BBQ pork ribs seasoned with salt and 3 types of pepper smoked with mesquite wood chunks on a William Sonoma kettle grill.
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Video Transcription
good morning welcome Jupiter’s barbecuetoday we got some port ribs and we’redoing like a salt and pepper style I’mgonna do them on the williams-sonoma sowe’re gonna cook them for a run aboutfour three four hours on the on thegrill I’m never gonna wrap them and thensee how they get on I’m gonna use someblack pepper some chili pepper and justsome cost your salt so let’s get cookingand see what it comes out like enjoyhere we have our pork ribs nice lovelypork ribs first of all I’m gonna takethis membrane off now a few people havesaid that they don’t take you know somepeople said they do but I’m gonna takethem off I haven’t tried them with apuff every next time when I do some moreribs I’ll leave it on wall we’ll seewhat the difference is just loosen it upback of a spoon and then just will peelit back using a bit of kitchen wall ripsoff what’s that againwhat’s on there okay so we’ve removedthe membrane you see there now to putsome seasoning them first of all what’sawesome cost assaultthenokay then we’re going to go sprinklingof Gallup Allah not so much just a lightdusting there we go we go with a verylittle amount of chipotle chili givethem just a little just to give it somespice this is a salt and pepper rope soI’m going to use several peppers such asvery lightly and then finally somecrushed red pepper just a couple offlakes on the top there again just toget those lips a bit of a warming whenwearing them nice press those down andrepeat on the other side okay press thatdownand then we’ll just leave that to infusewhilst we get the grill up oh goodwell let’s see what we’ve got here gonnaset up is we have knock holes a coupleof chunks or Mesquitejust to give it a little bit a bit ofsmoke flavor but those get going on theribswe’re gonna put pull on side down as youcan see what’s up make it a littlesmallerso the pieces of wood have started toflame later on and we’ll cook those ranabout 250 to 300 until they’re tenderprobably over here around about 195degrees internal temperature keep theseclaws it’s got a big fire in there so Idon’t want it too hot and we’ll comeback in a few hours as you ever get themright we’re about now worried now we’vebeen steady at around about 300 degreesC somewhere lap all the votes of causeI’m just gonna give it a little bit of aspritz or some waterya know they have got some water andsome vinegar it smells wonderfulcrusty on the outside then we’d only hitthe T cluster once it goes too far I’llwrap it but for now I’ll still let themslowly cook beautifulwith all that nice thingsokay well let’s have a lookwow that’s fantasticokay so what little do is gonna takethese off now I’m gonna wrap them infoil and we’ll put them back on to getthem tender these ribs they’re hot overa little spray that I used to spend mymushrooms say them one day and it’s justwatersome spoon to do a photo spread put themover for the meat side down so I’m spraythem again now we’ve got a little bit ofpull back on these bones here so I’llopen these gonna take too longwe have our wrapped ribs so I’m gonnaput these back on the barbecue for meabout an hour to an hour and a half justto get those really tender and thenwe’ll see how they go let’s take a lookthe bone I think those are are perfectjust gonna let these rest let themabsorb those juices and then we’ll havea taste so here we have thembeautiful looking really goodmy scope around showerthis is literally falling off the bomblet’s give it a taste hey got beautifulfats rendered perfect dough flavoralways gonna leave a kick spicy lipswell I’m so not too much smash justperfectyeah excuse me if you’re like me you’llsee like and subscribe and let me knowit’s cook next see you soon