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I am very excited about this video. I really wanted to go into detail about what it takes to create amazing pork souvlaki. I hope you found this video useful and I cannot wait to see you in the next one!
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Opa! Greek Taverna
3801 Lakeview PKWY #600
Rowlett, TX 75088
#Souvlaki #porksouvlaki #chefmasterclass
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
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BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey what is going on everybody happy newyearit is 2020 can you believe thatit’s 2020 I can’t believe I can’tbelieve it I cannot believe itI’m so excited to start the new decadeoff with pork souvlaki it’s gonna be ourfeatured entree for the month of Januaryat my little Greek restaurantoh bugger it to Verena[Music][Applause]we’re gonna start with the marinade andgrease feed a lot of earthy flavors alot of olive oil a lot of lemon a lot oforegano we’re gonna start this marinadeoff with two cups of lemon juice 1 cupof extra-virgin olive oil a little bitof kosher salt and some fresh groundblack peppercorn excellent a little bitmore to this marinade I actually like touse this company called calves enduresthey make a fantastic Greek spice withsome onion powder garlic powder driedthyme dried oregano all types of funlittle herbs and spices in herewhat makes this pop is some good Greekoregano all I’m gonna do now is with allof these ingredients together thatsmells so great a cool little trick Ilearned when I was in Greece is actuallymaking a rosemary brush for yourmarinade so what I’ll do is I’ll take 2or 3 sprigs of rosemary and I’m justgonna tie them together and instead ofusing a marinade brush I’m gonnamarinate the pork and some freshrosemary so what I’m gonna do right nowis just take this beautiful bouquet setit in our marinade and let it infuse allof those beautiful aromas if you’regonna use bamboo skewers for yoursouvlaki make sure you soak them in sometype of liquid I’ve seen people use beerwhite wine really you can just use waterthat’s just gonna allow the the skewersnot to burn when you put them on thegrillso right now as you see I just have themsoaking in a little bit of water an houror two is fine thirty minutes is finefor them to soak just again you don’twant the tips to burn the exposed tipsof the bamboo to burn on the grill sothis is a completely optional step but Iam going to grab some bell peppers andget them out of the frigerator cube themup and actually skewer them on the porkjust add some extra flavor if you likeit you can add it if you don’t you don’thave to do for the bell peppermedallions you’re gonna want to cutthese guys into one-inch squares justsome simple cuts like this should workfor you and what we’ll do is take outthe seeds this inner membrane part wedon’t want that we’re also going to needto make some onion medallions for ourskewers the way I do that is cut theonion in half and what you’re gonna dois actually take out this middle portionof the onion and then you’re gonna takeout about half of these and on yourouter one is gonna be a bigger diameterso you’re gonna cut these in thirds andthen the smaller pieces of the onionyou’re gonna cut these in half that waynone of the onions wasted the moment wehave all been waiting forthe main event I have here a gorgeouspork shoulder also known as a Boston buta pork but it actually comes from thefront leg the front shoulder of the pigand it may be boneless and maybe bone-inI have a look this one particularly is abone-in I really don’t care to use abone-in pork shoulder is actually amistake when I purchased this I likedthe bone-in whenever I’m roasting itjust because it adds the flavor butwhenever I’m actually gonna be cuttingand cubing all the meat up the bone isirrelevant in fact it gets in the waywhat we need to do is cube this porkshoulder first thing first we need totrim some of this excess pork fat sojust kind of clean this up a little bitthis could be a little time-consumingbut it’s gonna be worth it in the endyou don’t want to have like these hugechunks of fat on your pork souvlaki makesure you have a really nice sharpkitchen knife I’m using this willing andHinkle’s Pro Series knife I’ve beenusing these guys for about five yearsand they’re still just as sharp asthey’ve ever been a good set of culinaryknives will go a long way guys so don’tskip for a cheaper cheaper versionbecause you get what you pay for when itcomes to the hardware and the tools thatyou need to get the job done if you justsee how I’m just taking