open itonce those three hours are done you takethe ribs out and place them in on a foilin the center then you spread honey onit on both sides then you get your dr.pepper cherry dr. pepper and put it nota lot just enough to fill the bottom ofthe foil fold the foil onto the rib niceand tight but not be careful that youdon’t puncture any holes in the foilplace the ribs back on the grill youwant to sit you want them to sit likethat for two more hoursso those two hours are up you take themout of the foil and then spread yourparka q sauce on both sides of the ribplace something back into the grill andleave them like that for another hourafter that hour is done if you have athermometer you want to check thetemperature in the inside of the ribUSDA state that when it comes to pork onthe thickest part of the mean it shouldread 145 degrees if you don’t have athermometer there are two other ways youcould check one of them is you if themeat comes to the center leaving more ofthe bone sticking out that means they’reready or you could get your tongs andpick up one side if the other side foldsover into it you then that means they’reready once your ribs are done you couldplay some at room temperature foranother 15 minutes and then cut it now Itold you guys you all how to mineingredients that I use and the steps Itake to make small BBQ ribs on the grilland I hope this helps so that one timeyou’re you’re at your house watching agood game and you got company comingover you don’t have to run outside andplay fireman like I once did thank you