BBQ Pork Recipes


This is how to make Ribs in the oven. These ribs will fall off the bone and give you enough bite and great tooth quality to make you think you smoked them over a smoker or grill all day. Oven Baked BBQ Ribs are delicious and easy and can make you feel like you can grill indoors. Barbecue Ribs in the oven can be Easy and yummy. Check the video and Please like Comment and Subscribe. SistaTV Loves you!

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well the child wants to eat so let’s seethumbs up and subscribe subscribe ifyour children stay begging to eat beforethe food is ready to go anyway hellobrothers and sisters and brothers it isyour girl sister TV and today I’m gonnashow you two methods to make deliciousoven baked barbecue ribs the whole rackone of them will give you a completefall off the bone melts in your mouthslap your mama Kanna BBQ rib the otherone will give you that more authentic tosome Lord a little bit of pool smokedgrilled barbecue texture that will stillmelt in your mouth and make you want toslap your mama I’ll let you know whichone I personally prefer at the end butto be very honest both methods areabsolutely blow your mind delectabledelicious and as mama TV would say veryvery psychedelic now the most fantasticpart is both of them are extremely easyto do and they don’t require 50:11kitchen gadgets and foolishness tocomplete oh we time God oh okay so let’sget the recipewe got children a fee we got man strap Imean please and bellies to feed so let’sgo okay so here you can see okay hereyou can see these are the spices thatI’m combining to make my rib rubseasoning I like to mix a bunch of stufftogether but to be perfectly honest youcan just use any kind of commercial ribrub you’ll find in the stove the Walmartstole the jewels throw to Aldi store thedollar stone and of course Amazon is thewonderful stove that has a bunch andI’ll link some options for you in the inthe description right there lots ofyummy options like I said I do like tomix my own blends as you see me doinghere I like to add a little garlic someyou know telling you seasoning some allgood kind of stuff however sauce saucenow you and I both know if seasoningain’t in your spirit if flavor is notyour ministry do not did you hear me Isaid dojust slap some parsley and practice’prega and sadness on your meat and callthis meat season and on its way toflavortown you need flame or you needgarlic you need Lowery’s you need saltyou need pepper you need to push it realgood you know what honey just order theraw sugar your family ain’t got time foryou to be messing this one up girl and Ididn’t make this video for you to be outhere serving those sad unseasoned meatokay alright so now that we got our rubtogether one thing I want to tell youabout the rub is that when you use a rubif you’re going to make your own don’tuse too much sugar or brown sugarbecause those things will kind of burnin the oven that’s the same thing ifyou’re doing on the grill but anywaylet’s take a gander at these gorgeousribs now I got these ribs from Sam’sthey were because Sam’s really doesalways have really great prices for ribsand I always choose to get the spareribs or what they call the st. Louisstyle of ribs I like the extra meatinessand they are typically larger and betterprice than baby back ribs I know that’swhat people are really familiar withbecause of chile’s baby back ribs I wantmy chilis baby back ribs barbecue sauceare they gonna maybe I don’t know maybeI shouldn’t say mitt I’m gonna have tocut that out anyways anyway I don’treally like baby backsI know y’all love them but I’m not ahuge fan but anyway the baby back ribsyou can use this you can use st. Louissalaries whatever kind of is actuallyyou can just probably get you a wholepork roast or whatever it is you wantthe goal here assistant TV is to usewhat you got to get what you want sowhat we want is delicious barbecue sodon’t be picky sis be productive so likeI said I got these racks here they’redelicious and they’re fantastic so thisis what I’m going to use now one of thethings when you have rib racks is thaton the back of them there is a membranenow some people love to remove themembranesome people say you shouldn’t remainnever to be honest I don’t do it all thetime and I never completely removed thewhole membrane from the whole rack Ijust sort of remove a little bit where Ican here and there it’s sort of aslippery kind of messynot even a messy process it’s just the Idon’t know I I don’t really bother withit that much because I don’t think itmakes that much of a difference to menow as you can see here I am using a drypaper towel to help you grip thatmembrane because it’s very slippery andwhen you get a good grip on it then it’svery easy to pull off now if you havetrouble with this or whatever you canjust kind of score it right just get aknife and kind of score it in a coupleof different places and just you knowscore the membrane on the back of itwhat that membrane removal does is kindof make it softer but I think the way wecook it will make it softer because theywe like to keep it simple so simplepimples is simple pimple speaking ofpimples wash your meat so I don’t knowhow whateverwashing me cuz I’m not gonna argue withyou you don’t be in a comments talkingabout all kind of food I said wash yourmeat don’t use so don’t throw all themeat juices and botulism all around yourkitchen just give your meat a calmreasonable rinse and let’s all move onokay thanks subscribe okay so now youwant to season your meat don’t be shyyou want to really get in there andcover the whole thing really really wellto make sure the flavor really gets allup in the buddha cracks and the crevicesthe front the back the back the frontupside down and inside out we’ve gotseason what folks is all about season itall all of it you should look like thisyou see this is all completely seasonedthis is the way both of them should lookso now as you can see each rib will needits own large cookie sheet baking pan orwhatever for the first method you’regonna need some kind of heavy-dutyaluminum foil and you for excuse meyou’re gonna need some kind ofheavy-duty aluminum foil