BBQ Pork Recipes

How to make Big Nick’s Amazing BBQ Spare Ribs

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okay welcome to big Knicks meets andtreats I want to go over my processwe’re doing spareribs I start off with aquality spare rib I usually getchairman’s reserves from cash-and-carryor I got these from Costco I’m justgonna do one rack today I like spareribs over baby back ribs has got a lotmore meat on them and they tend to stayjuicier than the baby back ribs so I tryto avoid baby back ribs so the firstthing I need to do is I need to take thesilver skin off which is this membranethat’s on the back so what I’m gonna dois is just get a little table knife hereget it to start it a little bitunderneath this membrane pop that offjust a little bit then I take a papertowel and grab itand you should be able to pull that offalmost in one piece if you don’t gettake the silver skin off it just makesthe rib and harder to eat so your yourguests will appreciate you taking thesilver skin off okay once you have thesilver skin off the next thing I’m gonnado is I’m gonna take some just regularold mustard and I put a coat of mustardon there just a light coat of mustard onlet’s just helps break the pork down alittle bit gives a the seasoningsomething to stick toI do both sidesokay and then the next thing I’m gonnado is I’m gonna put some of my big mixmagic meat rub on there it’s acombination of salt pepper smokedpaprika chipotle powder brown sugarcayenne cumin and a couple other littlethings so I put a generous coating ofthat on there okay and I’m going to doboth sidesokay and then once the smoker gets up totemperature225 I’m gonna put the ribs on the smokerfor two hours at 220 a so after the ribshave been on for two hours now I’m gonnaprepare to wrap them so the first thingI do is I take brown sugar and I justput a nice light coat all over theentire top of the ribs the meat side ofthe ribs some folks do both sides of theribs I I just do the tops and it doesn’tseem to make that much of a differenceso put a nice light light coming backand then I’ll take butter if you canfind squeeze butter like park’ squeezebutter that’s pretty good otherwise Itake like three tabs of butter aboutthat size and I spread them out amongstthe ribs okayso the next thing I do is I take honeyand pretty generous with the honey I’llput a nice liberal coat of honey backand forth on the ribs like so okay andthen you got a wrap up and I useheavy-duty foil and I’ve you choose twolayers before I fold the ends in firstand you want this to be wrapped prettytightso and then if you notice the closingwent this way this time and I’ll do itthe opposite way okay and then I’m gonnaput them back on the smoker for anotherhour and a half why you got to be so youknow been an hour and a half is Iunwrapped the ribs you should have somenice pull back on the boneslooking good okaytake whatever your favorite sauce is I’musing sweet baby Ray’s today a lot oftimes I’ll use my own favorite or my ownsauce and then put a light coat of sauceon the entire ribI just do the tops I just do the meatside I don’t do the bone sideI really like sweet baby Ray’s becauseit has a good high sugar content thatcaramelize it’s okay then once you’vegot that done I’m gonna put them backwithout the pan[Music]sauces on therefor tea coffee minute so the ribs aredone now they’ve been in there about 4hours and 15 minutes or so next thingI’m gonna do is cut them and when youcut them I like to keep the meat side upsome people will flip the meat side downI’d like to do that because it screws upthe bark that you worked so hard to getso I do it meat side up and use a reallyreally sharp knife so you don’t tear themeat you want to actually cut the meatnot tear it and look where the bones areand then when you cut into that youshould see some real nice juice comingout of there real nice juice and whenyou bite through be able to bite downright to the bone all my goodness isthat good oh my goodness mark watch movework baby watch me workyou

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