This time, Simplicity with Finesse would like to introduce to you, one of the most mouth-watering, savory, juicy and succulent pork cuisine ever – BBQ pork (or better known as Glazed Char Siew). With Annie Xavier (winner of Gourmand, World Cookbook Awards), she will be teaching you step by step on how to prepare this awesome dish, which will surely makes you to come for more!
这一次《轻松煮意》将郑重介绍给您这越吃越顺口、多汁且肥瘦适中的猪肉菜色 – 玻璃叉烧!透过安妮(Gourmand, World Cookbook Awards世界食谱优秀奖得主)的悉心指引,将教导如何筹备和料理这道你必然会回味无穷的超级美食!
#simpwfinesse #pork #porkcuisine #charsiew
#轻松煮意 #猪肉料理 #玻璃叉烧 #叉烧
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music]hi guys[Music][Music]one idea you know what next okayeverything okaythe marinade pop into a pot okay closethe lid and lower the flame to set itsimmer for 20 minutes or longerdepending after a distant you remove thepot from the pot set aside the chickensauce put the pot on to oven tray andput it in the preheated our and to dryup the surface for the perfectcaramelization but don’t forget to placea pot generously with the thickenedsauce big the pot of four minutes ormore depending on preference for thedegree of caramelization you remember toflip the pop to the other side and glazegenerously with the sauce again andreturn to the power will be back foranother four minutes now I use my manyother toaster to do this sometimes and Iput it at the highest temperature whichis 250 degrees Celsius and put a pot atthe highest level closest to the heatingsystem so it will eat quite a short timeas the heat is very intense so if youintend to do this please try not to walkaway from the other hmm okay no too muchwill end up with burnt hot very sad yesso caramelize so juicyoh yeah whoa you want to try of course Iwant to try but what we had to do withthis verse once you take it up from theoven okay you slice it because it’s veryhot just use a fork to help you to sliceI see too thick and not too thinoh wow she has to be a right size yeswith the feta I’m sure you even trustyou before I have this is actually verygood because I’m using good qualitypremium pot well sponsored by birchesany everything is premium because Ithink Venus is very important youcooking for your family you know whatI’m not anymoreWow look at thissorry guys I’m just already is gonnawatch meoh the texture the flavor the everythinginside just so juicy don’t worry all theingredients and all the instructors areonline and also it cook so do not worrybecause if any is nothing to worry atall listen[Music]you