In this video I show you “how to make chinese char siu bbq pork”. Char siu literally means fork burn/roast-‘Char’ being fork (both noun and verb) and siu being burn/roast-after the traditional cooking method for the dish: long strips of seasoned boneless pork are skewered with long forks and placed in a covered oven or over a fire.
1. 1/2 cup of sugar
2. 1/2 of Soy Sauce
3. 1/4 cup of rice cooking wine
4. 6 TB Hoisin Sauce
5. 2 TB fresh grated ginger
6. 2 cloves grated ginger
7. 1 tp 5 chinese 5 spice
8. 1/2 teaspoon white pepper
9. 1/3 cup honey
10. 3/4 cup ketchu
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey everybody welcome back to thechannel was big micro busy cooks comingback at you with another video welltoday our dish is going to be Chinesebarbecue pork real simple to make it’sprobably got some ingredients thatyou’re not used to commonly seen but I’mgoing to show you exactly what they looklike so you can go to the grocery storeand pick them up yourself so with thatbeing said stay tuned we’ll get right tothe cook all right I know what you thinkthey might that’s a lot of freakiningredients however it is it just lookslike that because I’ve got them in theircontainers and the reason why I havethem here is because I want you to seewhat these things look like when you goto the grocery store to pick them up allrightnow I don’t have the recipe in front ofme but right down here I’m gonna put theamount of that ingredients that you’llneed and in the description you’ll alsofind all ingredients there well beforewe get started do me a favor hit thesubscribe my bill icon so that you’venotified when we post our next video okI appreciate the support for the channelMatt let’s go with the ingredients allright so here I have a pork shouldercountry-style ribs boneless this wasless than 20 bucks I got this fromCostco alright here we have what’scalled Chinese five-spice they shouldhave this in your grocery store nowadaysevery grocery store has an aisle basedon the ethnic foods that you might wantto cook like them Spanish IO or Mexicanfood aisle or the how like an Asian foodaisle you’ll find a lot of theseingredients there so Chinese five-spicealright you’re gonna need that we alsohave this is rice cooking one all rightso rice cooking wine should be in thatAsian aisle if you find it if not andeven if you have like an Asiana grocery market in your neighborhoodthey are sure going to have this allright we also have hoisin sauce allright you’re gonna need to put this thisis key ingredient in our marinade allright we’ve got soy sauce very easy tofind at your grocery store we also havesesame oil sesame oil is definitelygonna be on that Asian aisle okay wehave good old-fashioned ketchup gonnamean that and we have some honey allrightthe rest of our greens are gonna be somesugar we got some fresh grated gingerand we’ve got some minced garlicit’s gonna mix up some garlic all rightnow that you know all the ingredientswere gonna go over the marinade rightafter we prep the pork so right nowwe’re going to prep this pork and I’mgonna put it in the bag and then I’llshow you what we do to the pork beforewe put it in the bag and then we’regonna make the marinade and get the cookstarted okay[Music][Music][Music][Music]you[Music][Music]alright guys so it has been four hoursand our meat is ready to be placed intothe oven now I’ve gone ahead and takethem Liberty preheating the oven to 300degrees not 315 at 400I’ve tried this recipe at 350 and 350was a little too hot and the meat cameout kind of dry and that is not what weare aiming for right right so 300 iswhat you want to set your oven at 300degrees okay now I have a baking sheetunderneath here that I covered with foilbecause this is very hard to clean offof the bottom of the pan if the burnsgonna be very hard to clean off okayand what I’ve done is I’ve taken somewater and pour it into the bottom of thepan so that you get that steam to comeup and start to help assisting the meatcook it’s going to help the fat renderdown okay now once we put it in our ovenbefore we do that we want to take somepiece of foil and cover it so we’regonna set our timer for one hour but I’mgonna cover this first okay so we wantto cover this up now for the first 20minutes we’re gonna cook this with thefoil on okay and then for the last 40minutes of that first hour we’re goingto take the foil off and finish it onceit’s done cooking for an hour we’regoing to turn on the broiler okay that’swhere it’s gonna cook over the top nowI’m gonna show you what we’re gonna dowith that marinade that we set aside sothat one cup of marinade that we set todecide we’re gonna add a little bit ofketchup to it we’re gonna help thickenthat up kind of reduce it down a littlebit just for about five minutes not toolong and then we’re gonna base the topof it in the broiler flip it over baseit again you see how everything comesout alright so let’s go ahead and put afoil orI’m gonna stick this in the oven for thefirst hour after 20 minutes rememberyou’re gonna take the foil off and cookit for the remaining 40 minutes okay sowe’ll see you back in about an hour okayso I’ve got my induction cooker and thereserves of that marinade in here okayI’m gonna add about 3/4 of a cup