BBQ Pork Recipes

Power Smokeless Grill Vs Oven Pork Steaks!

Cooking pork steaks in a Power Smokeless Grill and Oven at the same time and comparing.
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welcome to Baron says todaywe’re gonna do pork steaks I alreadywashed them I’m gonna go ahead andseason them and let them sit in theceiling for a while so they can marinatein the seasonings before we cook themfor dinner now it’s late morning somarinade for I don’t know six sevenhours something like that let’s get toitfast-forward to 408 for just cookingokay here’s our washed pork steaksthese ones are bone-in are they’repretty big size let’s see bigger than myhand Wow about as big so for seasoningswill be using french fry seasoninggarlic powder onion powder minced onionHimalayan salt and pepper so that’s onewe used for seasoning all season bothsides I actually have five steaks but Iwant to keep them missed trade to try tokeep clean and I got the other ones inanother plate so we’ll just go ahead andseason these I’ll show you how I seasonthese let’s start with the French fryseasoningeverybody thinks what French fryseasoning yeahfrench fries seasoning is the best rightokay now we’ll move on to that garlicpowderafter I’m done seasoning these all I’llrub them down a little bit so we can getour flavors sealed in like I said I’lldo both sides we’ll do onion powder thisis actually granulated powder I just putit in this container this was empty Ijust got one of the bigger ones andthey’d in there next time instantly it’sorganic if you if you’re wondering it’sorganicokay sprinkle that like thatand then last we’ll do our Himalayansalt and our pepper I’m not gonna dothis on video cuz I only have one handand I don’t have anything holding mycamera but you may get the idea okay soyeah I did these my salt and pepper hereand I rubbed it in so yeah I’m missingsome on the edges but I’ll do you finedetail when I flip it over yeah that’swhat it’s gonna look like if you do itthe way I did it smells deliciousokay here’s a look at my Marin orseasoned steaks I went ahead and seasonMaul both sides getting real nice andyou can see smells excellent so I have atotal of five so as you may know I liketo use the black foam tray that theygive you I take out the blood packcleaning off and reuse it and then sinceI took off the plastic of this cuz itwas in a plastic package obviously I gotthis bag to keep it in so I’ll go aheadand put it in the bag tape it up and putin the fridge so uh none of this iswasted as far as reusing it as much as Ican alright so I’m gonna put this in thefridge for a few hours and should begood to goI can’t wait okay I’m back here with mysteaks here I got five of them when thebone right so I think I’m gonna putthree of these here on the powersmokeless grill and these two other onesare here these ones are kind of honkingand spreading so I think I’m gonna putthem on this rack in the oven for 400degrees for about 50 to 60 minutes onthese two right here so yeah do theseones on the power smokeless grill thesein the oven all right we’re out herewith my power smokeless drill that mysteaks here outside I want to use itoutside just because it’s probably gonnaget smoking is it’s pretty fatty so Idon’t think that I I just think thatit’s getting pretty smoky so let’s justdo it outside okay all right so let meget my laid open here put these steaksdown so I got on the the highesttemperature with the fan going nice andwarm all right so these ones are trickycuz they’re pretty flimsy t-bone yeahmake sure you got to hold that bonethey did maximize space all right let’sget another one here can you smell it Ican smell itwe goall right and this last one here chickieman chickieall right we’ve got our steaks onthat’s mail let’s get it out here I’m soI haven’t seen anything on these so I’mnot sure how long I’m gonna leave themon here for ten minutes and see wherewe’re at okay our oven is preheatedlet’s take our beautiful steaks heretake them to the oven center rack usealuminum foil when use when these rackscause it’s just a easier to clean up allright so I leave it in here for about 50minutes and now I’ll check it out okayit’s been ten minutes and the powersmokeless grill here and this swinesmells the vine look at that let’s checkit outlook at that alright let’s see if we canget a flip on this see if it’s readytake a look at it look at oh manOOP careful that was ready look at thatthese are hard to flip big babies lookat that ten minutes one side was perfectall right awesome I’m gonna come checkthese out hearing about I’d say anotherten minutes okay we’re back and it’sbeen ten more minutes look at thosebeauties they’re all sweaty andbeautiful all right let’s take a look atthese it looks amazingget pork chops let’s do the pork steakyou know these might be just about donewhen I’m gonna flip them just for acouple more minutes on both sides no I’ma call goodamazing alright so I’m gonna leave thison for another two minutes and then I’llflip it one more time and it will callit done all right got him on here for acouple more minutes and uh let’s goahead and take them out they’re donethey’re done I think they’re done let’sdo that let’s do it this poor cow sothat was pretty quick so let’s say totalof 12 minutes on each side but I read Iwrote hit in a couple times if that’swhat you want to do is pork chops checkthat outgood on both sidesall rightalright let’s go check these out alrightcheck out those beauties oh my goodnessthey look so good gonna check thetemperature on them just to be sure what145 come on baby I know you got it youhave it in you you certainly do we gotitthose are cooked ok we’re back herewe’re halfway through cooking this checkout our steaks that steam that smellsamazing those look really goodthere’s no char marks like grilling butthat looks pretty goodlet’s take a look at them when they’redone okay here we are finished prior gotsome steamed broccoli there got a porklet’s cut into this baby let’s see whatit’s all about cut right into itvery sigh take a look at that am i doingthis oh wow that is absolutely deliciousexcellent way to cook this pork steakokay it’s been 50 minutes let’s go aheadand slide it out and check thetemperature see for around 1:45 we’rethere we’re good look at thatjuicing in the middle there alright yesI know timer we’re done okaydefinitely there all right let’s pull itout there the beautiful steaks they lookreally good you know I prefer mine withthe grill marks but uh this looks prettygood let’s go ahead and let these setfor a few minutes and I’ll cut into oneokay we’ve had some rest in with ourpork steak here in the oven for 50minutes it’s out it’s been out for awhile about five minutes let’s go aheadand cut into it to see what it’s gotlet’s get this buttery piece right herethere you go that’s a good shotwow that’s beautifulalright we’re gonna cut a clean pieceoff there so we’re just gonna try thisI’m gonna go for this piece right herenice cut off piece therelook at that that is a beautylet’s try itthat is absolutely mouth-watering he’sgot a golden Christian it’s very verydelicious doing this oven in the oven 50minutes is well worth it if you don’tcare for grill marks this is definitelythe way to cook okay for your conclusionon the pork steaks oven versus powersmokeless grill I can’t pick one trulybecause they’re both very delicious theoven has a golden crispy taste to it italmost melts in your mouth like butterand so it’s absolutely deliciousthat’s one thing that’s good about theoven but it takes longer the powersmokeless grill is great I love thegrill marks and it’s a lot faster so Ican’t truly pick one of them I would saytry both depending on your lifestyle iswhat you want to do thanks for watchingplease thumbs up subscribe have a greatdayyou

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