BBQ Pork Recipes


Reheating Instructions
1. Remove all the items from the large box.
2. Place the bag with the pork ribs into a pot of gently simmering water for 8 minutes.
3. Open the box with the lettuce and place the lettuce in a mixing bowl.
4. Open the bag with the dressing and add to the lettuce. DO NOT MIX YET.
5. Open the other bags and place the items in separate containers.
6. After 8 minutes of reheating, remove the pork ribs from the simmering water.
7. Open the bag and pour everything out onto a warm clean tray.
8. Stack the ribs onto one side of a plate at room temperature.
9. Pour the sauce from the pork onto the ribs.
10. Mix the lettuce and dressing together and place the salad onto the plate.
11. Pour the soy sauce on top of the ribs and top with the spiced pickles.
12. Serve immediately

Instruksi Pemanasan Ulang
1. Keluarkan semua bahan dari dalam kotak besar.
2. Letakkan kantong berisi iga babi ke panci dengan air mendidih kecil selama 8 menit.
3. Buka kotak berisi selada dan letakkan di mangkuk pencampur.
4. Buka kantong berisi saus dan tuangkan di atas selada. JANGAN DICAMPUR.
5. Buka kantong lainnya dan letakkan semua bahan di wadah terpisah.
6. Setelah 8 menit, angkat iga babi dari dalam air.
7. Buka kantong dan tuang semuanya di atas nampan hangat.
8. Tumpuk iga di satu sisi piring pada suhu ruang.
9. Tuang saus dari daging babi di atas iga.
10. Campur selada dengan saus dan letakkan sayuran di atas piring.
11. Tuang kecap di atas iga dan taburi dengan acar.
12. Segera hidangkan.

Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes

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