BBQ Pork Recipes

How to make Korean BBQ Pork Steak

Korean BBQ Pork Steak

▪️1 sachet of BBQ Marinade (80ml)
▪️6 pcs pork belly or liempo (or pork steak)
▪️2 tbsp oyster suace
▪️1 tbsp minced garlic
▪️1 tbsp minced ginger
▪️1 tsp ground pepper
▪️1 tbsp seasame oil
▪️1 tbsp chopped green onion
▪️1 tbsp toasted seasame seed
▪️2 tbsp oil

1. In a bowl, combine pork with bbq marinade, oyster sauce, garlic, ginger, ground pepper, seasame oil, seasame seed and green onions. Mix it well.
2. Marinade for atleast 1 hour. Then drain the pork.
3. Put oil into a frying pan with medium heat. Fry until cooked.
4. Transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle spring onion and seasame seed.
5. Serve with your family and enjoy.. 🙂

Original of the video here

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BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
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