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Here’s a no cook, no bake, easy to make refreshing summer dish. Just chop, mix, and chill.
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Video Transcription
well rainy season has arrived in Japanit’s getting hot and muggy is time forcool dishes what we’ve got here isbarbecue pork and rice saladwell there’s BBQ pork in there there’srice there’s pieces of red tender cheesebell red bell pepper corn this is areally refreshing dish a little bit of adressing and mmm that’s the kind ofthing you want summer you know you don’tlike hot dishes anymore no yesreally easy to make to basically thebiggest thing is just cutting up the cupand stuff ahead of time a little bit ofprep work that’s it sauces all in a bigbowl mix it all up I can chill it for alittle while you don’t have to and thenyou’re ready to go so let’s go tokitchen mix of us right now[Music]so here’s the ingredients for ourbarbecue pork and rice salad with abunch of other stuff in there just makesit all so delicious but first of all youhave over here let’s go over thedressings first for the dressing I’vegot one tablespoon of vinegar threetablespoons of olive oil two tablespoonsof Dijon mustard three tablespoons ofmayonnaise 1/2 a teaspoon of salt 1teaspoon of pepper two garlic clovescrushed red mix that I’ll be gonna makea dressing out of it then over here forthe main part of the salad well we’vegot the barbecue pork that’s 12 ouncesor 340 grams of barbecued pork dicedlittle pieces I want a quarter inch orless so oil four to five millimeters insize about here is two and a half cupsof cooked rice now it’s good with anykind of rice actually I can sort of giveit a long grain rice I don’t get longgrain here I get a short grain Japaneserice works well with that too anythingJapanese rice doesn’t stick here butwhen you get the dressing in there it’llall come apart so that’s not a problemhere I’ve got four ounces or 110 gramsof red cheddar cheese you can use 80cheddar cheese that’s why the red tenderjust shows up a bit more Gessle rice andit’s got pretty good flavor and againI’m dicing that up in little piecesabout a quarter inch or less a littleunder a quarter inch to like four tofive millimeters again then over hereI’ve got two red bell peppers chopped upcut up into pieces about that size andthen I’ve got here is one 15 ounce canof corn rinsed and drained so firstlet’s make the dressing take a smallbowl here let’s just put the oil inthere and the vinegar and I’ll sing itthat mustard in there meal in there tooevery just going at once and just whiskit all together really easy to make themost time spent is just chopping up thethings that you need the rest it takesno time to put this togetherall right salt and pepper I’m gonna addin the garlic and now what I’m gonna dograb a whisk and just start whiskingthis togetheroh no whisk this until I see the oil hasdisappeared into the mayonnaisemayonnaise and the Dijon mustard actlike it emulsifier don’t keep that oilfrom separating out of there all rightthat’s looking goodthat was right so now I’ve got here thewooden salad bowl I’m use this for awhile so let’s put everything in here ingoes the rice yeah big ball of gooeyJapanese rice and it’ll stuck togetherwith elico apart real quick let’s talkthrough that cornnow you can’t adults if you want if youlike green piece so those it goes prettynice in here I couldn’t do that I wouldget shot my wife hates green peas so youwon’t see green pea as much in mycooking the split pea soup we did whatabout two years ago for winter thatwhatever good lawI never said it was peace all right itgoes all the salad ingredients thosegonna toss those around a little bitoops yeah it’s so colorful in thereall right that’s looking pretty goodalready so now get that dressing inthere love see how I used up sittinghere all that dressing in there okayand now just gonna toss it with mywooden spatula spoon I notice I don’thave I’m heading my my special Forks todoing this since Catalina one that hasone of our Pete Rouse look two years agonow I hope you’re enjoying thisI sure you should get another paireverywhere I got those together thoughall right look at that that’s comingtogether nicelyso just got with the with the Japaneserice you have to kind of chop through alittle bit to break up on the rice ifyou using long grain rice that’s notgonna be a problemall of that is gonna be fantasticthis is a dinner tonight it’s getting alittle hot and muggy here bring therainy season so cool dinners like thisfantastic alright that’s it we’re donelook at that that is gonna be greatwhat I like to do now is just chill thisdown if you can make this a few hoursbefore dinner and then you chill it downin he gets food just as good that was mycar all right hopefully this color turnsout good I chill this down in therefrigerator and there you gofantastic dinner[Music]you[Music]