BBQ Pork Recipes

Vegan BBQ “pork” steam buns!

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Video Transcription

hi everyone my name is Connie welcome tomy channel today I’m going to be makingvegan barbecue pork steamed buns so thisis the first time I’m making them so I’mreally looking forward to trying themout and to get started I’ll show youwhat we’re gonna be using for the BBQpork filling in the freezer yeah I’vegot this plant-based roast pork from thebrand plantasia is it there I got thisfor a bargainat least a few weeks ago it was comingout to its expiry and I just thought youknow what I’m gonna buy it put it infreezer and I’ll find something to useit for and here we areso over here I’ve got two tablespoons ofvegan butter I forgot okay and thenwe’re gonna add we’re gonna mix thatactually this turn the stove back homebecause I changed it off and I mix thisand once that’s coolonce that’s finished dissolving we aregoing to add one and a half cups of coldmilk in it to bring it back to sort of aroom temperature or just a warmtemperature rather so that the yeast canwork so here I’m just using the Vitissoy soy milk eat regular um you couldprobably use like if you drama but wejust cheese right here so here I have in1/2 cup increments I’ve got 1/2 cup ofmilk now I had a little bit of anaccident I’m filling up my milk becauseyou know I’m still getting used torecording and cooking at the same timenot as easy as it looksso I’m just giving this a mix until likeall the sugar dissolves I guess becauseit wasn’t fully dissolved when I hate itI didn’t want to like caramelize oranything so I turned the heat off once Ihad mixed in with the butter so that’slooking pretty mixed in and I think it’stime to add our flourwell I skipped ahead of myself it wasnot flour next to it is yeast so theyeast is currently bubbling awayso 5 to 10 minutes until it’s activated[Music]one eternity later ok so that’s beenbubbling away for like 15 minutes now Igot a little distracted um I’ll show youa quick shot of that and then we willadd the salt flour[Music]now it’s time to get started on ourfilling[Music]Ohso I finally finished making cool andnow it’s time to assemble it all so it’sbeen over an hour and I’ve been manyarise but it’s not reason is such a jokecredit works and news Christ[Music]now that we’ve got our little roundindividual pieces we’re ready to rollthem out into circular shapes as you cansee mine definitely aren’t perfect sodon’t worry too much you just want tomake sure the edges are nice and thinand the center is just a little bitthicker not too thick but thick enoughto support that yummy filling next upyou just want to crimp the edges in onthemselves to form those proper cutelittle bum lips here they are in thesteam out ready to go just cook forabout 10 to 12 minutes[Music]

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