Our BBQ sauce recipe, and how to make homemade barbecue sauce.
Ingredients Used For This Recipe
Crushed Roma And Cherry Tomatoes
Brown Sugar
Maple Syrup
All Natural Honey
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dry Rub Mix
Cayenne Pepper
Chipotle Powder
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Black Pepper
Crushed Red Pepper
White Sugar
Smoked Paprika
This combined to a sweet and savory Kansas City or Memphis style southern BBQ style sauce, with just a kick of spicy heat. Would be great for your next backyard BBQ with friends.
Music provided by: Audionautix
Song: Turn Up The Watts (TurnUpTheWatts)
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to the channel ifyou guys will hang around until afterthe break I’ll show you what happenswhen Tina goes to bed and leaves mealone in the kitchen[Applause][Music]alright guys like I said the weather hasturned off a little bit cooler and we’vegot a got a load of tomatoes that havecome in they’re gonna be about our lastload to come in that means it’s time tomake barbecue sauce now I’m gonna I’mgonna recruit Tina she’s been workinghard she got all these Tomatoes pick forme but I’m gonna recruiter she’s gonnahelp me get them chopped up and we’llrun them through our tomato press andget them crushed but uh then she’sheaded to bed I’m gonna be on my ownwe’re gonna figure out whether I canremember how to cook and better stillwe’ll figure out if I could remember howto can cuz I will get in here and we’llsee if we can’t make some good oldbarbecue sauce and see if I can wreckthe kitchen with a pressure canner sowe’re gonna head inside I’ll show youhow I make barbecue sauce and we’ll justfollow along through the footage I gotso we’ll be back at the end to talk toyou hang on one second all right guyswe’re getting ready to start this makingthis barbecue sauce we’ve got all thesetomatoes in here get three big racksthere get three big racks there but it’sgonna be about our last tomato pickingfor the year we pulled out a bunch ofdifferent ingredients we’re going to beworking from a from a basic recipe butwe’re not gonna have a specific recipebecause we don’t know exactly how manytomatoes we have once they get brokedown and once we get them to sauce so weneed to get these cut down so we can getthem through the processor so that’sgonna be the first step we got a couplecutting stations set up and Tina and Iare going to get these cut down and thenwe’ll get them run through the runthrough the press all right guys we gotthese Tomatoes broke down and we’ve gotthem here in these pans we ended up withOhtwo and a half big pins that’s a bigstockpot there it’s full that’s our bigthing you seen let’s make jelly in butwe’ve got about two and a half big panswe’re getting set up here we’re going toget the tomatoes squisher out of herebut plus I got some of the tomato seedsfrom the chopping process we’ve gotthose set up to ferment there if any ofyou are interested in tomato seedsaren’t you leave it down in the commentsand we’ll see about getting Sun packagedup maybe we’ll put them in the Etsystorebut leave us a comment there mix seedsyou’re going to get a mix of all kindsof tomatoes but they’re the ones that weuse for our sauce over the years we’rejust kind of collected them and no realable to tell you other than theirindeterminate most of them are Roma typehave a few rounds and a few cherries butthey all mix together to make a reallygood sauce what we use every year so ifyou’re interested in seeds let us knowdown in the comments that give us anidea how many to put in that C storealright guys we’re just breaking out thetomato juicer or Smasher crushes themdown into sauce pretty good that Tina’sthe getting it set up I’ll set it on topof one roasting pan and we’ll let itfeed into another one but it won’t thinkas long we don’t have but about thesethree pans to crush up so probably won’tfilm a whole lot of that process youguys have seen that if you want to seehow that tomato press works it has itsown video just go back in our cookingcooking playlist or something you cancheck that out but we’ll go ahead andget this thing set up we’ll get theseTomatoes crushed up and I’ll show youonce we get them to the pan here okayeyed everybody and I’m sure they’re theywon’t know what slippers you got ontoday so sharks you wearing slipperslook like they eat your legs but allright we’ll get this thing set up we’llget these Tomatoes smash them will bringyou back show you what we’re doingalright guys we’ve got everything brokedown from the sauce in practice orprocess and got the sauce over here inthe pan thankfully we just had the onepan but it’s a big water bath cannerfull of sauce the normally we have fiveor six pans we have to try to boil itdown and get into this one so we’regoing to go ahead and reduce thisprobably at least by half that’s goingto take a little while we’re gonna do itover just a just a medium to low mediumheat and we’ll get that up totemperature we don’t want to burn it thewater bath canner is a real thin bottleminute so don’t want to burn it on thebottom but we’re just going to get itwarmed up real good and we’ll get it toa boil for a little bit we’ll reduce itsome and then we’ll bring you back andshow you what we’re doing next all rightguys go jump back in hereone thing we can do with all barbecuesauces because they all have somethingin common which is apple cider vinegarwe need to add acidity to the tomatoesand we have to sweep them with eithermolasses or brown sugar and if you don’tknow brown sugar is just white sugarwith molasses on it so not a bigdifference there but what we’re going todo is we’re going to add these two cupsof apple cider vinegar we’ll add thisthis is a 32 ounce bag of dark brownsugar and we’re going to add this 12ounce bottle of Grandma’s molasses sowe’re going to throw those in therethat’ll help us decide how far to boilthis down we can add the ingredients andthen just boil down till it tastes rightso guys we’re all just going to kind ofwing this it’s a big pot there’s no wayto make a recipe for this big a batch soas we’re just going to go we’re going toget these in here because we know that’sat least got to go in there we have someother ingredients to go in later thatwe’ll add in to taste as we get a littlecloser but these need to go in so wellmight as well go ahead and get thoseincorporated now all right guys