BBQ Pork Recipes

Walmart Char Siew BBQ Pork v Cantonese Recipe on PBC | BBQ Champion Harry Soo

#HarrySoo #SlapYoDaddyBBQ #ChineseBBQPork
Viewer request on how Harry cooks Chinese BBQ Pork aka Char Siew. Click “SHOW MORE” for links and info. Love outdoor grilling? Want to master BBQ so you can spread BBQ love? You’ve come to the right place. I’ve been cooking and teaching with live fire over 10 years as a competition BBQ cook. You may have also seen me on Chopped Grill Masters, Cutthroat Kitchen, Smoked, and BBQ Pitmasters. Be sure to subscribe for recipes and black belt pitmaster tips and tricks.
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Hi! I’m Harry Soo, a Grand Champion pitmaster from in Diamond Bar, near Los Angeles. Welcome to my vlogs, BBQ product reviews, travel & lifestyle videos, BBQ contests, classes, as well as interviews and stories.

On weekdays, I’m an IT nerd living a Dilbertesque existence in a fabric covered cubicle in downtown LA. I’m the head tour guide for a team of IT project managers who build datacenters, networks, servers, and infrastructure that helps bring tap water to 300 cities and 20 million residents in SoCal.

On weekends, I come alive as a pitmaster, competitor, and BBQ instructor. You’ve seen me on BBQ Pitmasters, Food Network, Chopped Grill Masters, Smoked, Cutthroat Kitchen, and local TV in California. My shtick is I’ve used a humble 18-inch Weber Smokey Mountain smoker to win 100+ first places and 1st place USA in the Kansas City BBQ Society (KCBS) awards including best chicken, brisket, and sirloin; and I’ve won over 27 Grand Championships. I’ve personally taught 200+ classes and trained 3,000+ pitmasters in small hands-on dozen student classes in the US, Sydney, London, Kuala Lumpur, Canada, and Hawaii.

I get many questions weekly about how to grill and barbecue. Since I started cooking professionally in 2008, I’ve answered thousands via email so I decided to post my answers via video to reach a wider audience. I’ll do my best to post a video on my channel periodically. I upload vlogs, BBQ product reviews, travel & lifestyle videos, BBQ contests, classes; as well as interviews and stories.

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hey folks guess what it never rains inSouthern California so that’s a liebecause it does rain in Los Angeles I amhere to tell you guys about a newproduct here you know guys know me I’vebeen using jealous devil for a whileit’s burns hot clean with little ash andhas fantastic flavor and smoke ring sothe folks at jealous devil introduced anew product here it’s called the maxextra large briquettes and that’s howthey look like they are a little bitlarger than a regular briquette and I’vebeen using them with great success we’regonna do a cook today for the Chinesebarbecue pork using our pit barrelcooker and I will show you guys how thisnew charcoal burns and what a greatresult that you can get out of it youhow to master barbecue so you can spitbarbecue love I’m doing a viewer requesttoday because many of you have beenasking me to do a Chinese barbecue porkrecipe also called the char choux whichis those red beautiful Hank pork that’shanging in a Chinese deli we’re gonnaget a crock pot here from Walmart we’regonna show you how to make the easyversion with just three ingredients withsome honey soy sauce and a little bit offood coloring we’re also gonna show youa traditional Cantonese recipe goingback at least 2,000 years to compare ashootout between the traditionalCantonese chashu recipe again a simplethree ingredient recipe three things youcan buy from WalmartI’m also gonna cook this on a bit betterquicker so we can hang the meat so thathe has authentic kind of char marks onit we’re also going to be using a newcharcoal from the folks at jealous devilthey made a new briquette version oftheir famous charcoal we Peregrinexcellent I’m gonna try it out tonightshow you guys the results[Music]I have the 12 ingredients needed to makethe sauce some are familiar someare not so I’ll kind of talk you throughthe different ingredients so that youget a little bit of sense of thecomplexity of the flavors that go intothis dish the first one is of coursehoney you familiar with honey this oneis sesame oil which has a wonderfulnutty flavor we use a little Chinesecooking wine and the common one that yousee in Chinese cooking is called a XiaoQing wine and this has a little bit of abrown color to it it’s a great forcooking any kind of Chinese food and ifyou don’t have it cooking sherry will bea good substitute this is a hoisin saucewhich is found everywhere even includingWalmart is made from toasted fermentedsoybeans and it’s got a wonderfulwonderful mommy flavor and has a sweetalmost like a plum like flavor to it soit’s great for the making barbecuesauces I’ve even snuck this in somecontests where I put a little horse inwith my American barbecue sauce to giveit a wonderful kind of Plum food alittle flavor note to my barbecue saucewe have this one called the oyster saucealso very