little thinlittle slices on it like this that’sgoing to help you just get that thin toplayer of fat off that you need to keepoff you don’t have to be like ultra OCDon cutting off this fat some of the fatin fact is going to enhance the porks oflucky and it will grill off when wethrow it on the grill you just don’twant to have huge huge chunks of fatwhenever you’re taking a bite into yoursouvlaki but you do want a little bitthere just to make it juicy anotherthing is the meat will talk to you guyslike you’re gonna see whenever you’reworking it you’re gonna see how it opensup and it tells you where to cut see howI’m talking right here there’s like thisnice layer of fat that’s basicallytelling me to cut right into thatseparate this all out to see that how itjust falls right apart excellent I justgot the pork shoulder all cubed up we’regonna toss it into our marinade alongwith the bell peppers and onions coverthat and refrigerate it for about anhour before I add the port to ourmarinade I do want to add just a littlebit of the marinade on this side andwe’re gonna use that to baste the porksof lucky with add our little paintbrushin there and let’s go ahead and dumpthis beautiful pork shoulder into ourmarinade OPA I like to addonion and bell pepper into the marinadebecause those flavors from the onionsand bell pepper are just going tointensify the marinade and intensify theflavors and vice versa the marinade isgoing to soak into the onions and bellpeppers and it’s going to intensify theflavors of the onions and bell pepperswhen they’re on the grill guys we havethe pork souvlaki it has been restingand marinating peacefully in ourrefrigerator now it’s time for thetedious task obscuring all of these soBlackie’s just take off the saran wrapwhen it comes to securing any souvlakimake sure you start with a protein so apiece of pork we’re gonna do a piece ofonion another piece of pork snake on abell pepper another pork and I’m gonnatry to get four pieces on this anotherpiece of onion and finally one morepiece of pork now is you got to do thisa bunch more times and we will be settry to cut it as evenly as possiblethat way it cooks as evenly as possiblereally important there okay now that wegot done skewing up all of our meat thehard part is over now we can crack opena ice cold meat those beer go outside bemen we men and grill our meats here’s athing we’re grilling these in Januarybut like you’re allowed to like fire upthat grill even in when it’s winter timelike don’t be as scared don’t be scaredto fire up the grill in the wintertimelike you don’t only have to grill in thefall and spring you can grill all yearlong if you guys have not checked outany of my other cooking videos I willput a link to those below this videomake sure you check them out essentiallyI want to release a new cooking videoevery month in coordination with our newchef inspired dish at OPA Greek Tavernalast little bit of knowledge bombs I’mgonna be dropping on you guys it’s justkind of give them a little squeezeand that way they stretch out a littlebit and cook a little bit more evenly itfeels so great to be outside firing upthe old grill which by the way itdoesn’t really necessarily matterwhether using charcoal or a gas-poweredgrill it just matters that you’re outhere and you’re getting it done you’recreating some amazing foods and pricingsome awesome recipesI think that we some can make this playjust won’t fail me this barely breathingI was feeling[Applause]and that my friends is how we make porksouvlaki may I recommend a deliciousEuropean lagerMethos is my go-to beer 2020 goalsbecause it’s like a brand new year wegot to have a resolution we’ve got toget meat those if you guys are watchingto sponsor a awesome Greek cooking videoI think that would be so radguys try this recipe out at home fire upthat grill I encourage you if by chanceyou don’t want to go through all thework and labor that it takes to makedelicious pork souvlaki we convenientlyhave it at our restaurant for the monthof January we’re gonna have it as a porksouvlaki platter serve with a choice oftwo sides it’s gonna come with twoskewers of pork some fresh cut pitabread and tzatziki sauce we’re alsogonna have it as a pork souvlaki pitawe’re actually gonna take off one skewerof pork chop it up serve it with alittle bit of tomatoes the Tiki andonions fold it up in a pillowy pitabread hope you guys enjoyed the videoagain my name is coastal is honest thankyou guys for watching have a happy newyears subscribe like leave a commentbelow and we’ll see you guys in the nextvideo[Music]no I can stay thereyou can stay[Music]together[Music]