Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hi this is Ron Erickson at the YankeeHill Winery cooking school today we aregoing to be making a barbecue sauce fora chicken and this is one that I havebeen using for probably 50 years and itjust makes the chicken turn out justwonderful so if you barbecue a lot ofchicken this is the recipe for you okaywe are going to make up our barbecuesauce for chicken and to do that I’mgoing to take half a cube of butter andwe want that to melt a little bit soI’ll turn the stove on and then to thatwe’re going to add just a little bit ofpepper and then we want some lemon juiceand so here just kind of squeeze this inhereand we want about Oh quarter of a cup sothat looks like about it and then let’sjust get these seeds out of here therewe gookay we have the seeds out of there andnext we want to add some ketchup and sowe have the acid from the lemons that isreally going to perk this up and youcould add a little bit of sugar to ittoo if you want a little sweet and sourwe’re just going to mix this togetherand then this we would want to base thechicken with several times while it’sroastingand so that’s it we just melt everythingdown and we can taste it see if it needsa little foam pepper I think it’sperfect just the way it is the lemonjust really perks it up so then we canjust put it in a bowl or leave it in thepot and then take it out and use it tobrush on the chicken and so there we gowonderful I think I’m going to give justa shot of Tabasco to it just to kind ofspice it up a little bit just stir thatin then I’ll take another taste mmmperfect so this is a great barbecuesauce for chicken and you just baste iton you can probably based it on threetimes while you’re roasting the chickenthe chicken should take an hour and thenthat would be it so this is Ron Ericksonat the Yankee Hill Winery cooking schoolthanks for watching