common across America you canbuy it in a Walmart Sam’s Club grocerystores my way of background this wasactually an accidentso gentleman by the name of mr. Lee is asexual name is a Lee Kum Kee in about1888 in the Guangdong Province in Chinahe was selling oysters and he wascooking oysters in a pot he lost trackof time and he actually ended upovercooking the oysters by that time henoticed that he had made a kind ofmistake the hoist is that cooked downinto a brown dark liquid and he tastedit and he found out wow this choice toextract sauce was absolutely amazing inflavor and that’s how he meant theoyster sauce and mr. Lee his name isTuan it going back to 1880s Oh his nameis Lee Kum Kee he was one who inventedthe sauce back in China next item herewe have here is something that not soeasily found but essentially it’s a riffof the Japanese miso so this is a kindof a Chinese version of a fermented soybean kind of like miso paste but thiscomes inoops this component here is combinedwith this component here which is a rateyeast which is rice that has been seephas been kind of put into a mold and themold is that week something called let’ssee here it’s called Monica’s papyrusand this mold is put onto the rice andit makes the rice kind of reddish andthis was the formal color that peopleuse in cooking foods like Peking duckand barbecue pork charge you going backover 2500 years more recentlyresearchers have found out that thisrigged rice does contain some powerfulmedicinal chemicals one of them iscalled lovastatin so if you are taking astatin drug called lowest setting ormaverick or you are basically gonna beeating some of the chemicals foundnaturally in this rate rice it gives awonderful color and this rate rice canbe ground up so I grabbed it up in alittle spice grinder and when this isadded to the missile it makes themissile the fermented tofu kind of rateso I got a little liquid in heretogether with some of the miso pastegiving you the great umami flavor nextitem is the soy sauce I have some whitepepper and I have this brown powderwhich is called a five-spice powderfive-spice powder is very common inAsian cuisine it’s comprised of someground cinnamon ground cloves Szechuanpeppercorn and star anis and a littlebit coriander so about five spicesground in here you can make your own butit’s too much trouble just go buy abottle bottles like two bucks so saveyou a lot of time and I had a couplearomatics here we have a ginger and alittle bit garlic so these twelveingredients will go into making themarinade will cut out pork butt and soakit overnight and make some wonderfultraditional Cantonese style charge youwith a recipe going back 2,000 yearsjust go ahead and mix our ingredientsand put about big quarter cup ofshouting winethe veil of the ways in sauce worryabout 2 tbsp 1 or 2 tablespoons of theoyster sauce the number of minutedoesn’t really matter because the way wecook is we cook it in a style we can useany technique we want we’re gonna tastethe final product to get you to theright level saltiness oh but don’tyou’ve been following me on my cookingchannel you know I cook like kind ofapplying Brazilian Jujitsu we Taekwondowe keep boxing and wrestling we’re gonnacreate a it’s very salty and sweetmixtureI’m gonna guess about maybe about maybe3 or 4 tablespoons of honey and our thefermented tofu here fermented soybeanwith a red yeast in it to make the colorof ice you ripped just a touch off someof the Ricky’s powder that I ground upto give it a natural coloring in somecharge you places they use actually redcoloring which is what we’re gonna usein the Walmart version with the threevideos they’ll get soy probably about1/2 tablespoons of soy sauce 1 teaspoonof white pepper about 1 tablespoon of myspice powder I like five spice powderbecause it’s got good flavor if youdon’t like pie spice powder see the miniflavored meat don’t do so much of courseput garlic like garlic ginger and garlicto last videos I’ll mix it up do a tastetest see we can adjust the flavors thenI taught you guys when you cook foodalways tastes taste taste the marinadethis marinade is safe to taste becausethere’s nothing in it that’s kind of rawa lot of these ingredients are safe totaste if you have an ingredient that hasa kind of uncle the bargain like meatproducts at least do that taste yeah thesauce or the marinade always to makesure that you check for safety beforehimwhat makes this table now and you tastetest herehmm all right it’s a little bit moresweet but I have a big honey-do it soit’s going to be a sweet savory flavormy honey to it it’s a touch more alrightpepper so maybe two tables two teaspoonit’s nice a nice peppery flavor moresoil for salt and it’s lacking the thepeanutty the ninety flavor of a littlebit of sesame sesame taste it’s gonna bepretty salty because we’re gonna marrythe meat if you’re gonna be leaving itovernight trying to make the marriagetoo salty but I’m gonna be marinating itjust for hours so I can make it quitesalty there yep salty has a beautifulflavor of the