we’vehad this cooking a little bit and as youcan see it’s starting to take on thatlittle bit darker color or barbecuesauce not quite so red tomatoey butit’ll continue to change colors and getdarker and darker but we’re going tostay on the sweet side of things sowe’re getting ready to add our nextingredient and that is going to be 32ounces of honey and 12 and a half ouncesof maple syrup so we’re going tocontinue to sweeten this and adddifferent flavor of profiles to it butthat’s going to be our next step we’regoing to add the have the maple syrup inthe honey to the to the barbecue saucehere and we’ll bring you back in alittle bit so keep an eye on the timehere – this is going to be anall-nighter we’re at 11:47 right nowwe’re go ahead and get these get thesein here we’re going to mix that andwe’ll bring you back home get ready todo the next step all right guys we’restill doing good on the boiling processwe’ve added a lot of things to us I knowit doesn’t look like the levels goingdown but we’ve added a lotthings to it and we keep boiling it downand it’s staying about the same level asit was when you originally saw it soit’ll keep continuing to boil down butit’s time to start working on the savoryside of our sauce we’ve got a got alittle bit of ketchup we’re gonna addabout a cup of ketchup we’re going toadd about half a cup of yellow mustardwe’re going to add about a quarter of acup of Worcestershire sauce and we’regonna add a large tablespoon of liquidsmoke so we’re just starting on thesavory side of it we want to give it alittle bit of grind it out a little bitwe got plenty of sweet going on in therebut now it’s time to give it someregular flavors we want to light up asmuch of the tongue as possibleso we’re gonna go ahead like I saidwe’ll get these ingredients in herewe’ll bring you back when we move on tothe next stepall right guys we’re still rolling alonghere it’s now about one in the morningwe’re still working on the savory sideof things so next things to go in we’regonna put in about a tablespoon of eachwe’re get some Weber dry rub there we’vegot some cayenne pepper we got someChipotle some paprika some garlic andsome onion so we’re going to start outwith about a full tablespoon of each andthen we’ll bring you back if we need tomake any further adjustments I have afeeling we’re going to put in a littleextra garlic and onion bottom that’swhat we’re gonna add to continue downthe savory road and we’ll just bring youback when we get a little bit closeralrighty guys we’ve shut the heat off onthe barbecue sauce as you can see it’staken on that darker brownish red colorthat’s what we wanted to see in ourbarbecue sauce it tastes fantastic it’sgot a little sweet a little heat and alittle savory so it is 6:14 in themorning it is time we’re gonna pull thisoff the heat and get the canning it soI’ll bring you back and show you thatprocess here a little bit all right guyswe’re set up for canning here and sinceI’m working by myself I’m just going totell you thatand I can almost exactly the same okayit leads back here in some hot waterwe’re going to fill these up to aboutone inch of head space and we’ll carrythem on over here and put them in the inthe what are the pressure canner so guyshave been up all night you just got toget these canned up I’ll bring you backwhen I got this can of full let’s see itis 623 in the morning so I’m gonna getrolling on this stuff and like I saidI’ll bring you back and show you whenthe counter is full all right guys wegot our 18 canned up here got two layersin the cannerwe got a little bit left over so we’regonna go ahead and get these running andthen we’ll probably come back and run asecond batch it’ll be small but we’llhold that batch off and make sure thatall of these seal first so any thatdon’t seal can get run with the secondmatch but that’s where we’re at so farbring you back here in just a little bitalright guys we got this first load outof the canner that’s the first 18 didyou see it continue to darken up whileit’s in the Kanner’s took on a reallyreally nice color hope you can see thatbut really really nice color you canhear I’m pinging there in the backgroundbut we’ll go ahead we’ve started thesecond load we’ll get those done we’llget a mountain we’ll see what we’ve gotfor a final product but that’s howthey’re looking so faralright guys bring in for one last lookat the barbecue sauce here see if we getup close and get some of that good colorbut it passed team has taste testinspection this morning we ended up withtwenty three pints and that’ll last usquite a while it’s a little about a jarof paint so guys we got a lot of reallygood barbecue sauce we’re glad to haveit I’ll bring you back in just a secondand wish you wellalright guys that’s about gonna wrap itup for the video really happy with howthe sauce turned out tina woke up thismorning in between the first and secondloads so we were able to pop one openand i’m happy to report that it passedtaste testing so guys we are reallyhappy with it the color turned out greatit’s a really sweet kind of spicy andpretty savory in the middleso we didn’t talk a whole lot about thespice I did put some cayenne and someChipotle in there and a little bit ofcrushed red pepper and we blended thosein really well with the immersionblender so we got a nice smooth thingdoesn’t look like there’s a bunch ofchunks or seeds or anything in there theimmersion blender does a pretty good jobwith itand we used it several times through thecook down process that also helps youcome out with a really smooth creamysauce guys we’re we’re just we’re allhappy with the barbecue sauce you’ll seeus using it in some of our cookingvideos along the way and I’ll probablybreak it out when we get the barbecueset up so just look forward to that guysif you like the video we hope you’llgive it a thumbs up and leave us acomment down below tell us what youthought of it or what you might have putin it differently but if you like thecontent here on the channel we hopeyou’ll subscribe down next to thesubscribe button as a bell few guys willhit that Bell that’ll send you anotification whenever we release a newvideo that’s a great way to keep up withthe channel guys so we really appreciatehaving you guys here and you guysspending your time with us but I’mgetting ready to go to bed it’s been along long night and we’ll just catch inthe next one[Music]