ofketchup okay so we’re just gonna add theketchup to here just to help it thickenup and you’re not gonna cook this longmaybe about five minutes or so I don’twant to cook it too high because it doeshave a lot of sugar and it will start toburn you don’t want that okay let’s getyour with start to stir that in get itincorporated really good we’re gonna usethis to just basic okay I don’t know ifyou want to use this for a dipping saucelater or whatnot you could if you wantedto but it’s gonna have plenty of juiceson it and it’s gonna taste really goodso we’re just gonna cook this for aboutanother few minutes and once we’re donewith that then I’ll show you as we bastebaste our ribs alright guys so the first20 minutes are up and I wanted to takeit out so that you can see what it lookslike before we put it back in the ovenfor the remaining 40 minutes so you cansee not much has happened but it hasstarted to running down just a littlebit so now we’re going to put it back inthe oven and for the rest of theremaining 40 minutes and then I’ll showyou what it looks like then and thenI’ll show you what it looks like as westarted to baste it or with theremaining um marinade okay alright seeyou in a few minutes alright guys so ithas been 1 hour total first 20 minuteswith the foil on and then the remainder40 minutes with foil off at 3degrees okay so this is what it lookslike and they look good so what I’mgonna do now is I’ve turned my oven onon the brighter okay so the broiler getsto a 500 degrees now remember we’re onlygoing to cook this for about fiveminutes on each side but the first thingI’m gonna do is I’m gonna base itbecause now we’ve got it cooked well nowwhat we want to get is thatcarmelization you want to get a littlebit crispy on the outside but you wantto get that good color on so we’re gonnatake our remaining marinade and we’rejust gonna baste it okay so I’m justgonna basically just paint the ribsgonna paint these on here oh man this isgonna be good what’s crazy is it I’mgonna pedo die right nowyou would think that this would be okaybut it’s got so much sugar in it this isnot a very kiddo friendly dish for me toeat now at some point you just say screwit growing you disease I think the onlything I’ve done is pretty much cure forany was it was subi egg whites that’sabout it I’m gonna do some more I’mgonna do some one get serious gonna dosome more so all right so as you can seeI’ve got it nice and painting here allright I’m gonna cook these on thebroiler okay okaystay tuned I want to show you exactlywhat it looks like after just fiveminutes then we’re gonna flip it over doit again see how it looks okay all rightstay tunedoh man look at that that is the thingbeauty man so five minutes we’ve gotsome good criminalisation these aregonna be all rightsoto do here marinate again let’s basethis side okay now what I’ve also doneis that went on the hand and put somerice and rice cooker because you can cutthis up and make like a barbecue porkBowl you know put some veggies in it andwhatnot and you can do it like that youcan eat this with some other vegetablesyou can make some like some long beansjust to keep it all Asian make some longbeans those are green beans that is longand make those pretty much anything youwant man this is an all around barbecuepork buttfrom every Asian spices so why not pairit with some Asian sideshey I’m ain’t even get a chance to tastea little bit of these this boy for youguys alright the science that’s whatthis is forokay I’m gonna have a piece of thisbarbecue pork for science science onlyalright see you in a few minutes ladiesand gentlemen I present to you Chinesebarbecue pork there’s a manly deliciousmy god oh my goodness I gotta taste itfor science remember this is all thescience so bear with me bear with methis is good I’m gonna prove you howgood it is so much so here we go doc all[Music]right I’m good my diet nothing to younumber one I’m sure my family is gonnatear this up alright so hey and commentsbelow um let me know what you appearthis will if you make this you will notregret it so the recipe will be in thedescriptionum just follow the instructions as I asI’ve done in this video and you shouldhave major success with it if you put itin the broiler and it does not get thecriminalization that you want just keepit in there for maybe another fiveminutes or less you probably don’t wantto do it more than five minutes but keepan eye on it because depends on whereyou have your rack set in the ovenprotip okay depending on where you haveyour rack in the oven and your brotherand where that meat is section or it’ssitting underneath that fire that’s howit’s going to going to cook under thereokay so remember you cook through higherdegrees for an hour it’s already cookedpretty much putting it in the broiler isjust going to caramelize the top onceyou put your marinade on the top okay sothat being said hey if you are new tothis channel welcome welcomeplease hit the subscribe button and thebill icon so that you’ll be notifiedwhen we make our next video so with thatbeing said hey guys we appreciate youfor coming to the channel and supportingus watching these videos I appreciateyou all and we’ll see you when we makeour next video okay stay tuned peace