and a bakingwire rack of some sort I’ll link thekinds of these heavy-duty foil I likeand the baking rack that I like butagain use what you got low key the metalrack you see me using here for this rackof ribs it’s from an old microwave wehad and it works perfectly fine but youdo if you do need some please order frommy Amazon and/or other affiliate Leagueso you can get the best applet of thesameprice and I could collect me a smallcoin for making you this lovelyentertaining deliciously delectablevideo and referring you to make thestyle I am an Amazon associate so thisreally does help me in the channel andalso subscribe thank you thank you verymuch okay so now that we have our ribsall season app you’re gonna put one ribrack on the wire rack in the bakingsheet now I cover both baking sheetswith aluminum foil just to come you knowmake cleanup easier and for the secondmethod what you’ll do is you’ll cutyourself about three to four very largesheets of of aluminum foil just cut abunch of sheets and then you’re going toplace the second rack in that rib inexcuse me on that foil and then you’regonna close it up completely right so asyou can see here this is completelywrapped completely closed now I do liketo leave as you can see I like to leavea little area for you to be able tocheck it easily now you can also what Idid at one point is I pour just a littlebit of liquid apple juice water beerwhatever you want you can pour in thatfoil packet right you’re making like afoil packet to also help with moisturenow these foil packs ribs are going toultimately turn out very very moist anddelicious these are gonna be the falloff your bone ones and by putting theother one on the wire rack what thatdoes is allow more air to circulatearound the ribs and cooks it just asgreat and kiss it’s just a soft but itdoes give it more of like a grilledbarbecued like we put this on a grill orin the smoker kind of taste and feel soI personally really do like the one thatyou make on the wire rack because I likethat more authentic sort of twosome pullon a rib but if you like melt or meltyour mouth Rios maybe these other onesas you’ll see later on those are theones for you so anyway I put them intothe oven you want to do it low and slowI believe I put these at aroundI started at around 200 for about twohours or 250 I went to 250 for about twohours and I’ll just put them in the ovenand left them alone right I just put himanother left him alone at about twohours I went to check them and then I onthe ones that were on the wire rack Iput I took a little cup with some applejuice in it and a little bit of season Ithink I put some garlic in there andjust attached a dash of Lowery’s as welland then I just brushed it on just tokeep it moist because since it’s just inthe air without any covering it can tendto feel a little bit dry now it wasn’tat all but I think I decided to brush iton there I don’t know if it was reallynecessary but it really was the meat wasfantastic when it came out as far as theone that’s wrapped in foil I checkedthat one again I just sort of opened alittle thing to peek in and be carefuluse your tongs and your your oven mittsand things like this so you don’t getburnt and then I checked it and I thinkthat is when I decided to add a I didn’tneed to oh yeah that is when I took alittle bit of apple juice and also justadded a little rest like it maybe waslike three tablespoons of juice that Ijust added in there I don’t think I needto do it all anyway so I put them backin and then I sort of bumped up thetemps are probably like three ten andthen I just left them in the ribs for inthe rooms I left them in there foranother maybe hour maybe hour and a halfagain this is the kind of low and slowyou just want to go in and check it nowhow you know that it’s done is when youpick it up it’s sort of the rack willbend in the middle if you pick it up andit’s still sort of not loose it’s notready to go or you can of course justopen the thing and check it if one ofthem bones just fly out they’d be goodto go so as you can see here these arethe ribs[Music]they were super deliciousthey were super yummy and I honestly wasvery very pleased with the way thesecame out you know I always see peopledebating over should you put foil in theribs how do you cook the ribs that I’veseen a ton of methods on YouTube so idecided to since i had two racks to trythese two ways both of them wereabsolutely delicious the kids love thethe fall off your bowl melts on yourin your mouth oil ones they also ate themess out of the wire wreck ones butthose are a little bit I guess they saystay more consistent but as you can seethat ball still slid right out it wasvery tender very juicy very deliciousboth of them I personally would useeither of these methods again and I hopethis was very healthy and helpful foryou and I hope you enjoyed it now ifyou’re going to try one or if you havesome other tricks please comment belowand let me know which one you’re goingto try if you do try them please shareif you do try them go on if you post apicture tag me in it on Instagram orFacebook or Twitter wherever I’m atsystem TV sis ta TV on any of thoseplatforms I would absolutely love to seeif you made um or what you did and juststay connected with me on any of thoseplant wards period even if you don’tmake them I hope this was good I hopeyou learned something for it and I hopeyou gonna feed your family and loveyourself and wash your meat and trap youa man I mean you know feed your man andthen just love everything together easygirls as a TV you know thank you so muchfor watching and staying with me ifain’t nobody told you today brothersister I love you I love you I love youI love you I love you I love you I loveyou I love you so the TV loves you andyou need to get in the mirror and tellyourself you love yourself and treatyourself like it cook yourself somethinggood for your family get you some nicebaked potatoes some good old salad andasparagus and it’s just we’ll just feedyourself if you just saw he just periodand season your meat so okay we got timefor the nonsensethis TV loves you bye bye[Music]

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