BBQ Pork Recipes

Quarantine Munchies..BBQ PORK RIBS+ COLESLAW

Hey everyone hope you all loved this video.

Spice mix : celery salt , onion powder , pinch of paprika , black pepper , salt , a little bit of cumin spice and coriander spice + fresh garlic.

BBQ sauce
Ketchup , bbq sauce , garlic , honey or sugar , salt and pepper.

Oven temperature for the first round ; 350 F for 25 minutes
Second round – 400F for 15 minutes.

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Video Transcription

[Music]classic thing simple honey garlicbarbecue pork ribs it’s prettystraightforward honestly and I don’tthink as you liked this video don’tforget to comment like share andsubscribe let me know in the descriptionbox down below what you think if youwill try this and more videos you’d liketo see from meso let’s get straight into the video andstop rambling I’m gonna be using babyback pork ribs and this is becausethey’re really nice and soft and I’llgive them a nice wash just cuz I don’tknow I don’t know if it’s just me butthis it’s a pet peeve like I have towash my ribs or like meat products oranything that comes from the grocerystoresyou’re just never too sure how they’vebeen dealt with and the facilities okayyeah that’s just me you know and I willtake off the excess fat from the back ofthe ribs and then we use a kitchen towelor you people probably eat anything aslong as it’s kitchen relate a kitchentowel paper towel we could use that as aspot them dry on both sides before I robthat spice mill a spice mix but I wentfor it today was G Street Court andsimple as well I just used a bit ofpaprika cumin spice coriander spicecelery salt and onion powder I was gonnause garlic powder and then I realized Ijust didn’t have garlic powder so I saidI to use of her stuff that’s why I waschopping up like loads of garlic becauseI could put themI probably see it looks pretty goodlike if you use the first stuff it’sit’s way better than using the powderlike seasonings and anything but yeahthis is good Italy anyways yeah this isme just putting the garlic all over theribs and then I’ll pinch the edges ofthe foil just to make sure my juicesfrom the port on week on to the pan andeverything I want you to see trapped andI’m gonna use the juices that come fromthe body to make the barbecue saucebarbecue sauce you’ll see as well I keptit simple[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]alright so next I’ll be making thebarbecue sauce I’m just disinfecting thesurface before I cook kind of thing so Iwant to cook and for the barbecue sauceI just use ketchup barbecue saucevinegar a bit of garlic a bit of sugarhoney and salt and pepperthat was it straightforward very goodand it just makes a lot and a lot alittle heat until it was all mixed upand it was ready to go on the ribs[Music]so next I’m just gonna put the barbecuesauce all over my ribs and turn up theoven to 400 Fahrenheit I’m gonna throwthis back in for 15 minutes you wanna bereal careful because it has honey andthe sugar and you know these things theyburn like crazyand heat so you just want to keep an eyeon that mine was in for 15 minutes youcould go for tiny but 15 is fine[Music]lettuce have shredded cabbage whitecabbage purple cabbage and carrots aswell I’m gonna put male salt sugar a bitof olive oil and that’s about itit’s holding pepper I forgot that saltand pepper is key where you have toseason your solid okay so that’s stuffall I did for the coleslaw and it waspretty goodif you’re like me and you like yourcoleslaw a bit sweet you can definitelyincrease the sugar but yeah that’s justme I like Michaels ooh sweetso this is what the ribs look like onesick off young man for a second time andI was impressed with how they turned outI then just put salsa which is cilantroand Sherlock’s mix of olive oil andlemon juice and some salt on top andthey taste amazing they taste it’s sogood this was absolutely freakin amazingI hope you guys really liked this videoI hope you enjoyed watching this commentdown below if you[Music]

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