fermented bean curd he’sgot a right amount of sweetness not toosweet because I don’t want the meat toburn because I’m gonna brush on a honeymaltose glaze on it to make it sweet andwe are gonna cook it on the pit so thiswill work I’m gonna set it aside andprep my pork butt and I’ll show you guysthe other version though simple Walmartversion next well my super simple threeingredient barbecue pork we are gonnause some of the hoisin sauce because I’min here alreadythat’s not a feet about probably you seeit next I’ll gonna have honey to itI add a little bit of water to the honeyso I can turn a microwave II get alittle bit of the honey at the bottomout we also need a little bit liquidsauce we’re making here honeyyou want to get the same kind of levelsaltiness and sweetness that we make inthe original 1/2 thousand year oldrecipe taste test salty and has a kindof a like a plum flavor to it the hoisintastes really good so we have the honeyand we have hoisted as the base now thisis the optional item here you can use alittle bit of food coloring maybe a fewdrops of food coloring if you don’t liketo use food coloring you can use thisproduct here this is organic red beetpowder which will fulfilled about thesame purpose as the rate yeast that wedid earlier this is probably availablein a food store like sprouts or a WholeFoods right if you don’t want to usethis so you don’t have this the otheroption is you can go to agent store andbuy some annatto this is also used inHispanic style Mexican cooking a bit ofa cheat day the trendy powder would alsobe great but we’re gonna do a simplerecipe here I’m just gonna put a coupleof drops of the red coloring to give ita nice bit color you notice I’m wearinggloves because this straight stuff willget everywhereonce you touch your head the skins gonnabe staying with so I just put this onhere and you can see already the redstain is happening even on a glass bowlyou will give the charge sheet whichcharacteristic with color you can do itthe natural way by using the red yeastyou can usea little bit of a cheat day or you canuse meat powder it doesn’t really matterbut I think that the chashucharacteristic is that wonderful redcolor that makes it so wonderfullydelicious and when you grow up in Asiaeating a charge shoe is almost likesomething that you do daily it’s likeeating french fries or having ahamburger so this is ready to go andwe’re gonna now debone the pork butt andshow you guys how to get the nicebeautiful perfect slices of the rightamount of fat right now I need tomarinate our work chashu or Chinesebarbecue pork two ways the Walmart wayand we’re doing the traditional wayusing the 12 ingredient recipe followedby the 3 minute recipe let’s prepare ourWalmart but roast here just to get onthe packaging here before I start I wantto kind of acknowledge the nice folks atDow strong the folks at Dell strong werekind enough to send me a set up therewhich Oregon series nice this is abeautiful 17 santoku and it’s supersharp super well-balanced Damascus bladeit’s been a just a wonderful tool to beusing in the kitchen now I’m gonna leavea link in the description below ifyou’re interested in trying out the Dowstrong line of nice they are some reallyfantastic Mac so take a part out and theweight the typical properties handle iswe usually need to kind of cut it with alittle bit of fat and cut it into slicesthe best char shoe is done using a porkbutt that’s where all the flavor is andyou can get a little bit of the fattyparts in the lead parts all in one biteshe was amazing wonderful so first I’mgonna do is I’m gonna slice off some ofthe fat hereit’s a super sharp knife gonna cut outthe shoulder blade boardfrom the me here a little bit of that isokay but go charge you usually it’s acombination of the lead and the fattymeats that makes charge shoes soabsolutely wonderful as I mentionedearlier charge you is put on manydifferent things toppings you can put iton rice put it on noodles and one Thainoodle is never complete without some ofthis charge you on top topping it alsofrom fried rice wonderful to cut intolittle cubes and useful fried rice whatI’m going to do is we want to remove thebone switch the slicer you can run yourknife through the bone hereso the scapula is right here run yourknife into the area scapula here[Music]lifting the bone slow[Music]and the ball just leaves clean againokay that’s the bone you can use forsoup stop so good okay so now I have thebonus pork but we’re gonna cut it intostrips going this way so if you’relooking at the pork cut this way I’mgonna make some parallel cuts so aboutmaybe an inch inch and a quarter I’mgonna get four pieces from this piecehere cut it right down the middle first[Music]just to be clear the bone was stickingout on the back here right and then thepectoralis profunda is right here moneymuscle so we’re cutting kind oflengthwise on the port side so you seemany of my pork butt videos where Iexplain the article competition porkbutt and pectoris profunda is the musclethat we usually turn in for