Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey hey my healthy people I hope itfeels goodduring this pandemic I’m just joking I’mnot sick actually feel greatwhy because I eat healthy I exercise andtake my supplements but if you feel likecoming down with somethingI strongly recommend you to go back tomy videos and find the chicken for soupwill strengthen your immune system sotoday we are going to cook food for oursoul I like to categorize food with foodfor your body and foot for a soul bedoing this because eating healthy issupposed to be a lifestyle some of usalready there but some of us are not soones are still going there right it’ssupposed to be a baby steps you can’tjump from eating hot dogs burgers pastaso I mean eating key massage no dressingyou will fail unfortunately so once no Iare going to have a cheat day so I haveto call this a feeling of salt if youdon’t do itwill form and you will end up eatingbigger chips so today I will show you mytechnique how to make fault of the bonespork ribswho doesn’t like grapes right if you arenot big fan of the pork the sametechnique will work would be thistechnique will take a little bit alittle bit of the time around 2 hours inthe oven so plan your time accordinglycan have plenty of time to do all yourchallenge your squat challenge peppertaluk challenge push-up challenge andsend all the crazy funny memes okaylet’s get going let the cooking beginlook at that rack of ribs 12 them areand two are better than onespiciest I’m gonna use todaynot before let’s fire the oven to 350degrees the first thing to do is toremove the membrane and say any membraneif you do this for the first time itmight get a little bit challenging souse the paring knife to start and thenfirmly start coolingnext let’s spice it up our ribs and thismixture I have smoked paprika chilipowder dry organic garlic powder andsalt and pepper if you can do this aheadof time today before it’s preferotherwise try to rub that in as much aspossible just rub that meat very verydeeply in the next step we are going towrap it in a parchment paper first andthen aluminum foil white parchment paperwell it’s because we want our lips tokind of steam inside and in that casethe meat will keep all the juices allthe flavors gonna stay right inside andalso the parchment paper is protectingfrom aluminum from tin foil going intothe food make sure that it’s nice andtight if we need to add another layer oftin foil go ahead we are trying to keepeverything inside and again justreminder it’s a try wrap technique we’renot using any oil because in my turn andoven if you add foil plus the pork ribsthey have a lot of fat in them alreadylooking nice and tight now shove theminto 350 Fahrenheit hot oven and leavethem there for two hours okay it’s timeto make a cost low today I want to makea mango cost for Mango cost long done itpepper carrot white cabbage red onion ofcourse mango firstly and to speed up theprocess I’m going to use my mandolinwhat child is very sharpwarning warning Montelena latest verysharp Monsieur the tool will remove yourfingerprints thank you for listeningwhen you get to the point when thepieces are too small or it’s toodangerous to continue slicing use yourknife to finish for yellow pepper let’scut it into classic julienne I like myred onion sliced very thin first cut itand a half and then slice it on thelowest setting against the grainfor the carrot I’m gonna use medium heatattachments now be very careful whenyou’re slicing the carrot it’s a veryhard vegetable and it’s easy to hurtyourself on this one so every three cutsrotate the carrot now mango well this isyour first mango shed might get a littlemessy first thing first do not peelmango before cutting mango is veryslippery and it’s gonna be very veryhard for you to cut later the pit ofmango is flat and white so look at thefruit and find the flat site and makeyour incision as closer to the pit aspossible the easiest way to remove theskin now is to cut half of the mango andthree pieces and then slide your knifepressing down to the board and removethe fruit from the skinpeel a rest of the core and removeremaining mango from the pit we cannotuse mandolin for this one because thismango is very ripe and very soft andslippy last but not least full ofvitamin C to fight your corner virusgreen parsley for the dressing I’m gonnause olive oil sherry vinegar and lemonjuiceit’s a classic dressing you always use 3parts of oil to one part of acid in thiscase I’m going to combine my acid whichis lemon juice and sherry vinegar andwhisk it in into the oil optionally youcan add touch of honey for balancingfinish with some salt and pepper on theend and continue whisking mmm yummyyummy reserve for later and dress yourcrossbow right before the survey let’sgive the castle a little toss look atthat look at those colors so healthy sofreshnow look at that bad boyit’s a saucing time so the both sides ofthe ribs and then char it for eightminutes each site the only add amount ofbarbecue sauce that you desirebarbecue sauce does contain a lot ofsugar so it’s up to you how much youwant to eat it spread a rich layer ofbarbecue sauce on top shove it into 500broil settings oven for 8 minutes repeatthat for the both sides you probablynoticed that two piece of ribs went inand only qualm came out well a smartcookie you are wellsince I’m running oven for two hours andI had two racks I’m gonna cook two rocksbut I’m on gonna finish one becausethat’s what I’m gonna need for a dinneruse what you need and next time you getto skip that to our baking process justsauce the ribs and thrown them on thebarbecue okay if you’re not gettinghorny for this yet something isdefinitely wrong with you so juicy okaywhoo gosh solook at that those bones are about tofall off on its ownthank you so much for watching andplease don’t forget to subscribe so yousee that the big red subscribe buttonthe red corner press it