competitionsand show you here so this is the factorystore fun day right here okay so thispiece here a piece here we make a fourpieces from this eight combat and youcan buy bonus but if you don’t want tohave to deal with this you know seegetting it so here’s one good piece tothe floor beautiful pieces here trimthis one a little bit and this one forsoup stock okay so one two three fourgonna soak in the marinate and let meget happy before we cook it put a coupleof pieces into the twelve ingredientversion here you can poke holes also inthe pork but if you want also it’s anoptional step alright wait in the poolsame on this one here with the threeingredient Walmart with the greatcoloring also very good recipe supersimple also you don’t want to go to toomuch trouble this also works and be veryvery careful once you have the redcoloring it stains every day so regularsif you need to because it’s gonna makeone hell of a mess in the kitchen andwhatever you do do not drop it on thefloor and don’t ask me how I knowyes once you get on floor it’s obviouslypossible to get it off all right let memarry it and want to slip it twice I’mgonna make some steamed jasmine rice togo with the Chinese barbecue pork orchashu I just want to show you guys alittle tip in most Asian home.they weuse a rice cooker to cook rice and Ijust finished washing the rice andrinsed it a couple of times so I can geta starch out the Chinese style ofcooking rice is really do not have anystarchy type arises why jasmine rice ispopular in the Japanese tradition theylike kind of a short grain sticky kindof rice and in talents like a like arisotto kind of short grain rice thatthey preserve the starch to make therice stick together but in Chinesecuisine I just want to point out whatdoes you following me is you really needto clean the rice so that the individualgrains are all separated and we aregonna be using a long way in jasminerice there’s a big tip that I can showyou guys a little trick when you measurethe amount of water and the rice youtypically want to have about a two toone ratio so two parts of water twowipeouts rights the way you want to dothat is you take your finger and you dipthis finger in like that you put onefinger where the rice level is so youtouch the rice level you put a secondfinger where the water level is you liftit up and then you look at your hand ifyou have a equidistance right betweenthe two like so here versus here thenyou know that you have two parts ofwater to one part of rice so this is thetechnique which we use let me repeat itshow you what do you want more timebecause a lot of people don’t know thisbut in every age and household we allknow this but it’s not common commonknowledge so you take the kind of middlefinger here you stick in the rice so youwill put your finger to touch the bottomrice you put your thumb where the waterlevel is you lift it up and even abouthalf and half you have the right amountof water rights level here water levelhere so the water level is 2 to 1 that’show you get perfectly cooked steamedrice before you can rice cooker so justa little tip thought I pass it on to youguys because most Asian people know howto do that but in case you can neverlearn this is a rice cookersuper simple plug it in and just turn iton so and press the button and you’reready to go for most Asian householdsthis is the brand we buy is called asYoshi this my rice cooker must be atleast about 15-20 years oldthese last forever they cost a littlebit of money maybe about $20 or so butbuy a good one buy a big one and you’reready to go this will last you you knowa couple of decades and bestow you pressit down one button and it’s ready tocook all set to go we have one gonnahave wonderful jasmine rice in about10-15 minutes our we have our coalsready to go[Music][Music][Music][Music]the barrel is coming up to temp let’sput the minion[Music][Music]we’re gonna make the barbecue porkglazed cashew glaze which is acombination of a little bit of shoutingwine a little bit of maltose which iskinda girl candythe way you want to use this is you wantto want me to microwave so that it comesa bit software everybody kind ofrock-hard microwave in 20 secondincrements soft okay it’s got a liquidform like this put some of that liquidgold in a saucepan probably maybe aboutmaybe a half the quarter cup just enoughto make a glaze a bit honeySophia cooking wine cha-ching winenice sticky glaze the British color topay this on the chashu the nicebeautiful British Sheen characteristicof the barbecue pork that you seehanging in the Chinese deli togetherwith the Peking Duck also roast porkI’ll eventually get around to makingshow you guys how to make a crispy skinroast pork there is a companion to thebarbecue pork is running I lost you man[Music][Music]looking absolutely gorgeous and you cansee that the one with the dye has anicer red color about this one which isthe 2000 euro recipe inspired recipe[Music]so the one on the right is the onethat’s done with three ingredients theone on the left is the 12 ingredientcharge shoe or Chinese barbecue pork andI have to admit the three ingredient oneI think it looks prettier the red dyereally helps give it a nice color thisone’s pretty good too but I would givethe edge on the color to the 100 rightI’m not sure if my camera is giving youa good color but I think appearance wisethe one on the right looks better sothat’s just my opinion let’s move on tothe taste test to see which one tastesbetterso before we eat let me just recap whatwe did we did two recipes today oneusing a recipe who’s back 2,000 years onusing about 12 ingredients reallyauthentic Cantonese style on this one Idid the quick Walmart recipe with justthree ingredients which was the honey alittle bit of red food coloring andhoney since sauce this one had a lot ofingredients the final appearance that wedid was that I think this looks betterthe the rate dye or a food coloring doeshelp this one looks more natural solet’s just take a bite from each one andgive you guys in okay opinion on theTaste followed by the tenderness wetried this one first a good one it’s athree ingredient Walmart version of theChinese barbecue pork very good just alight hint of smoke saltiness is aboutright a nice sweet glaze on the topoverall really really good homemadebarbecue pork or charge you need thisone here now is one of the twelve theingredient recipe a nice moist one sothere was a little bit of a smoke ringthis one has a much more complex flavorand you can taste the layers and layersof these fragrant ingredients that havecome to meld together it is a little bitof the five-spice which has hints ofcoriander hints of Chinese hints ofcinnamon a bit of a garlicky sitegingerthe taste also has that kind of asweetness from the I guess the luminousof the fermented tofu there’s two kindsof amended tofu in here one was noise inthe other one was from the red what hecalled the rate yeast rice groundmissile of fermented tofu very very goodflavor much more complex than this oneyou viably describe the flavor thiswould be like a I guess like a tuxedothis would be kind of a jeans and a tanktop that’s kind of how the flavor isthis one is really much more tender morecomplex flavor very enjoyable charge youand this would really serve you well ifyou could make it you’re following thisrecipethis version is kind of like jeans andt-shirt version with just threeingredients from Walmart I have to sayyou know it’s quite impressive let me doanother bike second second go around andget a finalized my impressions which areglistening all over all right eating asecond round confirmed my kind offindings this is like the tuxedo veryclass the evening gown version this ismore jeans and shorts and t-shirtversion both are very good if you wantto try this recipe at home it is just asimple recipe with just threeingredients and this is a complex onewith 12 ingredients so I know the $50question is Harry given the amount ofwork but you have to go through to dothe traditional recipe compared to thesimple one my recipe how would thisgreat so if I had the judges if this wasa scale of one to ten ten beingexcellent this would rank a ten this isactually not far behind you know I haveto say that this will reach about Idon’t know maybe 60 65 percent of thisso I would say this would be like aseven this is a ten so both are verygood eating if you don’t eat in side byside is really hard to tell once you putthis on top of rice put it on top ofnoodles put it on top of your one canit’s gonna be kind of hard to tell bothlook absolutely fantastic this one justthe flavor is just very complex verydeep very exotic and this one is stillvery good eatingit tastes just like chashu so I hope youliked this episode I’m gonna go plate upmy dish now so that you look good forthe final money shot and then I willmake sure mr. Bean’s has been jumping onmy chair give him a little bit of bothand see what my barbeque judge dog wouldlike best okay means you’re ready for totry that’s the 12 ingredient one beansand that is the three ingredient allright all rightgo ahead go he’s sniffing it Wow see hisdog knows what to do he went straightfor the complex 12 ingredient barbecuepork now he’s feeling his way he’stasting the other one and he’s sayingwhere is my brisket[Music]it’s the final meal prep I’ve put itinto microwavable containers you can seeher beautiful char that the maxbriquette charcoal works really wellfrom jealous devil the beautiful colorand smoke ring comes from the briquetteis made of a Paraguayan X wood and it’svery similar to the cello stablecharcoal except this one is a compressedinto briquettes absolutely gorgeous meathere super easy to use I found that itwas very hot it burned up to a thousanddegrees support for a long long time soit’s really really a wonderful charcoalyou want to try that as a briquette giveit a shot and let me know what you guysthink and leave it in the commentsection below if you have what you havea chance to try the max jealous table[Applause][Music]you

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